Taoist Law

Chapter 165, the ambush of 3 palace

Zhu Xiang saw that Zhu Long's exclusion is not satisfied, and said: "Two big masters are present, but also supplemented with feet? Hard hard, you can kill it!"

Zhu Long is hesitant to say: "After Zhao Ziran saved, the micro-ministers have been thinking, I am afraid this person is not like watching the cloud, the spring breeze is useless, maybe there is some door ..."

"Do you still have to ask Wang Shou Yun, a happy people?"

"Yes, they all have the words, saying that Zhao Ziran did not excellent the law, but the micro-ministers still have some doubts. Since he is not good at fighting, how he still rescued Gu Kechuan ..."

"You don't say that Luo Ziqing is helping to help? You also said that there may be oriental gifts."

"Can Weichen did not see these people, Sheng Dynasty did not see it."

Zhu Xiang saw the pleasure: "You won't really think that Zhao Liangran saved the Gu Ke learned? I saw Zhao Ziran in Qingcheng Mountain in Qingcheng Mountain. It is not worth the enemy. "

"His Royal Highness, after all, it was seven years ago, Zhao Zhao, who was that the time was a small monk of the Huangzhan. It is now a Dafa. Weichen just wants to be safe, no sleep."

Zhu Xiang saw the moment of sinking, said: "I don't know if you mean, two big masters, four goldenans are not enough?"

"A few people are always good."

"Then let Wang Shouqiu goes with you. He just branched ten days ago. Three months closed the police success. In my three palaces, it is also an a different number. His shot, Zhao Ziran first-class is good! Turn four goldenans, people you choose. "

Zhu Long, the head: "Thank you!"

Zhu Xian saw: "A refining teacher, two big masters, eight Jin Dan, still not counting the yellow crown, so strength, the murderer is enough, this time is not lost! You have to know Chen Tianshi is not in Beijing in the past few days, is the best time to do, and he will come back from Lushan, will inevitably hinder the feet! "

As Zhu Xiang saw what he said, Wang Shouyu's closed customs can be smoothly broken, Yuan Shen born baby, entered the high-revision of the world, it is indeed a different number in the upper three palace, not only on the three palaces, even if it is It is absolutely uncommon to look at all delegates. It is no wonder that his teacher is a few words, it is no wonder that Zhu Xian is seeing the top generation of the next generation of the upper generation.

It can be successfully entered into the refiningant, and it is also the result of Wang Shouyu, which is three years. The result of a thought to make a hammer, and to talk about the reasons of his hard practice, chasing the source of the Shuo, because three and a half ago Wei Zuozhen defeated.

At the time of the day, Wang Shouyu felt that Wei Qi Zhen was very low-inspiring. He was excited from the other side, and the excitement of the falsification attitude was attracted to the shame of peace, and vowed to pull back the face. In the three years later, he is not a variety of details of the falsification of the same year, and at the same time, he is also in the long-term tribute to understand the truth, and finally, it is stimulated, and the refining teacher is made.

After the completion of the Dacheng, Wang Shouyu is full, and it is full of strong fighting spirit. He heard that he wants to help to kill Zhao Ran, and immediately accept it, he even said to the remaining Shangshan monk who participated in the glory. When he shot, others only need to shout.

Of course, his rhetoric is directly ignored by Zhu Long, complimentation, Zhu Lun Ji only wants the result, as Wang Shou Yu wants to go out alone, it is not what he needs to consider.

The place where the row, it is also selected, just in the shore of Xuanwu Lake, it is a must-see the road to Zijinshan practice the stadium.

These two days are the moment when the Empress Cup Eastern Region, and Zhao is almost every day to deal with all kinds of matters, and the opportunity to fall into the ambush circle is quite large.

The tail Lu brothers quickly came to the news, Zhao Ziran came out from the Xuanzhan Palace, still being a person who is alone!

Zhu Long, who got the news, immediately rushed to Xuanwu Lake, and set ambush in a secluded man who must pass the road.

Wang Shouyu: "Zhao Ziran is a person of my king, please also ask you to fight with me."

This is naturally ignored by the rest. Zhu Long opened a random, killing Zhao Zhi, and each participating in the hands of two hundred and two silver prizes, who got Zhao Zengran first-level, delimited a value Wan two high-end environments! Such a big benefit, who will let? Who will let?

This time, this time, this time, it is much more enough than the last time. Single hand, it will lead Wang Shouyu, this new Jinaijie, including two big masters, eight goldenans, twelve yellow crown, this It is still not a Jhu Lun.

So the Lu's brother can take a hand, and keep him at the moment of Zhao Ran. He is close to him. He follows the main bridge to the East Gate of Tiangong, to the Taicheng North Gate Bridge, along the shore of Xuanwu Hunan east......

In nohead, it is the small hill of Xuanwu Hunan - rushing to Zhan Mountain, the ambush of the three palace is under the boat.

After the Lu brothers lived in Zhao Ran, the Luxi is far from the three or more feasons, and the Zhu Lun is telling: "It is here!"

Zhu Long, joined everyone to know everyone, Wang Shouyu once again states: "I can shoot, please give me a slap."

I caught the people in the eyes of everyone, no one took care of him, and took out the characters, the instrument, and prepared for the first shot.

The condensation is a tea time, and the Flying of the Lu's brothers is coming again: "Zhao Ziran stopped in the Wuzimiao ferry, no need to worry, he is watching the lake."

"Zhao is talking to the fishermen ..."

"Emergency, Zhao Ziran yet! Take the Beidu Lake ... What should I do?"

Zhu Long is a headache, reply: "You are also looking for a ship, nogging him to go! Pay attention to hidden!"

Zhu Long, Xiang Shouqiu and others: "Zhao Ziran allegedly selected the boat, all received it." He took a set of blast vents, and looked at the six satellings composed of six sals. The dispersion.

Wang Shouyu is disappointed: "Zhao Qiran will choose to take the boat, it will be the ferry under the Zijin Mountain. Can we laid Zhao Ziran under Zikinshan?"

Zhu Lun shook his head: "Today, the entire Zikinshan is a monk, people have more eyes, certainly can't do it there, only waiting for him to return to the night."

When I was saying, the Lu's brothers suddenly sent a flyer: "Putu! Zhao Ziran wants to go to Liangzhou!"

Zhu Long Xi's eyes were immediately on, and the flying compliance: "How far is it?"

Lu's brother reply: "The ship is very slow, about two moments."

Zhu Longyi once, immediately decided: do it! Rapida reply: "Ovearing, I will rush to Liangzhou!"

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