Taoist Law

Chapter 157

Although Luo Liqing, Zhao Ran believes that this old man has the qualification of the report, but the old man does not think so, he feels that it is a monk who has not yet the baby, it is a shame, so I insisted that I didn't sign the name. Of course, it is impossible to come back in the trial session, he wants to hide it, it is impossible, but the old man is not to say, let Luo Ziqing are very regrettable.

The old man was finally excavated by the three-footed student, and then tied, and the other in this situation was directly admitted to this situation, and he went to the corner of the wall.

Under the point, we have won a large amount of silver tickets, gold and silver, copper money, pearl jade, with a total value of 2,000, and there are many words, practice materials, and even the law, etc. Thus, from the gambler, six, seven unexached monks, are small fish squids below the yellow crown.

In the search process, a large number of open evidence about the previous spring game, including hanging trays, bets, payment ratio formula, etc., which is equal to the staples of the board.

After a long time, all the goods were all inventory, and hundreds of people involved all, this is the initial hand.

Lu Zhun took out the previously written seal, put it on the main entrance and the back door, this yard is inseparable, and the seal will fall: Duo Division.

The brigade people just left Tongda gambling songs, and he hit a pair of Jinyiwei sergeants. He is a hundred households. This hundred households are called: "The front people live for grandfather! Running to the old man is welcome!"

Zhao Ran and Li Da hidden the team stopped, waiting for this team Jin Yiwei to get the near. That 100 households are still awkward: "Where there is a dead grandson, do not open, Tongda is dare to check ..."

On the other side, the hundred families came to face, the face became three changes, raised the whip and smoked a flat banner: "You are tidal, you want to die, you will die!"

Li Da hidden asked 10: "Are you Jinyiwei? What is it?"

That 100 homes have lost their smiles: "Hundreds of high-cost Jinyiwei Zhang Dabas, give the Liyuan to make an invitation, and the despicies have not been recognized, and the dog's eyes are gone."

Li Da Ying: "Are you coming over?"

Baixun said: "This ... um ......"

Li Da Yin is not born to listen to him explained, directly finger a gambling, said: "Zhang Baixun, since it is here, give you a difference."

"Liyuan makes it."

"My Duo Si Si Si Wu 13 will not be announced once.

The practice of the ball lottery will never allow private gambling to speculate on the practice ball competition. But the gambling oil salt does not enter, the defense of the Duching commander, the eyesight, the opening of the game, Today, the Duo Shi will seize it, please Zhang Baixian maintains it, if there is a lawless discipline, the shock is blocked, please Jin Yiwei to lock the case! "

Zhao Ran gave Lu Zhen Yu to take two 12th and three years old teenagers from the gambler, wearing a silk satin, and let's see which wealth of children. These two teenagers were taken out of the garment of Lu Zhun, and they immediately cried with the previous stop.

Zhao Ran added Li Da Yin to supplement: "Zhang Baixun recognizes the poor road?"

Zhang Baixun Hao waist: "Is Zhao Squash, which one does not know?"

Zhao Ran's heart: "Tongda gambling is in violation of the creation of civilized cities, let the gambling gambling under the age of sixteen, this is a scourge, the matter, the matter, long, long, I have long, my big next generation How to thrive? Zhang Baixun, you are a child, it is my big flower, so I entered the gambling song, how to sway the scull in the future ... "

Zhang Baixian did not stop nod: "Yes, Zhao Fang said that it is ..." The heart is dark, swaying a paddle, Zhao Fang wants to find a boatman?

Zhao Ran also said: "I also said that Li Deputy said, I tried the man's hand tense, so I would like to ask Zhang Baixian to look at it, so as not to be bored."

So everyone is separated, Li Da Yin and Zhao Ran bring people return to the Xuanzhan palace, and Zhang Baixun took his hand to the gambling door station.

Next to a total banner: "Hundreds, let's really give the Taoist station whistle?"

Zhang Baixun glanced at him: "You die! Of course it is a station whistle!"

That's the total flag: "Can ... how to explain thousands of households?"

Zhang Baixun twisted: "You know a fart! The brothers are the property of protecting the gambling work, to prevent the thief poured!"

Twenty Jin Yiwei to the seal, this street basically gave a livestock, and there was no such thing as a small rush to rush, and the protection capacity is first class.

After half an hour, the big brigade was surrounded by the Jingwang Hemotor, and accompanied by the Jingwang, the town, the town, the town, Qian, Liu Wenlong.

Liu Qian took a drink and asked: "Zhang Da Ke, thief people? Is it a Dividend?"

Zhang Baixun said: "Go back to the adults, the despicism, it is true that the Divis Li Side Printing and the Xuanzhan Palace Zhao Fangzhi will leave, but the moral duty is late, only chasing the tail, because The situation is unknown, not daring to raise. I have to turn over and protect the old shop to prevent the latter, I will grab the property. From the seal, it should be that the people of the Division is. "

Liu Qian took a nod to show encouragement, looked back: "His Royal Highness?"

When the scene was in a hurry, he looked at the eyes and looked at the feet. When he lifted the "", he opened the door. He took people to go in. After a moment, the hospital was a burst: "Li Da Yin, Zhao Ziran, or lonely Don't do it! "

When the Jing Wang was almost syncope for his heavy loss, Zhao Ran has just returned to the Dichitan Palace. When I came, I found a mess in the Taoist Taoist Taoist, the sergeants of Shangyuan County and Jiangning County, and all the soldiers were guarded.

The courtyard is greeted with three, and Liang Youyi will take the feet of the hand and catch the feet not far from the point of the hand, and will have a variety of inexplicable orders. On the side of the order, they still sneak this side. come.

Cold Tengxing briefly said that it was a prisoner of the Xuanzhan Palace, which was robbed. The people who were robbed not only put the two thirty prisoners who were still closed, but also a few temples. Pointing the fire, fortunately, the immerses of the immerses are constantly incense, the fire in the palace is sufficient, so the fire is not burning, and there is almost no loss.

Cold Tengxing also said that the person who robbers is extremely high, and according to several counties, it is undoubtedly.

Li Dayun called Liang You to call Liang You to face his face: "You don't say you, do you say that the mysterious Tanggu is gold soup? Golden soup? This is a few hours? Even the city gate has not been out, old beams, you are we The old nest is lost? Is this a gold soup or a thin porridge? "

"This ... huh, ..." Liang Youyi's disturbance: "It is a monk, Li Shen, your old man said, what should I do, I don't blame the official? "

Li Da's eyebrow head picks: "Hey, old beam, do you have something to do?"

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