Taoist Law

Chapter 153 Emergency

Zhu Xiang saw a serious staring at Zhu Long, asking: "Can you determine that Zhao is rescued? In addition to him, who? Li Dadei participated?"

Zhu Long said: "Message of the micro-eyes, when he was searching the relics at the fight, the micro-ministers saw a lot of silver tickets, but unfortunately, the nine-palace mi has been invalid, otherwise you can master his whereabouts ... As for assistance, it is definitely there, with himself, there is no saving Gu Kechuan. In fact, as long as I think, I don't know if there is Luo Qingqing, I am waiting for the Plth, this is not good. But in my thoughts, Liyuan should have nothing to do with this. "

Zhu Xiang asked: "How did Zhao Ziran and Gu can learn?"

Zhu Long shook his head: "This is not known, but it also shows that the decision of the ability to learn before, it is implied."

Zhu Xiang saw silence and staying, said: "Dispasses people's hand, explore the moon and Xuan Tang, and find ways to find Gu Academy!"

Zhu Long should take a way: "Yes. Zhao Ziran ..."

"I have solved it early, I have been dragging it to now ... but I still have to remember, it is not too bright, at least on the surface."

After Zhu Long left, Zhu Xian saw a pen on the table ink paper. The jade is all swept away from the ground, and she took a deep breath, played two flying characters, and the Lingji Palace Blue Road and Xieling Palace Dragonfly Skeleton.

These three are the palace of the top three palace, which is a big refining teacher, and the palm of the palm is the top of the three palace. It is affected by Yuanfu Palace, but in key big things. Only Zhu first saw the horse's head is looking for.

Seeing the face, Zhu Xiang did not conceal it, and he took place to say it over again. Duan Duan is clear, and human hand is that he disputed, and now it is still injured in the Temple Palace. The blue road is somewhat surprised, and the big mouth is not closed for a long time.

Zhu Xianwei said: "The matter has come here, there is no longer thinking about it, but at this moment, we have no good fortune. Let's go on the three palace to work well. I am worried, Zhao Zhaoran will send Gu Ke learning Two pavilions, if the same is true, the two poins will once again searched the three palaces, and this time, Chen Tianshi is afraid that it is not good to stop, it is your disaster! "

Duan Dynasty used: "If Chen Tiansheng really doesn't care, we will push things to the emperor's head. When they shoot two scattered, see Chen Tianshi does not come out!"

The blue road woke up from the shocked, and thoughtfully shook his head: "This is not a way, who is clear, when Chen Tianshi is in the emperor, or keep me, I feel that I feel that I will wait for me to wait for me. Monk. The possibility is not big. "

Zhu Xiangnou nodded: "The Blue Master This is the same,

Taoist is now relying on the emperor, and it is necessary to take the three-palace top pot. You can also become a villain with the emperor, and you can find it. Rational? "

I want to go, the three opinions are aggravating, and I feel that this time I am probably being thrown out of the Yuanfu Palace.

So how should I deal with this crisis? Zhu Xiang saw two, one, it is to find Gu Academy in the mouth as soon as possible, and can handle it to Zhao Zhaoran, and of course, it is also a good choice; Never take the handle by two poces!

When I said this, the blue road has some buried sections: "Duan Shi, if you have a short of the show, where is this panic today?"

Duan Duan used to definitely: "Say that the day is good, first solve the show of the provinces, then it is Beijing. The show of my Xingling Palace is also ready to close before May. In fact, I have already done it, who will be advanced. One month ... "

Zhu Xiang saw the hand stop: "Okay, the blue master, the teacher, don't quarrel for this, strive to be useless, two days, close the show of the Xintong Palace, I don't care how you can dispose, in short, you must not Leave traces, including family! Also, I will wait for the palace together now, go see the emperor. "

Nowadays, when the night is ugly, the palace door has been closed, but Qi Wang wants to enter the palace, from the unreasonable, and will not be a ban on the night.

Zhu Xiang saw, blue road, Duan Dynasty used three people to go to Donghua Gate, to the city, the battle of the five military board, the handless I didn't dare to neglect, hurried down the city to report the general command, the time has already In the company, I slept in the room, I was so bad that I was called by the sergeant. I woke up at the head of the city. I woke up halfway.

Can do the position of the total command of the palace city, this is the cultivation of the rumors and the cultivation of the people, and seeing the Qi gate is Qi Wang His, and now I will open the door.

From Donghua Gate, the Hall Hall, before the left door, the front right door, and in the west. On the road, Zhu Xiang saw the flying value of the flying sweater, and the left corner of Chen Yu, asked what others were.

Today is Chen Yu to lay a big domestic defense. This person is a monk from the three palace. The authentic Zhu Xiang see the gornes in the door, and it has been repaired by the Dafa, and the specialist protection is large. After receiving the fly, I immediately came to see the north to meet, one side sent people to the emperor, and I got Zhu Xiang into Xiyuan.

Monochunteer's high supervision Chen Hong is in the external value of Xiyuan, welcoming it: "Xiaoshen saw Qi Qi."

Zhu Xiangshou asked: "Is it still asleep?"

Chen Hongdao: "The admission has already told it, and you just have finished cultivating, it is dressing, please Wang Ye and the Blue Academy make it this time."

Zhu Xiang saw three people, waiting here.

The blue road will ask Chen Hong: "Is your Majesty?"

Chen Hongdao: "Yes, today is Yang, two two sorrows are often served."

The blue road wrinkled frown: "Is Yang Jinying? Yes is really ... old love ..."

Duan Dynasty asked the blue road: "What's wrong? Is there anything wrong?"

Blue Road Walking: "This Yang Jinying, I remember that it has been more than forty, and Suichuan medicine has been more than 30, and he is a taste."

Duan Dynasty used: "At this point, the blue master is not very clear."

Blue Road question: "Oh? What is it?"

Duan Duan uses a light smile: "Let's be sent to the palace, all of which are qualified, as long as you can't live in the first few years, not only will not be delivered, but also have a practice. Yang Jinying It has been reached the jade, Suichuan medicine is also the Taoist-seek. What is the big one, and the women repaired by the doubles. If you think about it, you can't say it. "

The show in Beijing is located in the Xingling Palace. It is also responsible to the palace to the Palace. The blue road is responsible. The blue road has a lot of questions. He is also practiced in practice. It is not very good to this. Heart, so he knows all, at this moment, this is said to be said, and it is also shaken a bit of thought.

PS: Yesterday, the gunman was defeated, and there seems to be a time. After this battle, I can only wish the Legend of the Legend, Mr. Kan and the gun fans have a happy holiday, and we are waiting for the opening of the next era.

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