Taoist Law

Chapter 168 fly

Lantian jade is very fast, after he joined, Zhu Long immediately ordered it, rushing to the northeast direction. It is rushed to the middle, and the Lu's brothers fly determined, Zhao Ziran rushed to stop with the Taoist Squad on the northeast, and it seems to be waiting.

Zhu Long is once again bright, and Yan Xiaohu is outside the city. At this moment, it is a good time, it is really a good murder! Who is he waiting for him, as long as it is coming, don't want to go! When people urged everyone to urgently rushed to the Yanfu Lake.

The Beskon lake, Zhao Ran looked at Suichuan medicine that did not breathe behind him, asked her to practice. Suichuan medicine did not understand this, just told Zhao Ran, the emperor once said that her cultivation is approximately in the supershende, so Zhao Ran, who is cheerful, and it is true.

Zhao Ran is somewhat amazing, it is the qualification of Suichuan medicine. So talent is not included in which the truth is included, but it is amazing.

But I think I think, I will understand that I am retrograde the white and lead so many years, I can live it, and I entered the supershende, there is no excellent qualification bone is definitely not. Remove the root bone, it also needs a small air transport.

Zhao Ran asked her to understand the understanding of the roadwork practice, but asked the three questions, in addition to cooperating with the other party's repairs, she did not understand.

Suichuan did not know why Zhao Ran stopped on the lake. She didn't go out for many years. I saw the scenery of the lake in this month. I can't help but stay in the heart, and I was homoked by this. Tears. I can't help but drift.

The reason why the reason why Zhao Ran Jiu Tian Xuanlong Big Ban is in the monster, so that he began to hesitate to take the next direction. After finally point peas, he did decision, so he flew Lu Lu Qing, please ask him to take the south of the moon mountain.

In the lake, it is to wait for the south.

Not allowed, there is a gentle, the south is in Zhao Rong, Zhao Ranzhao smiled: "Nande's director, these two days will hurry, please help."

The south has not fulfilled the duties of the Director of the Director in this year. Really, it's a little panic, there is some fat, he is not proud, and immediately urge: "Where is the road?" Come on. "

Zhao Ran sat on the back of Lingyan, and strived to say that Suichuan medicine came up. Suichuan is surprised, and some hesitate: "Can you?"

Zhao Ran referred to the fidelity of the person: "It's almost, there are many ways to catch."

Suichuan medicine carefully broke the gutter, and the ringman hugged Zhao Ran, Zhao Ran, and the south of the people were flying, and Suichuan was scared, and the eyes were closed. Tight.

Zhao Ran and said: "Mayful, I am, not dangerous. Look at this world, you can't live in the palace, I have passed my own life."

Zhu Long took a big gang of the monk's monk to rush through the night, lectured by the night cover, did not have alarmed the capital of the capital, quickly out of the city, came to the Yanfang Lake, only see the Lu's brothers, two big mouth, and silly look Sky, a distant expression.

Zhu Long is drunk: "What about people?"

Lu's brother raised his hand, pointed to the dark sky, muttered: "Fly ..."

On the moonlight, Suichuan medicine was tense for a while. After the adaptation, he opened his eyes to see the eyes, and the heart is refreshing, and the excitement cannot be speechless. The instinct wants to get close to Zhao Ran, thank him, so I have been attacked.

Zhao Ran is so different after the body,

Also up and down, he is the repair of the ** teacher, the self-control power is strong, earning forward, said: "Don't mess with it."

Suichuan medicine did not dare to make it, and they were quickly received.

Zhao Ran asked: "How many years old? Don't hide it."

Suichuan is old and old to answer: "The little woman is 32 years old this year, is already a human old bead, no hummous, suffering ..."

Zhao Rong said: "Don't pull! Who is you get into the Taoist, which year into the jade?"

Su Chuan medicine asked: "How to calculate Taoist, Yu Shi?"

Zhao Ran told her about the sign of these two practice realms. She recalled the moment, said: "If it is in the parties, the little woman is the twelve years of Taoist prostitute, and two years ago. "

"Are you a few years old?"

"Jiajing was twelve years, the little woman was brought into Hangzhou Xiuyi. After three years, I was sent to Xieling Palace. I learned for two years in Xingling Palace, and I sent it to the court."

In this way, Zhao Ran couldn't care when she started to contact the double monk. But no matter how, it is possible to run through the law of the law, and the talent is really a rare world. From another perspective, Gu Kexue "Making Material" level and opportunity When you really have!

But unfortunately, other famous women who have been killed, refer to the example of Suichuan medicine, the sixteen of the show, the top of the top, is a genius!

"After this experience, what is your plan? The meaning of the poor, whether you can revenge, this is going to go, where are you going?"

"Where? Where else can the little woman? In this world, I have been lick, please ask the pair of compassion, the little woman is willing to make a horse to be a horse, serve his life."

Zhao Ran shook his head: "Don't move to be a horses, the poor road needs is not a horses. I know that you will look back in the harbor, but since you come out, you will say goodbye to the past, you only Two years old, good days are still behind. The meaning of the poor pass is that if you don't go, you can consider it, enter my Zongsheng Pavilion. "

After listening to this, Suichuan medicine did not dare to confuse: "The abbot is true? Is Zongsheng Pavilion willing to pay me?"

"Nature is true, you will see if you are willing."

"Little woman is willing! Please collect the little girl as the person, the little woman is in life, willing to serve the pair ..."

Zhao Ran helpless interruption: "Don't move, don't serve who is good? Into the door of the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred As a teacher, come back. "

During the speech, Zhao Ran made a decline in the naturalness of the Lingyan, and after careful recognition, it directly arrived in the Longtan Danjun's camp. Although he is the land of Gyeonggi, Zhang Dang is a warner who kills more than ten years. It is still in accordance with the habit of the border, and the warning of the warning military camp is opened all year round.

Therefore, this Zhao Ran did not go straight into the big camp, but in the outside of the camp, he said to see Zhang Lang.

In short, the camp opened, Zhang Dynasty welcomed it out, surprised: "So late, what is the abbot?"

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