Taoist Law

Chapter 179 is overkill

At the moment, Chen Tianshi will put it on the proposed proposal and tray. His advice is limited by three aspects.

First, strictly control the quota of the Sanong Monk; the second is to stipulate that in the middle of the room, the beginning of the son, everything is in the three generations of the child, there is no practice; three is a Ming, the king, the county king, the general of the country, the national The four-class procurement of the generals and their families will not practice.

Zhao Ran's eyes bright: "This method is good! It is better to put the emperor to practice into a sector. Although the emperor's restriction is released, it has reduced the number of people's monks, and the emperor became the alone in practice. The opposite of the road, the power is even more deficiencited. "

Chen Tianshi said: "This is just an idea. I haven't had a more stringent effort. I am ready to take a few years. I have been polished ... I am not sitting in Tangkang, and there is no heart, so I will propose. Give Guo Shi, ask him to consider it, stay in a few years, it can be submitted to the real master. "

Zhao Ran asked: "Why can't you make it earlier, it can be prevented from happening."

Chen Tianshi Shen said: "If you haven't gone to the position of the policy, I believe that it will be one of the contributors in the future. If you are willing to be willing, the old man has a little experience to share."

Zhao Ruyi said: "Please give pointers."

Chen Tianshi said: "The superfockeeper has been developed, and we often consider the redundancy of governance. We often have a good wish to introduce new governance. After the implementation of the implementation, it will often play the discount, the more levels of the middle, playing The larger the discount, which changes, the sample, perfunct demonstration, so all, not an enumeration. "

Zhao Ruyi Head: "Overkill must pass, the enemy must be wide."

Chen Tianshi praised: "If we want to put it, we must be careful. When you want to collect, you must be big, you can't accept it, or you can't let go, then you can't let go, that is, three words - Take a toss. Take the heavy tree, Wide as an example, this is to put it, we must put some, big one, in order to ensure that the establishment of Vide is not because people are discounted, if this is proposed to limit the room Practice, the contusion of the Son of Wide will be far from our imagination, and even there is a possibility of violating the original intention. At present, let the emperor to establish Wide, this is the most important, even if there are some phenomena, too It can only be carefully corrected one by one, and it cannot be strictly prohibited from it. How to grasp it, it is necessary to consider it seriously. "

Zhao Ran sighed: "If you die, you will be chaotic, ancient and modern China and foreign countries, how many outstanding sorrows have been unknown ..."

Chen Tiansheng agreed: "The so-called 'to govern the big country, such as cooking," is this. "

Zhao Ran listened, Chen Tianshi said so much, in fact, from another angle to Zhao Ran to explain that he did not hesitate in the show, and the reason why the three palace did not happen, he did not want Before Wide Lotus Forming, the most important pillar in the practice world - on the three palace.

You said that he is so appease, which is still, this is his true thoughts, and Wide Lotus is in the same way, it is important than the power of Taoist Tianshu, and all possible factors that will affect Wide lotus. Chen Tianshi It is necessary to find ways to eliminate it. This is the will of Zhao Ran can't shake.

In fact, Chen Tianshi is willing to spend time with him, this is not bad, think about yourself, so big interest exchange, several real men have to die, read this, Zhao Ran Some Heart cold and unwilling. Perhaps because Xu Zhen people and Wu Tian teachers are afraid that he will come out and know that he has to look for it. Also, people are really busy,

Don't think you need to explain him? The possibility of the latter may be bigger ......

And Chen Tianshi talked for a long time in the Yuxian Dan, the knowledge and experience of his long-lived high is Zhao Ran, so Zhao Ran self-feelings.

Since then, Chen Tianshi talks about a problem, it is a good thing: "Suichuan medicine and other show women are forced to change, first throw away, there is no more wrong", don't misunderstand, I thought that they were worthy of compassion from the perspective of the Palace guard, this is not a good phenomenon. We can't take much more consideration, but in the future, it is necessary to put it in the discussion. "

"Chen Tianshi wants to strengthen the Harmony in the palace?"

"Yes, although I am resigned from the teacher's position, but still in Fukong Guofei, I still consider the three palace. Zhu Xiang see them proposal, to prevent such palace changes or thatch cases, need to adjust the trimmon monk In the middle of the value, I think it is necessary. Although the emperor has already goddened, but there is no experience, I am afraid I have a yellow crown that often fights, I can give the emperor. Nowadays, in the middle of the palace, Chen Yu is Inside, there is a practicing Sote to the number of two hands, it is too small, so Zhu Xiang is intended to put 20 monks from Shangsan Palace to enter the palace, and the preparation of the guards, I agree. Because you are a Juananyou Palace The abbot, so I know you in advance, I am misunderstanding. "

Zhao Ran sighed and said: "Chen Tianshi, you think about the three palace, can I consider my safety?"

"What do you mean?"

"There is a dedication called Zhu Long, from the February this year, it is tangled, and the figure is murdered, and I know it, I have planned more than six or seven times, so I have some self-defense. It's good luck, or you can't see the trail at this moment. "

"Is there this?"

"They dare to go to the school teacher, do you not dare to hit my idea? If Chen Tiansheng doesn't believe it, I will try to catch a living port when I go back to them, and I will give you old."

Chen Tiansheng immediately sinked down, silent, said: "I know."

He said with Chen Tianshi, I have talked about two times in the foot, and Zhao Ran talked out and turned to the clouds. Chen Tianshi did not have the mood of the recall of the recall, and quickly took things well, and I apologized to Guo Hong's simplicity, and the path straight out of Golden Peak.

Back to the sky, Li Dawei, who has got the news, has been at the entrance of Yuanfu Palace, after seeing the teacher, the ancestors of all taste.

Chen Tianshi said: "I have already set it out of the truth hall, and I don't want to persuade me again. I don't use it."

Li Da Hiwang: "I don't persuade the teacher, I know that I have no use now, the disciples just want to ask, the third trim is really worth having to pay so much?"

Chen Tianshi said: "It is not that the three palace is worth the teacher, but the avenue, another optional avenue, the only hope of your teacher's ancestors."

Li Da is secretly sighful: "Disciples understand."

Chen Tianshi said again: "I rushed back today, I want to ask Zhu Xian to see them a few words. They come back from Lushan?"

Li Da Hiwang: "Just back, before half a time, Qi Wang fly with me, said that I want to ask the disciple to eat wine. The disciple heard the teacher's business, how to have a thought about ..."

Chen Tianshi broke: "I will call them three, go!"

Not long, Zhu Xiang saw that the blue road and Duan Dynasty have rushed to the Yuanfu Palace. I went to see Chen Tianshi. Chen Tianshi Zhang Qian said: "You and Zhao Ziran have any unknown, nothing to fight ? "

Three people face each other, after a while, they will be given by Zhu Xiang to answer: "Where is the Tianshi learned me to kill Zhao Ziran?"

"You don't want to know where I know, I will ask if you have this!"

The blue road did not dare to scream, Zhu Xianghe and Duan Dynasty replied at the same time:

Zhu Xiang see: "Some."

Duan Dynasty: "There is no thing!"

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