Taoist Law

Chapter 156 Tongda Gambling

In order to shoot the order of the discharge of the ball, destroy the normal release of the lottery, poison the Tongda gambling song (Li Dajing), the dispatching people, including Zhao Ran, Li Da Yin, Luohuai, three big masters, , Peng Yunyi and other six Master Jin Dan Master, Qingyun Hall and Yuan Fuji's more than ten yellow crown, Xuan Tan Palace, Shangyuan County and Jiangning County Total Total Total Total 56 square temples inspected.

As for the army god, Huang Shanjun and other Junshan la demon, and the Linglu Yuyang, Niu Da, Duck Xiaoqi, Fox Xiaojiu, etc., Hongzhizi Ling Demon, all gathered in the moon, Zhao Ran I feel that I am too shocking in the city under the sun to pull into the city, and I have not brought them.

The reason why the reason is to be so strong, mainly because there is a monk sitting in the town, it is said that Jing Wang is dedicated to the Wangfu invited by heavy gold, there are several good hands, leading or refining, not to sweep, fundamental Can't get it.

The team sweeping the gambling is not a monk is the good hand of the square. It is extremely fast, and it will arrive at Tongda gambling.

Tongda gambling is a unmarked yard next to Qingliang Mountain. According to the gambler report, the amount of bet here is high, and sometimes the gambling capital of one day will reach more than 10,000, one year, the prosperity earned money I am afraid that it is not more than Zhao Ran and Li Da. Such a gambling is said that it is a Jingwang, even if it is open, Li Dawei has to be flat!

In order to sweep the gambling song, Li Daimi is in detail in nearly half a month. All the links developed throughout the preparatory process, only one of him and Zhao Ran, Peng Yunyi, and the high-rise organizing the organizing committee of the main match in advance. Fang Zhibao, and Wang Zongyi, Liang Youyi and others were told this morning, so it was very confidential and has strong suddenness.

At the place, I saw that Tongda gambling door opened, the gambler still in the past, Li Da hidden Zhao Ran smiled: "When you arrive at the extreme, when you really don't know the death!"

According to the prior arrangement, Peng Yunyi and Yan Zhongli collars, win the gambling front and rear door, Li Da hidden handwright, Lu Ziyu high: "Division of Division, everyone is not allowed to walk!" The brigade Into it.

Several gambling people watching the venter to guard, and I still want to stop, but I was taken by Lu Ziyu to command the square inspection of the Yuanyuan County, and the rest of the people still led the long drive, gambling. A chicken flying dog jumped.

The Jingwangfu, who took care of the gambling, was patrolled out by two square temples. The two arms were fell to the back, the body bow as prawn, but the mouth was broken, and it is nothing more than you are waiting, my family is It is a speech such as a good look.

Lu Zhun passed a big mouth, putting this Wangfu to your teeth, the whole cheek is swollen, this is only stopped, all the gamblers, watch, heterogeneous, etc. .


Lianjing Wangfu has a face with his face dare to get started, this helpful Taoist is too horrible!

Zhao Ran and Li Da Yin's attention were in front of the three monks, an old man, a Taoist and a scholar.

Li Da hookedly looking around the three people's hazags, and smiled: "The refineries of Xianyuan Pavilion? Jin Dan in the dragon hall? Hey ..." also pointed to the book: "You , Take the hand, don't block! "

The book was turned halfway behind him. It is necessary to put the clothes, and I have to let go of Li, I have to let go, I laugh.

When Li Da hooked, it was changing: "Chairman's Palace?"

The book is rushed to: "Liyuan makes the sin, Xiaosheng is invited by the owner of this man, only to help look at home care home, did not say clear, I don't know what to commit here, it is awkward!"

Li Dahhong said: "I have long known yourself to go to the three palaces, I don't want to have a disc game. Don't participate, you can be good, actually give such a gambling townhouse? I think you are always greasy! "

The book was boring. "Xiao Sheng really does not know that this gaming is actually set up to open the gambling market, and Xiao Sheng is the first of the month, Wang Liyuan makes the observation ..."

Li Da hiddenly: "Rolling one side, squatting on the wall, your business is looking back, if there are half a sentence, carefully your skin!"

"Yes ..." The book was ranked busy on the side of the wall, learning others, holding hands in the back of the back.

Li Da hidden the remaining old man and the Taoist referred to the wall: "You are two, you have to squat, see it is a practice, you will not tie you."

The old man is laughing: "Liyuan makes it, he has heard you, all said that you are arrogant, but the old man did not expect you to be arrogant! The shop of Jing Wang made a good, you actually check it, What is the dish of the game, the old man asks you, is there really a truth ... "

I am laughing, and a big sword of the door panel will take it to his head, and the old man has a lot: "Dare to attack, and let the old man will wait for a while!"

When it was late, it was fast, the old man flew out of a bright silver big knife, greeted the sword light, and there was a word in his mouth: "A big mage, actually dare to shoot to the old man, the old man leaves In the past 20 years, I don't know if the wind in the practice is so mad. "

The sword light and the silver knife are connected, a burst of knocking, Zhao Ran and Li Da Yin shot each other, playing a few salsa, separating the land of the fight, is free to invade and innocent.

After the knock, the flame dissipates, the old man's silver knife is rolled back, whichepes in his head, his feet stepped into the blue stone bricks in the middle of the blue stone bricks, but did not step on the stone brick, and cultivated, and fell It is blinking.

Li Daji must be praised: "Sure enough, you can't underestimate."

Zhao Ran's drums: "Not bad, today's battle, some look!"

Luo Huiqing's eyes are also bright. If you don't say it, the big sword of the doorboard has risen three times, and there is no skill content over. Zhao Ran shook his head: "Three brothers, can you change it?"

Luo Zhiqing: "Is this bad?"

In the eyes of Zhao Ran and Li Wei, Luo Ziqing as if it is a nail, and the old man in front of this refining man is filled into the ground. The old man has never taken the strength to counterattack, and the top and blue brick floor is flat. Qi, I can't climb again. Surprisingly, all his bricks beside him have broken, only sags.

Zhao Ran stretched out the thumb praise: "Forty-nine swords, old people are amazing! This battle, counting my three brothers!"

The old man is angry in the ground: "The loss is lost, winning is win, the old man is from ignored, how to dispose, just!"

Luo Zhiqing, holding his hands, ask: "Don't please ask the old senior name?"

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