Taoist Law

Chapter 167 Zhao Qingtian

The top three palace monks were torrated today. Zhao Ran himself was also torful, he was still strange, today I took two-year-old, hesitated, and used a few points of point peas, and didn't see it. Where, instead takes half of the mana in the body. You know, nine-day Xuanlong's banquet is quite filling, more than a few times, he is empty in the abdomen today.

When you are sensitive, you can't go to the street in the case of the street. It is easy to be dangerous. Therefore, he chose to be on the shore of Zhanshan, he is not prepared to go to Zijinshan Trushes. He is planning to return. The mysterious martyrdom cultivated and replenished the mana that was depleted today.

In a tea building opposite the mysterious marty, Chen Hong and Suichuan sat in the corner, wearing a bucket on the sun.

Waiting for a long time, Suichuan's medicine saw Chen Hongshi's anxious color, so he said: "You still go back, if you can't find it, it is not good."

Chen Hong hesitated, still shakes his head, biting his teeth: "He is still coma, I am not waiting for a while, I still have to point out people, when this is, I can't recognize it. And today's situation If you want to revenge, you can only find his thoughts. Remember, revenge and only find a surname, Yue ... He still wants to protect you, let the name Chen's insistence, he is helpless ...... "

Suchuan Pharmacy: "I understand, as long as Zhao Fangbu can cure the sin of surname Chen, I will be satisfied, I will not have anything, I will not have anything."

Chen Hong is said: "Don't be nervous, the whole capital, if there is another one dare to help you, it will be that Zhao Fangzi is undoubted. Even if he finally took the surname, he would not protect you proper."

Suichuan nodded: "I know, Zhao Huada is a highway of a love."

Chen Hong also said: "In fact, I mean, you can escape, if you are lucky, why should I have a lot?"

Suichuan has a deep breath and said: "I have to do something for the dead family, do something for the death of the sisters ..."

Didn't finish it, Chen Hong smashed her shoulders: "Come!"

Suichuan looked at the street angle to walk, wear a young Taoist who was active, some did not dare to confuse: "Zhao Huizhang ... so young? How do you have a car driver?"

Chen Hong urged: "He has always been so, go."

Chen Hongyou looked at Suichuan's medicine, and he took the past and said to Zhao Ran. He looked at Zhao Ran nodded. He looked at her and went to the Xuanzhan Palace after Zhao Rong. Situally sat slightly on the stool, this only looked back to the palace.

Zhao Ran is in the middle of the party in the middle of the hospital, he first tried to identify the identity of Suichuan, there is no evidence of convincing, but she is familiar with all the details of the secrets, familiarity and emperors. It should be more detailed in the past that year, it is more detailed. She tells the details of the palace of the palace last night, and said all the name of all the show of death in the palace last night, including Cao End, Wang Ning, Yang Jinying, Guan Mei Xiu, Liu Miaolian, etc.

She even gave Yang Jinying to her silver 1. Let Zhao Ran have exposed.

I heard here, Zhao Ran almost believed, looked at this silver flower left by this Yang Jinying, he asked: "What is Yang Jinying called?"

Suchuan Pharmacy: "The name is reform in the palace. The previous name is not available. Yang's sister is called what is named, and it is afraid that it is not known."

Zhao Ran is a long time,

Q: "You come to me, what is going on?"

Suichuan's tears came down: "The little woman is hard, according to the gong change, there is a rebellion, do not dare to help the people, but the little woman thinks about the family of innocent deaths, I want to fune The sisters in the palace are so painful. The little woman heard that Zhao Hui is a high-end man, it is Zhao Qingtian, which is the gate, so it is only to see the abbot, just want to be fair for his family, and ask the sisters to discuss it. "

See Zhao Ran, Suichuan, the medicine is quickly explained: "Zhao Fang is sin, it is a little woman to say anxious. Little woman heard that our family is being directed by Jinyiwei, Zuo Yudu Chen Yu kill, sisters They died in his hand, this person is covered with blood donation, the evils are full, as long as the abbot can cure his sin, call the little woman to be a cow to do the horse, you will be willing! Little woman is no longer, I understand the method of repairing the double repair, As long as the abbot is a sentence, the little woman ... "

Zhao Ran stopped her and continued, said: "What should I do, there is no need for a long time, this matter is too big, not so easy. You follow me, listen to me. As for the double repair, It is not mentioned before the poor road. "

Zhao Ran thinks to think, there is no way to crack, think about it, simply: "You will go to me in place first, say something you know."

Suichuan does not know where Zhao Ran wants to take her, but as long as he follows Zhao Ran, it is okay. When you nod, you should sit in Zhao Ran's party.

Zhao Ran closed his eyes and practiced two hours, quietly viewed the waterstone Danjing, after the law is restored, it has been nearly dusk, Zhao Ran has waited for a moment, let Suichuan medicine eat full, after the sky is completely black, give it She was challenged to the robes and then went out of the Dichitan Palace, then out of the Taiping door, straight to Longtanwei.

The Lu's brother took the corner of Juananyu, and he saw Zhao Ran, and he quickly flew to Zhu Lun.

Zhu Long immediately called the man's hand, but he ate the big loss during the day, but this time did not easily dispatched, but the Lu's brothers reported Zhao Ziran.

After Zhao Lu, Lu brothers followed Zhao Run, and inform Zhu Long, Zhao Ran, with another Taoist walk, the people took a fight, but they didn't see the true capacity, but there is also a walk between it. Deconed that it is in the body, just look at it, it can't be deep.

The appearance of this Taoist, suddenly caused Zhu Long to attach great importance to him, after thinking about it, it is considered that the Taoists around Zhao Ziran may be Luohuai.

If it is Luohuqing, can this help people can't kill two ** teachers?

After careful consideration, he believes that there is no problem, but it doesn't have to kill. If one is one of them escaping, the three palace to kill the mysterious temple will immediately show it to the world, this is extremely unfavorable to the top three palace of.

He is also extremely fruitful, when the flying character suits Zhu Xiang, Zhu Xiang seemed to have no hesitation, dispatch another refining teacher, and the Tiandong Palace is served in Lantian jade to help.

This, the power of Zhu Lun's hand is two refining teachers, two ** teachers and eight Jin Dan, and there are more than ten yellow crown exercises, with such power to fight two ** teachers, he Reincarrely confident.

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