Taoist Law

Chapter 166

There are several oasis in Xuanwu Lake. Liangzhou is one of them, or it can be called small island, which is not large, but it is very considerable, to the scene in Xuanwu Lake. When the passage of the beam, Zhaoming Prince was built in Liangyuan, so he called Liangzhou.

This place was hugged by the lake, wants to communicate with the outside world, or boat, or through two small embankments on the same lake in Cui or Huanzhou, it is relatively concealed, and it is a good place to assassinate.

After the determination of Zhu Long, he immediately mobilized the monk monk in Liangzhou. Time is more urgent, such a large group of Sanong monks will run along the lake, it is too conspicuous, this is a graceful and eye-catching to kill the scenery of the Imitan Palace, the same is true, Zhu Long is not As for such arrogance, the best way is to walk water, and it is straightforward.

There is no vessel in front of you, Zhu Long, etc., it is not only available, he is, and everyone will take water. Water can't step on the water, it is best to dive from the lake. Zhu Long asked everyone, no one carried a symbol or a law, and the result was not a person, so everyone had to jump into the lake.

A group of monks in the three palace plumped from the southeast shore of Xuanwu Lake, and the mana was running in the meridians. He was swung to the northwest direction. Only when the breath does not come over, it will be floated.

The worst of them is also the Huangshou, why is it so fast? After a moment, I came to Liangzhou water, and I found out that I came to the beginning, just received the fly character of Lu's brother: "Zhao Ziran Turning to Lingcong, it is back after a moment. "

So Zhu Long, greeted that everyone dive again and swimped to Lingzhou. When I arrived in Lingzhong, I received a new flyer of Lu's brothers: "Zhao Ziran turned to Huanzhou ..."

The mutual worships are broken, and they all say that the Lu brothers are the wine bag, can't see it again? Don't let everyone toss.

Zhu Long is also a little not happy, told Lu's brothers: "Look at it and say again!"

After a moment, Lu's brothers returned: "Zhao Ziran on the island."

Zhu Long was sinking this back: "Wait a while, determined that he doesn't go, you will tell!"

Everyone is waiting for the exact news in the water. This is a small half time. The Lu's brothers finally reply: "Zhao Ziran has been looking for someone to talk in the blessing, it is not a few times, it is estimated that he is eating. Grilled prawns! "

"What ghost?"

"A fisherman's little lady just went up."

Zhu Lunyi waved his hand, and the mutual sneakers saten from the United States. After the supe of the underwater, the Flying of the Lu's brothers arrived: "Sorry, Zhu Guan, Zhao Ziran finished her shrimp, now go to the Sakadan ... Well, in fact, next to the blessing, not far away "

Zhu Long was asked for a while and asked: "You can not get close, listen to what he is talking about, what do you want to do?"

After a while, Lu's brother replied: "Zhao Ziran ran on the water surface of Xuanwu Lake when he was in the rainy season, um, I also listened to the lake and the Yangtze River."

This Jubi, Zhu Long, clearly, this is Zhao Ziran to prepare for the bridge, think about it, greeted the people: "We don't follow Zhao Ziran, so keep it too passive, he asks the situation, inevitably go to Zikinshan The ferry goes, let's travel to the direction, kill him in the waterway! "

So everyone swim in the direction of Zikinshan, looking for an open water, waiting for the water.

Wait for a while,

Lu's brothers' endpoints have not arrived: "Zhao Ziran boarded the ship ..."

"Leaving the Sakad, the ship line is to the east, and Zhu will be careful, there is a head to see the water, our brothers can see it."

Zhu Longyu four takes a circle, and the tour will put a yellow crown monk down and pull him deep into the bottom. The Huangguan Xiu pointed to his own chest, indicating that he couldn't stand it quickly, so Zhu Lun was played, let him leave in the south, do not block it on the waterway of the north.

At the same time, he also reminds others to submerge some of them, so as not to reveal the flaw.

Soon, several Huang Crown monks have also happened the same problem. They touched in the lake in the lake in the lake. The distance is almost four or five times. At this moment, they are forced to have a deep and two feces. It's really exhausted, I can't stand, and I will tell Zhu Longxi and leave it in the south bank.

After the Huang Crown Monk, he did not include Zhu Lun, and there was a refining teacher, two ** divisions, eight Jin Dan, this kind of strength, and surrounding Zhao Ziran still there is no problem, so he is not anxious.

You can wait for the right, etc., I didn't see the brunette on the head, so Zhu Lun floated up, close to the surface.

Just close to the water, the fly of the Lu's brothers arrived.

"Southern, go south, Zhao Ziran is going to south ..."

"Very good, I can't see it from here."

"No, Zhao Ziran wants to turn back, don't you find you?"

"Zhu Guan, come out, Zhao Ziran has arrived in the south bank."

"I'm going to bed, it is almost, only 50 feet from you."

"Zhu Guan preparation ..."

"It seems that you find you, because of other things."

"Zhao Ziran offered the shore, covering Zhanshan, we originally set up the Zhou Mountain ..."

Such a bunch of messages did not have time to fly, because Just now, Ji Lun is dive, blocking the delivery of flying characters, after all of which are received, there is a time to write, after the order, Zhu Lun I realized that I have been in a long time, people Zhao Ziran returned to Zhoushan.

Zhu Long Wang watched the many modes from the water, and wronned to the extreme. Next to a golden Dan, I went down on my head and wiped the drops of water, and I asked around: "Zhu Guan, where is Zhao Ziran?"

Zhao Ziran landed from the shore of Zhanshan, I took a few steps, I saw a three-palace monk monks who climbed out of the lake in the lake. More than 10 Huang Crown gangled from the water. He hit Zhao Ran, and he hit Zhaoran. I have been in place, I don't know if I have escaped, or ... swarful?

Zhao Ran recognized two of them: "Small left, Xiao Qin, you are two ... You are in the water? Do you don't participate in the summer season?"

Two yellow crown monsters "ah", rushed to bend and hug: "It is a tour water, haha, and a dry companion suddenly came, um ... The sea election, go, go for a while , Go ... "

Zhao Ran looked at the waist and stood on the shore. He didn't stop the water curtain. He patted Xiaowu and Xiao Qin's shoulders, encouraged: "There are two performances in the spring season. It's all in the eyes, this time you have to work hard, strive to enter the group! "

The two encouraged Huang Crown "" promised, with everyone, and went to Zhao Ran Yang Chang.

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