Taoist Law

Chapter 169 Everything is going forward

After entering Zhang Lang's barrack, the screen returned, Zhao Ran introduced: "This is the Dragon Tanwood command to make Zhang."

Suichuan medicine is busy: "The little woman saw General Zhang."

Zhang Dang did not pay attention to Zhao Ran's people are actually a woman, and the doubt is looking to Zhao Ran.

Zhao Ran said to him: "This is a beautiful woman in the palace, surnamed Su, called Suichuan."

Zhang Dang has listened to Zhao Ran to say that the court, he couldn't help but suffocate immediately. After she took a breath, I trembled: "You ... you are the court ... ... show girl? "


Zhang Laugu Q: "You can know Jin Fang ... Yang Jinfang ... no, Yang Jinying?"

Su Chuan's medicine looked at Zhao Ran, Zhao Ran, "Take you, let you tell Zhang Qian people."

So Suichuan said that the palace was tacked and the emperor said, said, repeatedly crying again. This tragedy heard the color change, repeatedly asked Yang Jinying's appearance, Suichuan medicine simply took a thing: "This silver is handed over to the little woman before Yang's sister is dead, saying that it is empty I gave her a glass of water ... "

Zhang Dang grabbed the silver, lectured by the room, and sat in the chair, there was no words for a long time.

After a while, Zhao Ran asked: "Can it be confirmed?"

If Zhang Laogue is dead, it is slow to nod, and the silver is handed over to Zhaoran: "There are two small characters behind the scorpion ..."

When Zhao Ran, I saw it, and I was engraved with two extremely small letters of "Golden Fang" on the back handle.

I listened to Zhang Laugui: "This silver, is the old Liu He, who is forced to Jinxing, who is forcing Jinxing Pavilion. His craft has always been very good ..... I didn't have money in the same text, but she guarded the old Liu The head and silver, holding a whole ... "

After a moment, Zhang Laugou: "Is the square to be empty? Zhang wants to drink and drink."

Zhao Ran is a head: "Also, simply put the beef, put the clock and thousands of friends, please come?"

That night, Zhao Ran and Zhang Dang brothers together in the room, drinking in the room, drinking the final, Zhang Dang and others cry, laughing again, crying again, like mad.

A wine drunk is getting bright, and after Zhang Dynasty is drunk, it is said to the Niu Wei. "The heart of the loyal road, this is a knot, and everything is going forward, don't always look at the past, You also persuade him, I will come over today, just to let him open my heart, the wife will marry my wife. "

The beef is smirking and shook his head and nodded: "The end will try our best."

Zhao Ran also said: "I just listened to his words. For the emperor, Chen Yu, all the meaning of resentment, you are also good to persuade, let him not mess, some things, the poor treasure will have some test The Emperor's head, don't say more, Chen Yu, the poor road will give him a fair for him. "

The coward: "Then, thank you. In fact, the brethren understand that this thing is to blame, but it is nothing to do, he is nothing to do ... Of course, it is He is doing, and if you have to find him! "

Zhao Ran is a little accident, watching the coward: "You really dare to say, but don't talk in front of the outside."

"I know the abbot, the end will be great."

Zhao Ran took the military camp with Suichuan, and the Yansan will recruit, "said the director of Nancheng, I am going to Lushan.

From Longtanwei along the Dawei, sitting in the back of the geese, Su Chuan medicine asked: "Abbot, is this going to go to Lushan? Total View?"

Zhao Ran nodded: "When I arrived in Lushan, I met some towns. Don't be afraid, put your encounter is originally mentioned. It is not exaggerated when talking. It doesn't hide, what is it."

"Got it."

"Tired, just in the geese back."

"I know, the abbot."

Lushan is not far from Beijing, flying two and three times, the afternoon arrived.

Zhao Ran behind him: "Why don't you sleep?"

Suichuan shake his head: "I can't sleep."

Zhao Ran pointed to the lower side: "This is the overall thing."

A lingering geese went down to the hill of Jinji Peak. Zhao Ran took them into the sky. He saw the town of the town of the town. Zhao Ran lost a pastry: "I haven't seen it for a long time, the spiritual official is good?"

The monkey jumped again, it was very excited: "Zhao Daozhang is finally here, I haven't seen you for a long time, I can think about it." I took a bag of pastries that Zhao Ran, and grabbed it. Eat delicious, good taste! "

Since the white crane is closed, Zhao Ran has broken a large supply of Zhu Hui Fei fruit and other immortality. Only Legushan Fairy and Guo Zhiwu are the small Junshan, Dalun Mountain, the two pharmacies, but it can't be as before Generous.

Zhao Ran recalls, sometimes I feel that I am too violent that I am too violent, I can't wait to give myself a few pieces. This time I came to Jinji Peak, I didn't give it to the town of the town, but I took some kind of snack pastry from the Beijing-City, but the effect is still very good, and the monkey is very happy.

In this regard, Zhao Ran reperesses the front of the big hand.

And Ling Mon chat, Zhao Ran inquired about the situation of the Master Hall, the monkey did not know, Zhao Ran, who didn't ask who is in Jinji in the golden peak, this is a few clear. When he reported his name, Zhao Ran found that the real teacher of the real manner, except for the study supervision of Shen Yunjing, the other fifteen real men came.

Zhao Ran immediately heard that since last year, Shen Yunjing has gradually not participated in the real teacher's age, I want to understand that there is a common Zhang Yangming and his companion. Now he has only one of him in the entire Times. How is it in the forehead?

Introducing Liangyan South to the town of the town, please ask him to entertain, Zhao Ran entered the mountain gate with Suichuan.

The repair of Suichuan medicine is not a long time in Jinji Peak, Zhao Ran rushed to the three-Qingge, and did registered with the old man of the door, to go in to find Zhuo Yunfeng.

The old man won the quantity of Suichuan medicine, waiting for Zhao Ran to do the registration, he said: "Zhuo Long is not there, go to True Master, today's Master Hall."

Zhao Ran is a speechless, and the heart said that you show the existence of existence? I don't say much, and I have to turn around and take the head. I am shouting by the old man: "I remember one when I was a grain, otherwise, this little girl was afraid of falling the sequelae."

Zhao Ran asked: "Can Yangxin Dan still use?"

The old man blinks: "Other?"

Zhao Ran hurriedly thanked the old man, took out the bottle to raise Xin Dan, let Suichuan medicine.

In addition to the truth, the Oriental Gifts, the Wei Chao Zong is waiting, and they are Gu Kechuan and the second road, as well as eight Mrs. Zhao Ran, who was attacked in the fishing village on the same day.

Among them, Gu Academy is not tied, and the rest is tightly tiered.

In addition, many people have three or two or two or stations or sitting in all corners, Zhao Ran doesn't know.

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