Taoist Law

Chapter 154 Disposal

After explaining the "Wonderful place" of the blue road, Duan Dao is also said to: "In fact, it is true that the end is the end and Wang Ning, these two are all in the Huangshou, when it is a different number ... "

Blue Road question: "Isn't it against chase? Why can I get it?"

Duan Dynasty used: "So is a different number, send it to the palace to go, still there are still a few? You own an account."

Zhu Xian saw the head and glanced at them: "When this is a critical moment, I don't have a big event for this."

Duan Dynasty sighed: "The brother is relieved, I am not fainted, but I said two words with the Blue Shishi brother, the disposal will still be disposed of, never misunderstood."

Zhu Xian thought about it, adding: "The family has to dispose of it."

It is said that the corner door at the corner is opened, and several eunuchs play the lantern, escorting two women come out, these two people are evacuated, and the low head is far away, can't see it.

A small man came out to Chen Hong's whisper, Chen Hong bending: "Your Majesty, please see it."

The emperor sat above the cricket, the face is like gold paper, but the blood is high in the eyes, this is the double repair just ended, and the merits have not been completely calm. Symptoms.

After listening to Zhu Xiang, I didn't know what I was thinking about the consequences before I saw it.

Zhu Xiang saw continuously reminded him several times: "Your Majesty! Your Majesty! Your Majesty!"

The emperor came back to God, shake his head: "No! Will delay the repair, you can do it outside, the show in the palace ... In short, no one will come to the palace to check No, even if you can check, how can you have a few? "

Zhu Xianwei said: "Your Majesty, the problem is that the law of the reverse of the white and leads is not allowed. If you know the outside, how is your Majesty?"

The emperor is a bit anxious: "How do you know the outside?"

Zhu Xian saw: "Her Majesty has forgotten, the Empress Pavilion and Sanqing Court are prepared to strive to strive to be the three palaces? Gu Keecai fell to the two counters, they will not enter the palace search Once entering the palace, will not ask a dry show, Wang Ning, etc., will be asked? Your Majesty can guarantee that these show women will be in the mouth? "

The emperor thought about it, said: "The end and Wang Ning will not say it, they are loyal to ... ..."

Blue Road and Duan Dynasty with face each other,

The two shook their heads, and they did not dare to find the views of this emperor.

Zhu Xiang saw continued to persuade: "Even if the end and Wang Ning is loyal to your honest, the rest is definitely loyal to your people?"

Tianzi said: "Are their family not all in the three palaces? They dare to say?"

Zhu Xianwei said: "Your Majesty, because of this, I am afraid that they say."


Zhu Xiang saw the view of the sect, the Duan Dynasty smiled in the sky: "Your Majesty, those families are disposed."

"Disposal? How to dispose?"

"Well, it is dead."

The emperor is shocked, looking at the three major pavilions in front of you, for a long time.

Inner Ting Xiyuan is located in the northeast corner of the Guardian Luta, and the Yulin, the front guards in the north side of Miya, in the middle, before the West Dushroom and the Royal Garden, the back side is the spring and the temple.

The Spring and Temples are not a regulated huge palace, but a group of biased halls scattered in the garden forest, saying that it is a temple, but it is almost a large and small room. Here is the place where the show women live in, and they are also hidden in the palace.

Chen Hong was in the bed of one of the rooms. He looked at the rhodododendron on the head of the window, and then climbed up the trousers - the sky was bright, did not dare to delay.

The Suichuan medicine lying on me is lazy to see him packing up the clothes, and hand in a box from the pillow.

"In a few days, it was my father's fifty birthday. This is a little bit of my heart, help me bring it."

Chen Hong took the box, stuffed into the pole, looked at the Suichuan medicine on the bed, got out of the god.

As a slate, he entered the palace in eight years old, from untrue an experience of people, until ten years ago, he got into the inner city, and became a little inner inside the inner fortune.

That year, Suichuan medicine, I promised, I took the initiative to touch his bed, let him experience the best of life, taste other tastes that other people never expected, and the requirements of the other party are also very simple, only It is asked him to help, take care of the family that has been strictly imprisoned in the palace outside the palace.

So Chen Hong promised, this photo is ten years, until three days ago. Yesterday half night, he didn't care about the danger of sneaking into the spring and touched the wedding room of Suichuan. It was even more daring to the early morning.

Chen Hong knew that this was the last time I saw Suichuan medicine. He worked hard to accompany him ten years, brought him an infinite joyful woman in his heart, but the face in front of him, but it seems to be more and more far away. It is getting more and more blurred.

Chen Hong was got the head, and wanted to clear the things in his eyes, but it didn't get rid of it.

Su Chuan's pills asked: "What happened?"

Chen Hongli smiled: "You look very well."

Suichuan is white, he got up, got up, squatted in the bed, tidy his clothes, took it to the bed, and smashed: "Don't forget."


"My father's life!"


Chen Hong came to the door, carefully pushed the door, suddenly, tears could not stand it so.

After standing at the door, he took a deep breath and willed his door. He woked in Suichuan. He hugged her, whispered in her ear: "Go, don't stay in the palace, Go today! "

Suichuan's medicine was , pushed him to the front: "What do you mean?"

Chen Hong Eye is red, whispered: "Don't ask more, don't tell others, don't you say that you get to Yushi? Find a chance, you must escape out is not difficult, go, go, go, Don't come back again. "

"To dispose of us?"



"The law of your Majesty, for the world, you are going to be out of mouth."

Suichuan's paint is colorful, I think it is busy: "What about my parents? My family?"

Chen Hong gn his teeth, Su Chuan's medicine was half-hierarchical, and he was able to cover his mouth on the bed, and his hands were stunned, and it was desperate to cry, and the whole body kept twitching.

Chen Hong is very anxious, seeing the sky is bright, I have to hurry, I will leave again before leaving: "I don't know where to dispose of you, but I will not be more than three five days, so you must escape today. After you go out, don't want it easy Come back! If you still read me, go to Jiangpu. I bought a Tianzhuang under Shiling. You can find a housekeeper Chen Da, saying is my Yuanfang relatives, and Chen Conghui resets you. Three months, This is to calm down, I will try to see you in the past, remember it? "

Suichuan is still crying in bed, Chen Hongxiang, pull her up, drink: "Is it clear?"

Suichuan is crying to say that you can't come out, you nodded with your face. Chen Hong was soothing, hurrying out.

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