Taoist Law

Chapter 178 is important

Gu Kexisen slowly reached out this cake, put on the plate, and opened the bottle of wine pot, and filled a bite, he took a breath, and he asked: "Why? Not a poison? "

"Do you want to be a poison?"

"Don't you? This day is better than living than living."

"The poverty has made a mistake, not dare to wish you a wish, but I hope that you can chest to live, always have a hope."

"What hope? Is there hope?"

Zhao Ran did not answer, got up to the four g cars next to it, and handed it in the snacks and jug.

When I handed it to the boss, my boss said two words: "Abandon ..."

When I took the oil paper bag, I asked: "Is this a scent of crisp rice cake? I have to eat more than this ... but it is still incense."

I didn't talk, I didn't talk directly to the mouth of the oil paper.

I have asked a question: "Is the first phase of the summer to practice the ball lottery, began to sell?"

Zhao Ran repeats them again: "I will live well."

Getting up, but he was shouting: "Zhao Fang!"

Zhao Ran turned around, Gu Kechu: "There is no matter what you have not said, don't say because of exciting sins, it is now like this, it doesn't matter. Thank you Zhao Fang also I can think about visiting my teachers ... Zhao Fangtang returns to the day, need to pay attention to the three palaces, they have always wanted to puncture the rebel. "


"Yes. There is a dedication called Zhu Long, and I have contacted me many times, I have been urging us of the people."

Zhao Ran is a little surprised: "Why don't you shoot?"

Gu Key student smiled and shook his head: "The abbot is the people of God, and my teachers have already set up a lot of times, but there is always no chance." So I will have a chance to fill the beans in a few times.

Zhao Ran heard some daze, he only knew it now, it turned out that he had experienced so much assassination, it was incredible. In the time and place of taking care of the care, he also suddenly realized that there were so many days of exhibiting the Dafa on the same day, and there were so many stories behind him.

Gu Kechuan continued: "I used to listen to the words of people to talk about the words, I thought it was just a rumored rumors. Today, I met the real person. In front of the Atmosphere of the abbot, my teacher is like fireflings. I don't dare to bother, but I often say that I often go around, how to have no wet shoes, old man, remind the abbot, or be careful to be good at the three palace. Although our teachers and apprent entered the lonely clock, but Some of the three palaces are human hands, they will definitely shoot. "

Zhao Ran's first reaction is the first few days, the inexplicable continuous opening is preferred. Is it because the people in the three palaces are preparing to assassinate their own?

Thinking of this, Zhao Ran once again held his boxing: "Thank you for your seniors."

Zhao Ran's arrival, triggered the eyes of all prisoners of the whole lonely cloud, he walked on the road to return, was watched by this pair of eyes, and he couldn't help but have a few points. If it is closed in such a cell for a lifetime, it is not as good as death.

After the visiting, Zhao Ran led his storage and slamming, returned to the energetic cave, and washed it once, wash away the depths of the lonely climbs, thinking, reflecting Come to the Taoist Pavilion.

Chen Tianshi is in the Yuxian Hall,

But there is not in the main hall, but in the Danshan in the northeast of the main hall, he is in the past 30 years in the Taoist Pavilion, and there are many private items stay here.

Zhao Ran hit this unclear Dan room, the big Dan furnace in the middle of the half, has closed the fire door below, and the surrounding shelf has been empty, it should be received by Chen Tianshi to receive the storage method. .

He is a thick number of letters in front of him. It is in an inspection, see which is what you can take, which is to be handed over to Guo Han.

In addition, on the side of the wall, there is also a bunch of books, which is also the private hide of Chen Tianshi.

I finished the one's letters in front of you. Chen Tianshi took his hand, and smiled Zhao Ran: "Now I am not sitting in the real teacher, just a useless old man, can't actually look at me, when it is really hard, the old man is deep Moving."

Zhao Rong said: "Chen Tianshi said, even if it is not in the Taoist Pavilion, you are still a big man, how can you say that it is a old man? , My future, isn't it still in the heart of the Tianshi? How do I dare not visit? "

I laughed two, Chen Tianshi asked: "If you want to listen to the details of the real teacher's agenda? I heard that Xu Yun said, Wuyang Zhong, they hurried down the mountain, haven't come to Zhao Ran?"

Zhao Ran sighed: "I didn't think that Chen Tianshi actually took the seat of the Master of the Master to protect the emperor and Shangsan."

Chen Tianshi smiled: "It's important to sit in the teacher."

"Of course, it is possible to determine the location of the road and the world, and you can master how many people and the future of life and death, if not important, Xu Zhen people and Wu Tianshi will promise your proposal?"

"What is important, it is different from person to person, it is different. This position is in me, it is important, but I am very clear, sitting in this position, what is it, if you don't know, I will lose myself, the avenue is not hopeful. Revitalize the days of Wide, open up the second feasible road for the Taoist, this is what I work hard for nearly 30 years, I am doing everything on the seat of the real teacher. It is for this purpose. Last year, the real teacher agreed to walk at the same time, my wish was mostly completed, today agreed to the emperor can practice, this has almost reached all my goals, you said that I still stay still What is the difference? "

Whether or not, Zhao Ran is still very convinced of Chen Tianshi's gall.

Chen Tianshi said again: "The only regret, is it in the rest of the year, the power of the truth hall is escorted for this road. If you have been in the past few years, I saw the first one of our Tao's first use Wide Lotus. The flying monk saw that my teacher took this Wide to repair the injury, and the causality was truly peaceful. But no, not in his position, still knock on the side drum, and shout for this. "

Zhao Rong said: "Chen Tiansheng, the small road has been uneasy, the sky is Wide, do you really take the base of my Dao's first generation to work hard?"

Chen Tiansheng smiled: "As long as the real teacher is, as long as we guard against the Buddha, Daming's world can't change. Not to mention, I have prepared. I originally planned, the Weidian Flower End, will be proposed, limit the room The child is practiced. "

Zhao Ran immediately pursued: "What is the proposal of Tianshi? How to limit?"

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