Taoist Law

Chapter 170 5 Title of the Wheel

Seeing Zhao Ran, Dongfang Li and Wei Chaozong is a little surprised, asking: "How come you?"

Zhao Ran called the two to the distance, explained whispered, these two are big, but still a little unassured, let Suichuan drugs repeatedly, after listening, the Oriental Gifts: " With such a key person, today's win! "

Zhao Ran asked: "What is the situation?"

Dongfang Ring Road: "It has been discussed one morning, Gu Kegrach teacher, spring breeze, and watching cloud, there are several three palaces, you have come in, it is still unclear how to finalize, but it should be almost "

The Wei Dynasty replenishment: "Just now, Gu can learn to tell me, Zhou Zhen people are extremely angry, and they have never taken him on the spot."

Zhao Ran asked: "Zhou Zhen people also participated in the agenda?"

Wei Chaozong smiled and said: "The original she didn't come, Zhao Zhen people invited Yang Zhen to go to her. She heard that the tragic things of these show women in the show, they came over, while the fire, I sent a person to the human card in a few times, I heard her in the people. "

Zhao Ran also couldn't help but laughed. When the year was competing for the Day of Junshan, this Zhouzhen's sexual child, I heard my teacher Jiang Tenghe was pointed at the nose, but today, he participated in the agenda and encouraged, mood It's complicated, it's really difficult to say.

It is not easy to say, and the Oriental gift is returned to the real teacher. After simple, I took the Suichuan medicine.

Suichuan is very nervous before entering the door. When I look back, I looked at Zhao Ran. Zhao Ran smiled and nodded, and Suichuan turned his threshold.

Gu Ke learned Zhao Ran, moved to this side, period Ai Dao: "Zhao Fang ..."

Zhao Ran asked: "Are you said?"

Gu Kechuan: "That is said, I don't know how to dispose of my teacher."

Zhao Ran comforted him: "Don't worry, since the two pavilions have guaranteed, you also actively explain the problem, thinking that it will not be too heavy."

I saw the spring breeze and watching the clouds. These two expressions have long been numb, the eyes are like the dead fish beads, and there is no half-bidding. When I saw Zhao Ran, I didn't seem to see, or I saw Zhao Rong's lake.

Wei Chaozong and Zhao Ran walked along the pond in front of the real teacher, and the Wei Dynasty was deeply smoked. "Tracing the show, six years, today, finally paying the place, suddenly lost the direction, some don't know what it is, Ha ha."

Zhao Rong said: "Congratulations to the brothers, the next step will be taken over the East Pavilion North Tang?"

The Wei Dynasty: "In the six cabinets, in addition to the Kyushu Pavilion, he served as the precedent of the owner of the non-refiningant. After the case, I plan to return to Bai Yun Pavilion, strive to break the way soon, into the refining teacher Say again. "

Zhao Ran took a smile: "Bai Yunge Wei Dynasty, He Linge Lu Xing, Yu Huang Shen Dongfang Jing, Zongyang Gestal Tsuen Chunming, Zongsheng Pavilion Wei Zhizhen , The five-party monks have no overall? Is it not disappointed with the "Junshan Notes"? "

Wei Chaozong also laughed: "The Oriental Dizu is closed for half a year? It is not only me alone ... What is the five lines of monks, I really can't go on the top of your company, and there is no problem with his strength."

After about a fragrant, the Oriental Gifts brought Suichuan from the Times Hall, and the Sugawa's face touched tears, and it was necessary to cry again.

After the Oriental Gift came over, the brilliance said: "Guo Hong, Sima Yunqing does not talk,

Chen Shan Dao is speechless, Zhang Yuanji has become a visitor, Yu Dajing has been anti. "

Zhao Ran has in the past, and asked the Oriental Ceremony: "Shang Sanong is the culprit of the business show, this case, should you give the world an account?"

Dongfang is very affirmation: "That is natural, Zhou Zhen people have already made it clear that strictly organized the three palaces."

The Wei Chaozong detailed inquired the statement of the real teacher in the real manner. After asking, Zhao Rong said: "If you are rest assured, we will order a dead show for the dead."

Soon, the real door door opened, and fifteen realist fish came out, Wuyang Zhong, Xu Yunxi came over and greeted this: "It's also coming."

They are Zhao Ran, and now the biggest relying on the door, and it is almost deemed Zhao Ran as their own children. Zhao Ran hurriedly worsen to see: "I have seen the real person, I have seen Tianshi."

Xu Yunqi asked: "Where is it? If you can't go, I will go to my yard for two days."

Zhao Rong said: "Don't take the liberty to disturb, the disciples will stay in Yunshuang Tang."

Xu Yun said, smiled: "I almost forgot, let's go to this golden chicken peak, I am still familiar with me, huh, huh."

Oriental Gifts: "Tianshi, is there a result today?"

Wu Tianshi said: "If you want to ask the three palace, you have known the Three-palace hall to make it in Lushan. And wait tomorrow, ask the three guys tomorrow afternoon."

Zhao Ranni was encouraged, and the Suchuan drugs around him: "Don't worry, your enemies will appeal back."

Suichuan is full of joy, and it is red.

Xu Yunxi tried to Zhao Ran: "If Zhou Zhen people have something to ask you, you have to see her first, look back and come with us."

Zhao Ran looked at the door of the real master, and the Zhou real people on the steps faced, impatiently stared at this side, and the drums were played, and they had a hard scalp: "I have seen Zhou real people."

Zhou Zhen people: "Bring the little girl named Su, let me go."

Zhao Ran turned back to call Suichuan medicine, followed by Zhou Zhen, go straight to Kyushu.

Zhao Ran saw Suichuan's medicine a little sweating, reminding her to take a grain, and her spiritual head has improved.

I got on the towering orphans, entered the Kyushu Palace, follow the Zhou real people to the end of the credit pool, Zhao Ran can't hore hope to gather the world's fundamental Kyushu Fang Ding, and Dingnadi blue pool .

Compared with the time when I met Zhang Dazhen, the depth of the blue pool in the credit pool dried a large truncation. It can see the bottom of the white jade pool at the bottom, and the inquiry in the pool. . These runes are blocked by the pool solution and see unclear.

Zhou Zhen took a moment in the pool, explained a sentence: "more than 200 million."

In the year, Zhang Dazhen was sitting on the railings of the pool. He looked at a leg and Zhao Ran. Zhao Ran still remembers that his line of sight is attracted by a big man hangs in the foot of the foot. It is always worried that the dirty. The shoes are swayed into the pool.

At that time, the credit in the pool was more than 6 billion. In the past year, the big real person gave you a blue jun, and it took 30 billion to build the Fei Lisheng Hongqiao. It took ten billions of robbery, and twelve left. 100 million.

In other words, in the past seven years, the capacity of the credit pool is more than 7 billion!

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