Taoist Law

Chapter 163, Palace (on)

After half an hour, the night of the sky was jealous, and Wang Ning lived a few tables in the garden. After the show sent to the show, Wang Ning also looked outside, until I saw the figure of the emperor, this If the face is dead.

Yang Jinying lowered by her: "How? I didn't say anything wrong, I only stayed with Cao, we have to die."

Wang Ni took a deep breath and said: "You go to the bottle in our cabinet."

Yang Jinying knew that it was finally putting Wang Ni, and he had a bit of confidence in his heart, but it was full of "drunken fragrance" for Wang Ning.

On the weekdays, they are very clear about Jin Dan in the emperor's gas sea, and sometimes the emperor will demonstrate a road in front of them. Although the sisters don't understand, they can Feel the power, can such a pot of wine?

Taking the emperor's repair, afraid that it has been poisoned!

If you are confused, Yang Jinying is nothing to be scared. It was ready for more than a dozen sisters to besieged the emperor. This pot of wine is just an addition. It is naturally an accident. It does not affect the big meter.

Since the heart has preceded, the emperor is falling today, and the performance of strong and laughs is all in the eyes, and it is more determined to kill the emperor's determination.

After the banquet start, everything is normal. After a short half, the atmosphere is slowly released, the emperor also has a lot of drinks, Wang Ning quietly took it out, the fish is mixed, put it on the table.

What is fascinating that Yang Jinying is very unexpected, and drunken fragrance really has played an excellent effect. Although this wine is non-toxic, but drinks a few cups, but it can be drunk on the spot. A pot of wine is drunk, the emperor is so The deep refinement is that it is also wine, and the gain is fascinating. Sitting in a chair is not open!

Yang Jinying is big, is pondering that Wang Ni is from this kind of good wine, but he listens to her red eyebrows, and said: "Don't do it!"

The imperial insurgents of the imperial insurgents of the serving, the dishes are rectified, and the wine tasks are also personally tasted. There is no problem, and then, the repair of your Majesty is not afraid of drinking. How is it inexplicable today?

When I listened to Wang Ning, he was vaguely reacted, shocked: "Wang Ning, what do you want? What is this wine! What happened?"

Yang Jinying took a porcelain bowl, and she went to Meng Hui, although she did not speak, but the gas sea has become, she owns the supershem repair, this is over, and the meanto is hiding. I was squatting on the forehead, blood and four splashed, and I was angry on the spot!

The general of the gardens in the garden was moved, and they were surrounded up, but they were already prepared for many days. However, all the show women who can live to today are a different number. Although no one taught them to the law, but many years of repairing, one hand, one of them is unneaked in the truth, there are still some Fear of these burly generals, but Zhou Zenxiang, I found that the other party is just a group of paper tigers, the movement "slow", the force " weak", so faith has increased, not always defeat this.

There are a few people who want to spend the newspaper, and they are directly sentenced to Wang Ni. Those who served a wine banquet, and the mysteria women rushed to escape, and they were also rushing back by the show.

Wang Napo did not hesitate, directly told the hand, the show will take out the previous red rope, a set of the emperor's neck, Yang Jinying and Suichuan Pharmaceutical have a one-sided, Guan Mei Xiu and Liu Miaolian The arms of the emperor are struggling.

The rest of the show, there is a view of the governance and hetero, some come to the wind.

Although the emperor is confused, but the gas is in the sea, naturally, it will go to the neck, no matter how Yang Jinying and Suichuan drugs have to force the emperor, the emperor is also lost by the two. Following the white eyes, full of red, but there is no sense of life for a while.

Wang Ni is also in a hurry, will take it out of the scissors hidden on the body, and there is no head to go to the emperor. This, but inspired the emperor's body - the spontaneous resistance of Linglong Ring, released a faint radio ring in the body surface, the scissors always tied in, and the red rope with Yang Jinying and Suichuan. Amazing force. Everyone in this son is panicked, and there are a few beautiful women, pick up the wine pot on the table, and the cup dish is squatting.

Linglong is Zhu Xiang to give the emperor's body, it is also a rare best in the middle-level defense, but the emperor has no control, the law's defense vulnerability is full, the show women swarmed, there is always When hit, there is not much time, the emperor's head, on the face, the body has been bloody, but it is never fatal.

During the Qiankun Palace, the end heard that the emperor was happy in the court and the public, and the heart was very unhappy. She is also the show, why not let her go? Is it ready to give a beautiful woman? It is also said that Tonight is the beginning of your own cold, will you furthery in the future? The emperor will let people know themselves, after the banquet, you will be in Qikun Palace, and it is not too like ... suffering from the loss.

I have been waiting for how long, the emperor did not appear, Wang Ni went to the servant of the sergeant to explore the news, but Jinlian was going to be late, and the end couldn't stand it, and she didn't want to take a drink. Take a look, destroy the emperor.

After the Xiyuan, the end immediately discovered the scene of the show, she was the cultivation of the Huang Crown, although it would not be the same, but scratching the fan bite, the shot is fast, and the power is strong. In the blink of an eye, she will block her a few beautiful women, rushing to the emperor.

Wang Ning was busy up and greeted, which stopped the trend of the end. The two are extremely strong, and the fight is not available. At the side of the end, they start to call for help. Her voice is sharp again, and suddenly came out of Xiyuan, returning to the northwest corner of the palace.

The show men panicked, there was alarmed the whole big, but it still took the emperor without helpless, and seeing the defeat is inevitable. How is this good?

Between the moment, Chen Yu arrived, appeared in Xiyuan.

Yang Jinying has not been able to recover, and push Su Chuan medicine: "You are going, escape!"

Su Chuan medicine Q: "What about you? Let's go together."

Yang Jinying smiled: "I have no love, I don't want to live, I only hate the emperor ... I will go." I think of what I come, I will take the silver in the head, stuff into the heart: "If the sister can escape, when you leave a thought, I have to give me a cup of water."

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