Taoist Law

Chapter 164 Palace Change (below)

PS: This chapter should not be read under the age of 18, please feel consciously avoided.

During the speech, Chen Yu has rushed into the court, Yang Jinying grabbed the bunch of Suichuan medicine, struggling, put her to a bush of the park, returned to the emperor, continue Levy neck.

In order to dispose of a show, Chen Yu is a good hand in Jinyiwei today. Although there is no repair, it is also a first-class kung fu in the rivers and lakes. After dozens have gone into the court, several dedicated one, these show Female can't live.

The end and Wang Ni are torn each other. They hold the neck of the other party, and they have the other party's hair, and the two can't hold. See Chen Yu, the end of the way: "Dudogue will save this palace!"

Chen Yu saw Yang Jinying who was desperately pulling the emperor in the confusion, and suddenly rushed over. After the end of the two people and Wang Ning, he heard the call for the end, and smiled and pulled her. The end of Wang Ni is coming free from Wang Ni, but also wants to command Chen Yu to kill Wang Ning: "Come and grab the name of the name ..."

But I didn't expect Chen Yu to shoot on her head, and the beautiful people suddenly covered with broken, and they were killed on the spot.

Wang Ning, haha ​​laughed: "The surname Cao, you also have today ..." The laughter is not out, he is flying with a foot, kicking on the spot.

Chen Yu rushed to Yang Jinying, Yang Jinying broke the emperor and did not let the emperor, just turned over, put the emperor in front: "Chen Yu, I dare to come over, I will kill the Dog Emperor!"

Chen Yu stares and looks fine, it has been clear, smile, reach out to Yang Jinying. Yang Jinying hid, he was caught by him, and his law was in, and he suddenly had a bunger. It didn't help but release the emperor.

Chen Yu grabbed Yang Jinying, and the opposition to the ground, Yang Jinying immediately incense, and the blood brain slurry flowed.

Liu Miailian wanted to escape, people have ran to the moon door, several Jin Yiwei's good hand stopped, and he blocked a slow, he saw Chen Yu, five fingertips, in the inside, Liu Miaolian is like a paper, I was smashing the neck with my hands, and I was like a night.

Chen Yu told Jinyiwei: "It is all people who fight against them, one will not stay!"

Jin Yiwei got orders, the sword, the sword, cut it all over the ground.

Qi Kun Palace servant Jinlian poured his hardware today. When he was sent to explore the wind, he was left in Wang Ning. When Chen Yu came, I thought it came to save the throne. Who knows that it is a god, regardless of green saponis Make a murder, even the end is killed by him. At this moment, it is scared that the soul is not attached. He does not stop: "Trusters fight, I don't ..." The voice did not fall, and the head of the head was turned on the ground. Stop, the last moment, the eyes also blinked.

Chen Yu is still not finished, but also commands all the small officials, heterogenesis, etc. of the war, which shot the hand, let people move the corpse to a start point.

Click to go, plus a total of seventeen people, the number of show women, just, so I took out the high-level fire, and I started burning the body, I won't be a clockwork, dozens of corpses were all turned into ashes.

There is also a first end, to remove this hidden snail, all the traces of all the show lives must be cleared, and these things will be completed. The only thing that is troublesome, the end of the end shoutedly shocked the northwest of the entire palace, I don't know how many people have this news, but also need to calibrate the speech - of course, it is said that there is an end and Wang Ning. Just, it is not difficult to dispose.

Chen Yu sent the emperor to the Kunning Palace, and the queen was very shocked.

I learned that the end and the neighborhood reverse, my heart was completed, hated: "Cao, Wang two,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Taken! It is a matter of being sentenced to the scene, can't be launched, and it is cheaper. "

Chen Yu could pay her a few words, told Jinyiwei to ban the big, while waiting for the emperor, while the fidel is full of Zhu Xiang.

After Xiao Kang, the Empress I heard the news, I personally arrived. I saw the bed of coma, I couldn't help but tears: "My child ..." and then rushed to Chen Yu's big thunder, and angry for his dereliction of duty, roaring to let him roll Go out.

Chen Yu did not move the sound of the raining, waiting for the filial piety to be too tired, then tired of the show: "When you come, please send too much."

After that, it was a lot of emperor to arrive. Her attitude would be much better than Xiao Kang. After listening to Chen Yu's supra, he also went to Chen Yu, indicating that he would ask him. Chen Yu is not interested in the roots of merits, and the same unsatisfactory is not light, and the original king is not light, please ask the Kunning Palace.

Soon, Zhu Xiang saw that the blue road and Duan Dynasty have arrived. They did not interested in the process, and a group of yellow crownies, and never practiced a beautiful woman who had been practiced, I want to seek Jin Dan. The emperor of the nervanizer is not much different from the people. The three interested, the emperor's wine, the taste of this, seems to be different from ordinary drinks, and even general spiritual wine.

The blue road is proficient in medical skills. He is dominated by him. After reading it, he uses Zhu Xiang and Duan Duan to use: "This wine has never heard, and I don't know where it is, it doesn't hurt people, but I have a confused spirit. It is said that the King Dan monk can't resist, afraid that it is a big way to come to the next floor. However, this wine does not seem to contain murderous poisonous, , is normal, there is no loss of damage, I can wake up or two days. "

So Zhu Xiang saw that the blue road took the court to find the clue, soon, the blue road found the wine pot of wine, but things couldn't find it. The people present were killed by Chen Yu. Zhu Xian saw that it was actually not interesting to check, but he said: "Now, the disposal of this show is justified, they have long been unfavorable to the emperor."

The three palace hospitals made the next step in the Kunning Palace. After the discussion, Zhu Xian saw the flying hall of the Dragon Museum, the old water town: "The palace is already in hand, please rest assured, please Chen Tianshi relieved. "

Hesheng Hou Fei's communication has been completed. Zhu Xiang saw that Chen Yu continued to look at the emperor, and his blue road, Duan Dynasty left the palace. Going back to the Tiangong, looking for Zhu Long, first informing the show of the palace, and then asked Qi Zhao Ranran.

Zhu Long returned: "It has been ambusted yesterday, and it is missing." So it will be fully described.

Zhu Xiang saw the way to hear a good way: "You should not let the Lu's brothers withdraw from the tail in advance, people have something to change, do you take a wax?"

Zhu Long, said: "Minister is afraid, it is indeed minister thinking about it. At that time, I just thought about letting them withdraw it.

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