Taoist Law

Chapter 31, Mahayana 0Who

PS: Thank Femundler's backhand, no death bird, hearing the reward, the reward of the song, thank you for your monthly ticket encouragement. Also thanked the wolf 42 brother's ticket king, brother.

In the cave, Zhao Ran carefully went back to the road to return to the way, and the footprints left by himself will be cleared. After returning, I didn't enter the hole. I turned back and forth at the hole. I turned to turn my heart. I took a few stones in the hole. This is a little sulking.

In the hole in the hole, Zhao Ran entered the hole, and looked at the leopard skin of Candfire, it took it to the Taoist cover, and his home continued to take a break.

When I woke up, I was in the night. Zhao Ran looked at the Taoist condition and there was no change. Try to move the Taoist, just put him three points, I heard the Taoist rushing, the sweat was full of forehead. Zhao Ran helpless, only have to put him down again.

Regardless of fever or poisoning, with the current conditions, Zhao Ran can do it, just do not stop to the Taoist water, try to make him eat two meat - the latter is particularly difficult. Alternatively, you will take a short section of your own muffins to the forehead to cool down, then feed him to take the heart of the heart.

The maintenance of the heart pill is not easy, and the effect is very outstanding, especially the energetic loss, and can also treat diseases. For ordinary people, 90% of the illness can almost have to be sick, but the heat and abdominal pain of this Taoist priest is never too much. Zhao Ran did not know why, but did not dare to stop, only to insist on feeding him to take medicine, looking forward to can slow down the condition.

Behind the feeding of the scholar. Zhao Ran is free, open his wrapped in Baotao Temple, and check his own trophy.

From the wrapped wrapped in the Zen Master of the Tree Bottle, a bunch of objects were piled up, and Zhao Ran first saw that the bottle of the ward pill.

Take out the bottle of the bottle of Wuyuan pills carefully and found that there is six seven and seven and seven in the heart. However, there are many medicinal materials that are cleaned to poison. Zhao Ran did not know why he had a fever, but it was only initially judged that it should be caused by the wind and the body. In accordance with the general pharmacological, it is partially symptomatic. As for the pain in the Taoist abdomen, Zhao Ran has no way to take into account - he even guess, will not be appendicitis. Just look at the part of the Taoist pain, and it doesn't seem to be.

There are a lot of words in the Tangmen Code to pure life, such as "Yellow Emperor Yin Far", records a lot of squares. The problem is that Zhao Ran has never had experience in clinical consultation, and I don't know the history of the past. In addition, it is not clear that the differences between the monks and the people in the body are very not allowed.

It's just so that the Taoist has been ill, it is definitely not a way. If you have a high fever, then burn two days, your brain has to be burned. In addition, it is not far from the Temple of Baoya Mountain. It is really dangerous. Must hurry to escape,

The farther the fare, the better.

Zhao Ran, secret, secretly of the martial arts, live horse doctor. If you have a good night, you must be blamed.

Zhao Ran opened the Tao's closed tooth, and a piece of Wu ganguang and the water were filled in. I don't do it, I opened other porcelain bottles, and I would like "Yuan Lao Zhiguang", "Jinqi Pill", etc. also stuffed into the Taoist Exit. Although these two flavors are not symptom, they can see the list of medicinal materials listed in the prescription. I don't have conflicts with the condition, and I can enhance some body. The "yuan light scatter" seems to have a certain effect on the recovery mana.

The Taoist sleeps again. Zhao Ran first took the green Sso tried to try it, see if he could actively issue a Dharma that is engaged above. As a result, it is Of course, Green Snow did not respond to him, he had to continue to flip the parcel.

In addition to several porcelain bottles and prescriptions of the pack, there are several good Guanyin jade pendants, Maitreya Jade, Bao Bao Zen Master often hangs green jade beads in the chest, a string of black lacquered wooden rosary, one Hooden spanning, and a Buddhist scroll.

Jade pendants, jade, beads, spanners and rosary, etc., are all treasured in the bumble, they want to be customary. Zhao Ran carefully looked at these objects in accordance with the method of the old teachings, and the flasmid of the Buddha light was not stopped. It was an obvious Buddha-door device.

Things are good, but in addition to the spanning, I know that I know that the law used by Buddhist disciples. Zhao Ran will take back, and he does not use the ability to use the Buddha's instrument, except for the ability to pay. There seems to be no choice.

Sighted, Zhao Ran regretfully swept something to the side, and then went through the roll of Buddhist scriptures.

The Buddhist scriptures is written on the "Big Bodhisattva Method", but only more than ten pages were left, and the back is not known to be torn. Zhao Ran turned away, quickly read from the first page, just read a few words, and the heart was so surprised.

This "Big Bodhisattva" is different from other Buddha's measures. It is specifically described how to refine and cool all kinds of chili-like environments. Thirteen pages are flipped with yellow-haired paper, recorded 13 ways, He wrapped the things in the house, all logged into books.

Zhao Ran thinks, guessing the clues, wanting to be these laws, is a treasure bottle Zen teacher to refine according to this residual roll.

It took about half an hour. Zhao Ran read the residual volume, and the joy in the heart was difficult to be famous. This "Big Bodhisattva Method", the name of the light seemed to be the Buddha's book, but the method of which the law was not limited to the Buddha. Guanyin jade pendant, Maitreya jade, green jade beads, Bodhi scouts are all Buddha door law, and the clear dust, yin and yang, the yin and yang mirror, but the Tao Zen is not understanding the door. Method, refining does not come out.

As for the sandalwood, it is not a Buddha, or the Buddha is also, Zhao Ran also can't say which. Although the refining method is complicated, the method of use is very simple, no need for Buddhism, you can only need to think. Take care of you is the concept of Buddhism, or the idea of ​​Taoism, can open this sandalwood!

Zhao Ran guess, the residual volume is not the "Daily Bodhist Mathematical Law", the name of the book is not over, as for the true origin of the residual volume, there must be other stories, but that is not related to Zhao Ran.

Zhao Ran will take the heart of the wing to open the thumb of his thumb, and the idea of ​​Zhu Qi'hu is going to open the point, only one breathing, I saw the situation in the spanner.

This is a space of a natural place, but space regulation is small, and if it is compressed into a room, it will be small. One corner of the space is put in a complete golden ingot, and the rough estimate is afraid not to have two, and there is a small box filled with pearls and gems, and the value cannot be estimated. In addition, half of the space is placed in various medicinal materials. Some are Zhaoran to identify, how to be Shouwu, Ganoderma lucidum, Snow lotus, ginseng, etc. It has not been recorded. There are also commonly used clothing such as a few, and shoes.

There is also a 10-way instrument to be quiet in the space. There are also Taoist legs, and a Buddha's leg, it looks good, and it is a baby.

Zhao Ran went through the old gourd, and he saw the Liuyu Palace lamp. I know what is called a storage device - of course, the two babies are so simple. At that time, I can't say envy, now I have it. A storage device, Zhao Ran simply bloomed.

And there are so many good things in the spanning finger, Zhao Ran is simply laughing.

Fortune, make a fortune! Zhao Ran sneak his mouth and sneaked. Subsequently, he used the idea to "send" all the things in the package in the wrapping, and the leopard legs that have not been eaten have also stuffed. I thought about it, and I also put it in the same way. If the Taoist is dead, the bamboo will return to himself. If the Taoist live, he is not too late.

The probe touched the forehead of the Taoist, still hot, Zhao Ran got up to him and fed a leaf water.

Just going out to come back, I will listen to the vocal voice outside the outside.

"Teacher Bo, there seems to have a fire ..."

"In the past ..."

Broken, Zhao Ran wants to turn off the bonfire, but just reached out, but also received it back, it has been seen, and I want to go out again, but I have no silver.

Zhao Ran did not want to be blocked in the cave, simply came to the hole, secretly seeing the law of the own cloth, seeing the five-way legal equipment, so she took a deep breath, and the tone of tone, Come on.

Just prepared, there is two big sleeveless monk opposite. (Untrafter continued) (this article is started)

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