Taoist Law

Chapter 162 Jinyiwei

After the doormous door, I didn't allow the emperor's cultivation. Chen Tianshi said: "When this year, the door has just been in the Central Plains less than 50 years, and there is a matter of this, and the ancestors are thinking, everyone is afraid. Therefore, this limits the emperor practice, and it is also a time to get it. But now for six hundred years, I have been firmly controlled by the Zhongyuan in the Central Plains, where is the Buddha's monk tolerance? In this case, why not let the emperor practice practice What? As long as it is teaching, the emperor is cultivating the road, natural heart to the door, what are we afraid? "

Zhao Ran thought about it, said: "If the emperor is the famous rumor, it is willing to be made by our door?"

Chen Tianshi asked: "If the emperor is worn as the door to the door, how can I repeate Wide? Do not shrine Wide, how to provide Wu Dao's Gao Shi to provide Wu Deh?"

Zhao Ran shook his head, he couldn't refute it, because Doumen did the big strategy of two legs to work in this premise, with the premise, Chen Tianshi's proposal can be self-contained. Although he is not happy, it is no good.

So asked: "Chen Tianshi wants to pass this point in the real master Hall?"

Chen Tianshi said: "I will discuss this matter, I want to tell the same, if the emperor can practice, maybe the gas collection of Wu De, can be accelerated ... No, it must speed up! As for whether it is Through this conclusion, I haven't thought about it in this manual. Although the truth is this truth, but in the human condition, it may not be able to pass. "

Zhao Ran nodded, Chen Tianshi said the truth, such as Zhao Ran, he can't refute Chen Tianshi's logic, but he really want him to vote, he will still choose the veto rather than agree.

I know that your proposal can be said to have a reason, but I just don't want to agree!

Chen Tianshi took out this incident and Zhao Ran, in fact, through Zhao Ran to test the wind, this is very clear. Therefore, he must also pass Chen Tianshi to the two pavilions.

After the purple Mountain, Zhao Ran told the Oriental Gifts to Today's meeting, and at the same time telling the Oriental Ceremony, Chen Tianshi may want to propose "Allow Emperor to practice" in the real Master Hall. In this way, the impact of the show will cut I can't help the opponent's lifeline.

Oriental Gift Reply: "If you want to take the emperor's lifeblood, or really want to take out the show?"

Zhao Ran said without saying.

At the same time, Chen Tiansheng rushed to Lushan. Zhu Xiang also received a news that the real master will convene a big draft in the show. He can't sit, put the blue road and Duan Duan again to Chao Tiangong, ask Xingling The end of the palace is set up.

Duan Dao is still not confused home,

He said that he has completed the showcuts in the Xingling Palace and his family, and even "Kunfu Palace", which covers an acre size, almost half of it, all relevant traces eliminate empty.

When I asked the big inquiry, Duan Dynasty used: "It should be handled properly? After all, the emperor is involved, I have no right to ask here."

So Zhu Xian saw Jinyiwei command to make it, Zuo Yu Chen Chen, asked the results of the Tang Dynasty.

Chen Yu has some fear, replies: "The disciples urged you three times, but Your Majesty is always unable to get started. Your Majesty said, let them live a day, Tonight."

Zhu Xiang saw the furious anger, drink: "When you really have a pole! This is the time, is it a girl? Is it an important part of the Jiangshan, or his bed?"

A villain, scared blue road, Duan Duan and Chen Wei have shrunk neck, do not pay attention.

The blue road is advised: "The temple is old, or you have to leave some decent. Come carefully, it is also the temperament of people. After all, it is a pillow. It is so easy to say that it will go to the hand? If it is a promise to keep up, everything is not mentioned, if you still don't have your hand, please ask Chen Duado to start. "

Zhu Xiang saw Chen Yu: "You can understand?"

Chen Yizhi is now very difficult: "After all, it is Your Majesty. It is easy to put a show, it is afraid of being blamed in the future."

Zhu Xiang saw a saying: "You will do what you want to make you, if he blames you, just push it to the orphan!"

Chen Yu had to agree, and he will retreat.

Duan Dynasty used: "The emperor is so fear that it is not good."

Blue Road Walking: "When you are young, you will grow up in the prosperity of the King of the King, and after being acceded to the palace, it will be put into practice. It is very commonplace."

In the words, Chen Yu arrived in the palace, came to Xiyuan, and came to Chen Hongdao: "Is it?"

Chen Hong will introduce Chen Yu to Xiyuan, and the emperor is not very happy, asking: "Chen Yuchang came again?"

Chen Yu said: "Your Majesty, can you dispose of this night?"

There is a headache in the emperor, with your hand tired: "You think about it again."

Chen Yao said: "Your Majesty has promised to dispose tonight, and the minister is coming."

The emperor sighed: "Can you leave a few?"

Chen Yao said: "Under the eager education, today, Zhang Yunyi Tianshi, Wang Changyu's big real person, gathering the teachers to gather in the mountains, and the last day will be in the real teacher, the discussion is the show. Your Majesty, no hand, no hand, That's late. "

The emperor almost tears, to Chen Yu said: "Is this not a procedure after the next day? Chen Yuto can be slow two days?"

Chen Yao said: "The Qi Wang said to the minister, if it is not hands tonight, the three palace salons will have to do it."

The emperor is silent, this is said: "Then, give the last night, you can do it early, ok? This time I said."

Chen Wei thought, biting his teeth agreed: "Jun has no jog, then I will not take it again tomorrow, and I will prepare it."

After Chen Wei, heaven to Chen Hongdao: "You go to Qian Kun Palace ... No, go to Wang Ning, let her remember the wine, and call the court to call, tonight, you want to They have a good feast. "

Chen Hong asked: "The end is there?"

The sky is hitting: "Don't ask her, this matter is not doing it."

Chen Hong has a small road, panting in the court, first go to Suichuan medicine, first after entering the house: "I have long been letting you, you are not going, now there is already good!" How is this good? "

Suchuan Pharmacy: "I have never been found to escape, how can I? Is it going to do this tonight?"

Chen Hongdao: "Jin Yiwei Chen Du Shi is urged to enter the palace, I promised him, I have to dispose of you tomorrow morning, I just let me go to Wang Ning to know her, let her put it, please go all the banquet, this is The last breakfast. In addition to the end, you are all dead! "

Suchuan Pharmaceutical town calmly: "I know, this night maybe it is an escaped opportunity, you can rest assured, I will meet the machine."

Chen Hongwei: "Don't delay any more, even if you have to go out."

Suichuan medicine took Chen Hong, hugged, in his ear: "If there is an impair, it will never be tired."

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