Taoist Law

Chapter 155 Yang Jinying and Suichuan

Doubleful with the sky in the middle of the night, Yang Jinying is exhausted, returning to his own room, I slept for a long time, was awakened by a nightmare, wake up and jumped to jump, I can't re-sleep, so I sat. Guard to dawn.

Skelled is washed, and I went half an hour on the stone pier in front of the room, and the spirit of the spirit has improved.

Return back to pack the room, open the box, take out a silverpu, tilted in the palm of the palm to look for a long time, grow a breath, and then put it back.

Then pick up a letter, one is finished, these are all books, it is supported by her for more than 20 years, and I have to go out every day, there is no one in this month. She will die.

Suddenly I saw a thin red rope, I can't help but smile, I walked in a hurry last night, and I took a wrong with Suichuan, so I got up and went to Suichuan's daughter, ready to change my own.

She is Yue Shiyou for many years, earmodes, I heard the crying of Suchuan's suppression in the door. For so many years, some sisters have sneaked every few days, this is nothing, even Yang Jinying himself, I have been in the palace, and I still have tears every time I go to the festive season.

After waiting for a while, Yang Jinying listened to Suichuan's medicine without crying, so he sighed and decided to go in comfort.

Pushing the door, the Suichuan medicine that is crying suddenly got up, sadness is scared to reduce, and finally stop crying.

In numerous women, Yang Jinying and the Suchuan Pharmacy have the same sister, the relationship is closest, see Yang Jinying, Suichuan Pharmaceutical can't help it, telling things over again.

After listening, Yang Jinying did not cry, just nodded, cold, cold, slowly: "No wonder. Your Majesty last night, I saw Zhu Xiang, blue road and Duan Duan, they used three nights to enter the palace, What is going on, it is actually for this. "

Then I can't smash: "I can't sleep after it is back, my heart is feeling."

Suchuan Pharmacy: "Yang Sister, let's go together, Chen Hong said that today must go, or all have to die."

Yang Jinying asked: "How to get?"

Suchuan Pharmacies: "The sergeant of the palace is so stupid, can't see us, even if you see it, you can also dizzy them. Well, we can go to the sergeants of the guards, change them. Clothes ... um, not proper, movement seems too big, right, is not as good as we dizzy, put it on their clothes ... "

But listened to Yang Jinying Road: "Su Sister,

Our family is dead, after going out, who is also seen? "

In a word, I took the tears of Suichuan medicine down, and I turned down.

Yang Jinying reached out to wipe her tears for her, said, "My sister, I don't go, I want to revenge, do you want?"


"Yes, there is still five people in my family, it should be dead, Su Sister, what about your home?"

"Three, father, mother, there is a brother ..."

"So many relatives are dead, Su Si don't really want to leave?"

"Revenation? ... how to report?"

"Let's go to the sisters."

The show of the gods is headed by the end and Wang Ning, and the two people have a sea, and the other has a title, but in fact, the end has moved out of the court, and lived in Qikun Palace. Instead, Wang Ning is still in the court, "all the tutors" all the show.

In the eyes of the shadow, the end and Wang Ning have long been with them. Therefore, only 16 beautiful women gathered together.

In fact, I heard that the emperor is about to dispose of the court show, but more than Suichuan medicine, the other is also the channel of Guan Mei Xiu, I heard this matter, I also confirm this, and the girls cry.

Yang Jinying said: "I have the longest year in my sisters. I have been in the palace since more than 20 years ago, I saw it in my own eyes, I can't take two hundred people. More than 200 sisters, now only Let's live, my eyes look at many people, I will die in my hand, but everyone will not resist, all of them, why? Just because the family we worry is suffering outside, we only have to fight I have been tired to them. But now, our parents, brothers, and sisters are dead, he is going to dispose of us, we have lived for more than 20 years, what is it for him? His double repair? "

The public showed the color of hate, and said Qi Sheng: "What is the idea of ​​Yang's sister, take it out!"

Yang Jinying said: "My idea is very simple, let's revenge for your loved ones, kill this dog emperor, kill him, let's escape, you can escape, you can't escape, it is also worth it!"


Zhao Ran looked at the Li Da Yin around, Li Da Yin rogue was high as high as a high head, and it took advantage of a fierry murder. I couldn't help but touch my nose: "Is it too big?"

Li Da Yin smiled: "He really thought that he was a prince to do what to do? I have to do things according to the rules. What do he know? Today, let him know what is the rule!"

Liang Youyi carefully said: "The rumor said that Your Majesty has planned to be a prince ..."

Li Dayin didn't have a brief: "Is this not there is nothing to be a prince? Lao Liang, are you afraid?"

Liang You did not dare to answer. He is really afraid, not only he is afraid, the government is also afraid, today I heard that I have to check the copy of the gambling work, Wang Zongyi does not dare to show.

Zhao Ran also expressed her understanding, let Wang Zongjan's help, with the face of sweeping the scene, or let him cry, Wang Zongyi may not be timid, but the front is hard, Wangfu Yin , Just say that the body does not try, push the unlucky Liang You.

Zhao Ran put his hand: "Forget it, the old beams you don't go, look at the mystery."

Liang You is like a Daddy, and I smiled: "This ... will it be not very suitable?"

Zhao Rong said: "It is also very important to guard the Yutan Palace, the family is unstable, how can we rest assured in the outside? When Wang Fuzun is a crime, it is my order."

Liang Youyi is also grateful, to Zhao Ran's determination: "The abbot is wide, there is a law, there must be a gold soup!"

Lu Ziyu smiled and took the shoulders of Liangyou, did not speak, Li Da Yi despised: "It's just a golden soup, and you are at that interest!"

So the brigade opened the Xuanzhan Palace, Zhao Ran and Li Dajun took the lead, and he took the lead in the Qingliang Mountain.

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