Taoist Law

Chapter 30 Monk will also get sick

PS: Thanks to the quick knife 123, hearing a lottery, no death bird, Federer's anti-hands reward, thank you for your monthly tickets.

Zhao Ran is really difficult. I really don't want to know by this little secret, but it is very likely to be hit by this mission. Although I have just been in the middle of the house, I can only have a wall between the zen and the chamber, and the dark doors are still open. I am not small outside. I don't know my own move. It is purely deceived.

I have to say that I just don't ask this way. I don't ask for it. After all, I will be the same as the door. He is really couldn't bear to let this squad. As for the extinguishing, this kind of thing is definitely not doing.

Biting the teeth, Zhao Ran decided to temporarily not consider so much, I only hope that this teacher will see it, and I don't understand what is going on!

"Dougo, you are banned ..."

"The people of the cast are dead, the forbidden law is self-solved. It is only the poor pass to have torture, and it is afraid that it is still can't. It is the Buddha's demon nest, and there is not a long time, the Taoist is only taking it. It's been delayed because of the poor road, and two people will not take off. "

This squad said, he said that since he said, Zhao Ran did not throw him more. In touching the heart, the nourishment is not much, but it is not bad. I have two grains of this grain, so I immediately took out into the Taoist mouth.

Tao Shi, closed eyes, and then opened the eyes, there was a few points in the eyes, said: "Thank you Dao You, this raised heart pill is superior, not ordinary."

Zhao Ran's raising pill is a single-family understanding of Zhu Qiuntu, of course, it is better than refining in the Pavilion in the general road hall. This is a great experience. Seeing that the Duo returned some kind of spirit. So he took him out of the chamber and put it in the bed of Zen.

Zhao Ranzhao himself, shaved the Taoist head, and found a piece of championship to change, explained: "What is hair, what is the first half of the year, now the life is always, you don't care."

It will also put the *'s degree to him: "This first is holding, pretending, the big husband can flexate, what?"

The Taoist smiled and said: "Taoism is like me. This is a cheaply acting, this reason is poor."

Zhao Ran touched his own bare brain, hesitated: "Is it necessary to burn a few arms?"

The Taoist smiled: "That is not, not all monks burned, only those suffering of the suffering of the suffering of the suffering of the suffering. I think, in fact, I have been persistent, and I have been adapting."

Zhao Ruyong said: "Well,

The sky is already dark, and I will go out for a while. "

"I don't want to travel friends, the poor pass is forbidden, and the body is half-boring, and I have not educated water ..."

"This simple." Zhao Ran said, put the Taoist to the back, looking for the root strip. It also stuffed himself in his hand in the Zen house: "It's stable, it is the home of this temple. If it is lost, you have suffered a bitter suffering in these days ... There is no food in this zen room, only cold tea, give you. You also have a mouth, don't drink too much. Hungry, drink tea, hurt! "

"Daoyou ..." Taoist suddenly swallowed.

Zhao Ran has already launched him. I can't see his face and ask: "What happened?"

"... Nothing, there is a chain in the quiet chain, good quality, and is born by this temple."

"That thing is too sinking, bringing it."

"I watched the friends who didn't enter the door, if you want to have a hard, you can't, it's better to quietly over the wall ..."

"Yes, I am going to do this."

"The iron chain can help friends over the high wall ..."

"Oh ... Sorry, it is a bit nervous, I didn't expect! I will go back."

"Dao You, I have a bamboo war by the demon, that is, the opposite wall is hanging on the wall ..."

"Rest assured, things are returning to the original" "

Everything is ready, together with the two rises that changed, then put into the parcel, Zhao Ran opened a seam, and the light is light and foot, and returned to the door. This Zen house is living in the hometown of the treasure bottle, and the average person will not come here, so there is no one in the small court. An out of the door, Zhao Ran couldn't help but play a cold - here is really cold.

Zhao Ran cat came to the door to the hospital, sneaked out, outside is a roadway, extends around, and I don't know where to lead. He closes the hospital door to the latch, returned to come back, with the iron chain to help, hook the flying sky on the top of the cabinet, and the lightweight and foot will climb.

He has been near Tubo, so this temple house is within the construction of the Central Plains, and it is a flat-exhibition. Zhao Ran squatted on the mud section of the sun, he looked at the moonlight, Zhengdong, the northern direction is a number of colleges, only the west, the southern room is less, the west is within the west of Wenze Snow Mountain, so Zhaoran Choosing South Road.

Fortunately, Zhao Ran has two years in the two days. Three days, two ends will go to the back mountain. It is quite familiar with this doorway, and there is nothing wrong with it. It is just to bear a good wife. The hands of the heavy iron chain will be tired, and after turning out the last court wall, it is too much to breathe.

Taoist quietly squatted on Zhao Ran, at this moment: "Throw the chain, although it is a pity ... so cold ..."

Zhao Ran Xue a small cliff, throwing the chain, and then he can't take a rest, running with the Taoist Sato.

Under the moon, the Snow Mountain, Zhao Ran, the Taoist fell and crashed, and she didn't know how many heels. How much returned, until the dawn time, I really can't walk, I found a rock. Rest.

When I let the Taoist, I see him full of red, close my eyes, the lips are still not stopping, touch the forehead with your hand, hot as fire.

Bad, this is the symptom of cool hair. This martial economy was grouped in the treasure tem of Temple. After coming, he was suffered from the cold mountain, and the fever was normal. Is it just a monk? Zhao Ran is a bit not too much.

Zhao Ran can't, only have to take a trip, hung up the package in his neck, a hand of the Taoist bamboo, continue to look forward, want to find a safe place.

Fortunately, the people are willing, soon, Zhao Ran finally found a small cave behind a rock. His nose is very spiritual, and I will smell a breath in the cave. I know that there is a wilder in it, I can't help but get over the hope - when I dozee, I have a pillow, what is it?

Temporarily, the Taoist said, Zhao Ran quickly set up a killing of golden swords as a master in the cave, then throwing stones in the cave. The cave in the cave was angered, and the first looks out, and he fierce "", rushing to Zhao Ran.

At first glance, this wild is actually a snow leopard. This place is placed in another world but is a rare species, but in this world - I can't help, Zhao Ran is more rare in the big sword.

Soon Killing Snow Leopard, Zhao Ranjin, in addition to a bit of a bit of taste, at least this snow leopard is still very concerned, there is no chaos and seven feces and other animal internal organs.

Take some dry grass in the cave, and move the Taoist, Zhao Ran, a pile of bonfire, which is satisfied with a rest. This sitting, the eyelids began to fight, so soon, slept.

After Zhao Ran woke up, the sky was bright, and the campfire only left ashes, and several white smoke were scattered. He turned to see the Taoist condition, and he saw the old face red, the amount of hair was hot, it was obviously high fever.

When I came to the hole, Zhao Ran peeled the dead snow leopard, retrafying the campfire back to the hole, slowly bake the leopard skin. At the same time, he started the bracket on the bonfire and put the snow leopard board. There is a small stream in not far, so I have a shallow bowl with the leaves, and some water will be returned to heat.

The Taoist was fascinated by Zhao Ran, barely drinking the water, ate some meat, turned and slept, and was sent to the grain pill before going to sleep.

When Zhao Ran is full, it will go immediately. It is not far from the treasure temple, he can't delay again. Even if the Taoist high fever has not retired, you must go back. When you use a leopard skin, you can keep it cold.

He passed the Taoist, and he wanted to red back, but he had just moved half a minute, the Taoist was screaming, scared Zhao Ran quickly.

"Daoxiong, a brother, but where is it hurt?"

Taoist red face is full of sweat beads, obviously painful, barely open his eyes, lifting his finger, refers to his belly, then shakes his hand, tough saying: "You go first, don't take care I am. "It's confused.

When Zhao Ran gave the Taoist, I didn't remember that he had a wound on his body. When I saw it again, I found that I didn't make it wrong. Is it a highly poisonous?

If poisoning, Zhao Ran can not have a good way. He thought about it, decided to take a risk to stop and wait, look at the situation.



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