Taoist Law

Chapter 32 Xiaoyu

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PS: Thanks to the people who don't die, fast to 123, hear the hustlers, ruthless rewards, thank you for encouragement.

Welcome two monks, Zhao Ran first step, when they first together: "Amitabha, Xiaoyu has seen two masters, I don't know how to come in the middle of the night, what is it?" Zhao Ranjie took the dress, and he expect me tolerance to mix the bead. Monk.

Two monks got a little doubtful, there were some doubts, the young monk rushed to the old and her ear. Two sentences: "Teacher Bo, seems to be a shackle of the unbound." The sound is extremely weak, but Zhao Ran's Heat, but hearsadomed.

After the clothes. Hui's corpse was discovered, Baotao Temple immediately turned into the set, when the four major classes of practice, the Temple reached the monk in the construction of the murderer. The old monk is the mage of the mage, the young monk is his teacher.

The clothes are Ming. Hui is the martial economy in the temple second only to the people who live in the treasure bottle. Therefore, the treasure bottle temple is unanimously inferred that the murderer is not good, at least rather than the third nose world of the third world. So the treasure and the clear, Zhao Ran did not go into the city, and the heart was put down.

The old Master nodded, did not say, young monk first stepped forward, ask: "Which temple is in the sand door, how can you here live?"

Zhao Ruo Gong said: "Xiaoyu is far away, from the Da Leung Temple, the cloud is here, missed the tip, just have to stay here."

"Where is the Daisuang Temple? I have never heard of it. I have already found this, why not arrive in Temple?"

"The Temple is, the master has never heard of normal. Well, the treasure bottle is in the left? Oh, the little monks are really unknown. If you know, you will go to Gui Temple. It is said that Bao Bot Temple is famous. The first column of the Karaishan Misi Temple in Ba Zalai, I have to go to the fragrant Buddha tomorrow! "Zhao Ran is busy regretting, he doesn't know where the Daleo Temple is. In addition to a few place names, it is also almost unknown for the Xiaogawa Geography, but there is only a mixed custom shutdown.

Fortunately, I didn't entangle on this issue, and asked: "There is a suspicious person on the road."

"I don't know how the teacher said the suspicious person is referred to ..."

"I have been assassinated in the Temple of Baotao, and now I am arrested for murderers, I'm not arbitrarily. But when you have a suspicious, as long as you have seen it, you will say it."

Zhao Ran shook his head: "Xiaoyu is walking all the way is the wilderness of the wilderness. It did not encounter any disease, but I have seen several mountain hungry. Well, look at it is not like murderer.

The clear and monk looked at the cave and asked: "There is still a person in it, who is it? Why not come out?"

Zhao Ran stressed stressed: "The one is the brother of Xiaoxiao, with Xiaoxiao, together with the cloud, just after this side, some dissatisfied with soil, so this is infected with cold ..."

The understanding will be suspicious, and I will enter the hole. It is also a monk that is lying on the bonfire, and it is close to the eyes, full of red, and then explored the number of heads.

After coming out. The clearing to the treasure: "The teacher is indeed the cold fever."

At this point, Baotao Temple 2 has basically no longer doubt - can assassinate the clothes. Hui, how could it be a simple symptom of the cold and cold?

The clear and still lost interest in the "unreasonable", and saw the disease "monk", so he casually asked a few words. There is already a plan to leave. When I look at the teacher, I listened to Baoguang. I said: "Clean. You go to see the degree, if there is no problem. You will send him two people to the treasure tonic, and give some blood pills."

It should be said: "The teacher is compassion." Turned to Zhao Rao: "What about your degree?" Take a look at me. "

Zhao Ran, a hanging heart, and he himself is ready, and it will take it out of his arms. He is handed over, and it will definitely there will be any problem. This is not good. So I prayed in the heart, I was only looking at my own degree, I went to the Taoist's degree.

The world is often like this, it is really afraid of what. I nodded and gave Zhao Ran again, and I asked: "What about your brother?"

Zhao Ran's mouth is calm, should be said: "Okay, Xiaoshu will take it." When turned into the entered, the heart concept turned sharply, and I was afraid that this time was hiding.

On the side of the "brother", Zhao Ran is secretly thinking about it!

At this time, Zhao Ran found that the Taoist seems to be awake, and it is squinting to himself, so he quickly made a jealousy, his mouth: "Brother, sinned, Baotao Temple master wants to look at you Where is your degree? How do I not find? "

Taoist is trying to find a naught, Zhao Ran guess what he means to let himself find a chance to escape, so he shakes his head, and said: "The brothers came, brothers?"

When the mold was sampled, Zhao Ran "" has a sigh: "My teacher is too heavy, I can't wake up, I don't know where he will be put, I can't find it." Sudden shoot The brain, so it is announced: "Worse, Xiaoyu is back to the brother, will not be lost on the way? How can this be good!"

The clear frown: "Find again."

Zhao Ran followed the command and "rummined", turned back helpless: "When I can't find it, I will return to go back and go back and go back. When I brother, I will ask again ... I can do it again. If it is lost, I don't know how much trouble! "

The clear staring at Zhao Ran, Zhao Ran, is not afraid, and his eyes are really frank. The clear frown: "So, you have a brother on your back, and if you are returning to the temple, if it is really lost, I will go to the government to reissue a road for you."

Does Zhao Ran go? Of course, I don't dare to go! As long as I go to the treasure tem temple, I asked a few words, I don't have a fall. Even if people are not asking for intention, as long as he explores a few Buddhist scriptures, he has to be stupid.

Take a little hesitation, Zhao Ran still has, and at the same time, he began to play the idea of ​​the way halfway. Listening to the old monk, it is to let him return to the treasure temple in front of him. If you face it, there is only one monk, whether it is a violent hair, or sneaks out, no matter how to face it Two monks are simple, not to mention the old monk looks like a very statement.

The package is tied, while helping the Taoist, thinking about how to think about a magazine, the french cradle of the cloth, suddenly listening to the old mage of the hole suddenly asked: "What you said, is the Hexi River Is the big thunderous temple in the outer stone mountain? "

Zhao Ran saw sweat in an instant, and he dared to answer this question. He has been taken in the Zen Master of the Bao Bao Zen. Hui is once, he can never want to repeat the same mistakes.

A bit bite, Zhao Ran did not hesitate to encourage the spell, and then started the five-way method of the first place!

Here, under Wenze Snow Mountain, it is best to use the Snow Mountain, and the five-line thick tilles under Zhao Rufu launched, and immediately run it immediately.

Zhao Ran's experience has been extremely rich, and it has already thought about the countermeasure when launching the law. Outside the old and still in the cave, you have a little far away, and there is a cave rock wall to block, and you will be able to take it to yourself. If you want to be held by your own, it will not be very smooth, and you are young and clear. In front of the eyes, it seems to be the weakest ring in the two enemies, so he is determined to solve the bright, and then with the groom and the old monk.

A extremely cold cold flow quickly generated, went to the clear and horses, the cold flow volume, the rock wall and the mud immediately set out a layer of snow white frost, and the campfire was turned off. At the same time, the entire cave floats the finely visible snowflakes, which is the air of the air is frozen by the cold flow. Even Zhao Ran, who has been manipulated, and it feels deeply.

The cold flowing is only a turn, and the clearing is full of frost. The bright is shocked, I want to make a furious door, but I have been frozen, but I have been slow and slow, and a huge jade private shadow is smashed from his head.

I have to say that Zhao Ran's righteousness is really too sudden. The previous signs is not there, so that the clearing is the moment of jade printing into a meat, there has been no turn, the last eyes before death. Zhongman is shocked and intake - obviously the Shamen, how can it, how can I dare, how can I do it myself? (Untrafter continued) (this article is started)

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