Taoist Law

Chapter 18, Sujing

I heard two kinds of answers to contradictory, Chen Tianshi immediately sank, sitting, dressing gently, a loud slap is on the face.

Duan Duan did not dare to resist, and the left face was red and swollen.

Zhu Xiang saw the smile: "Tianshi is in the case, the brother of this section may not know, it is my hand office."

Duan Dynasty used his eyes and was surprised to see Zhu Xiang.

Chen Tianshi will only speak: "You are willing to take it, then I ask you, you don't know if Zhao Ziran is I invited to Beijing? You actually dare to get started with him, where did you? When you really don't dare to move Do you? Let Zhao Ziran are the Tang Zi Tianzhi, you assassinate a house, this is a big thing! More than 10 years ago, Long'anfu Monastery Zhang Yunzhao, but did not solve the case, but the alleged view is already in the blind The clip is closed for eight years, do you want to go in? "

The blue road and the Duan Dynasty have couldn't help but play a cold. Zhu Xiang did not panic. He didn't panic: "At that time, Zhao Ziran smashed the show, for helplessness, I only got this policy, everything is for Tianzi Weide, please ask the teacher to understand. Since there is no concern, since it will not go to him, unless he actively provocative. "

Chen Tianshi is silent, and the three are waiting for his disposal, and the whole Purple Hall is silent.

Zhu Xian saw a movement, the blue road and the paragraphs were sweating.

When I didn't know how many times, Chen Tianshi finally opened, squinted: "No matter how before, it is not allowed to do so ridiculous things, you and Zhao Qiran no more conflict, I will find me, I will deal with it. Have you understood it? "

Zhu Xian saw that the blue road and Duan Dynasty use volts: "but listening to the Tianshi."

"Go out!"

Li Da hijou first, send three people to Yuan Fuji, Duan Dynasty with a smile, Into said: "Liyuan makes it today ..."

Li Da hidden is ignorant, the robe sleeves, the first return to the palace. Duan Dynasty with a black face, blue gluten rigid on the cheek.

I got down the Zikinshan, the blue road was in the heart: "The Wei's Wei, when I am so shocked, I don't know when I can see this."

Duan Duan also said: "Now, it is still sweating on his head ... Qi Wang, let's take your hand, don't kill Zhao Ziran, Zhao Ziran is Chen Tianshi's anti-scales, can't kill."

Zhu Xing saw a soft laugh, long: "I can not see this, I don't know how to act in these two months, but I can't open me, I can't open me, I'm going to be the truly reverse of Taoism. scale!"

"What is the meaning of this hion?"

"There is a case in the show, the two pavilions cost countless energy, and it can be said with a few years. It can be described as a big case. I still remember that the two pavilions are prepared to strive to strive for the Sanong search inspection? To tell the truth, the loneliness is scared Death! According to the case. I must have a head rolling, blood flow into the river, when I go to Lushan, I have done the worst plan, the result? Kill a Sheng Dynasty ... Haha ... laugh and death personal! Of course, Duan Shi also I have been wronged, and I have to avoid the palace of the Temple Palace to make ... "

Seeing the face of the face, there is a unwilling color, Zhu Xiang sees and traveled: "Go back to the Dynasty's first generation of brothers, waiting for things to stop, you will re-rolling it. Even if the tube, De King is also a name At the top, the Xingling Palace is still a paragraph. "

Duan Duan used this to smile and reopen: "It is good in the Hall, and Chen Yizhen, he killed so many people, but it was exempted from Zuo Tuo."

The blue road has just been very fear,

After listening to the analysis of Zhu Xiang, I have a feeling of changing the clouds and seeing you.

Said, Zhu Xian saw himself couldn't help but laugh: "Not only is it to punish so light, the real master also sent us a big gift, and the emperor can practice in the future!"

The blue road and Duan Duan use to look at the eye, and I congratulate Zhu Xiang: "Congratulations to Qi Wang!"

Zhu Xiangnou said: "The emperor of the lonely thank you, I Zhu Jiazhi is there, you can have today!"

After a gift, Zhu Xiang saw it: "Today, how to murder the sky, such a big thing, how is Chen Tianshi to dispose of it? Take me like a few words, then do you have a few words, then? And then finished! Two, I didn't help but laughed at the temple. This is the matter? Do you believe? Haha ... "

Duan Dynasty said: "No wonder, I also said what dare to direct this matter under the temple. It turned out to be tested, this trial, really tried to have a true heart of Chen Tianshi, His Royal Highlight!"

Zhu Xian saw a well: "So, we are still worried about in the future? Two, you said, what can I worry about my three palaces?"

Duan Dynasty is attached to: "It seems that we are not worried about it in the future, but the door should be worried, it should be said before the temple, really seek people are not me on the three palaces, but Taoist."

The blue road behavior is slightly calm. Look at the problem is very too extreme, relatively conservative, but thinking about it, I feel that Qi Wang is very reasonable, out of such a big thing, Dao door is actually a little bit, this, this Isn't it the best agreement? So sighed: "Unfortunately, Sheng Dynasty, so a good situation, he can't see it."

Zhu Xiangnou nodded, a face: "For the big event, there must be sacrificed, the Sheng Dynasty is a sacrifice for me, in the future, I will enter the country! His family room, I will be alone!" And when I was executed? Silent wine is sent to him. "

Duan Dynasty is advised: "Before the death, there is always a bit confused, talk to the three, don't go, I will get hurt, I will bring the meaning of the Hall, I will think about it, he will read it. The kindness in the temple. "

Zhu Xiang saw Shen Wei: "Then there is a teacher of the Labor, there is, try to send someone to Lushan earlier, but earn things."

Blue Road question: "What should I do if Zhao Lirheng? What should we kill?"

Zhu Xiang saw cold and cold road: "What should I do if you do? How is it better than the show? Kill him, Chen Tianshi can wait for me? It is really not good, lose personal give Chen Tianshi's sin, no big deal "

The two do not solve: "Is it not killing?"

"Not killing!"

Qi Wang is so firm, these two don't say anything, the blue road royal statement: "or can slow down, give him some things, this is his take the initiative to provoke, Chen Tianshi is also as good as it is."

Zhu Xianwei said: "When you kill, there is something, how to do things, you will watch it."

Duan Dynasty used the wine to celebrate, invite Zhu Xiang to see and blue road to go to the banquet, the blue road promised, Zhu Xiang saw it and refused: "You drink a banquet, remember to give a reward, please reward the reward, It is the use of people, don't let people underwent cold. I have to enter the palace tonight. I will tell the emperor, then choose the Su Gui in the palace, and it is time to let the emperor are reserved. "

The blue road is said to be said: "I am afraid that the emperor is not willing."

Zhu Xiang see: "The country is a big event, can you be ah? I have to go to this evening!"

When Chen Tianshi rebuked Zhu Xianhe et al., Chen Ranzheng was meditation in Yunshuang Tang in Jinji Peak.

Previously, he told the teacher Jiang Tenghe fly to tell the income of Suchuan into the mountain gate. He told the teacher that the cultivation of Suichuan's medicine is particularly good. It is a rare practice to practice genius, although it is a little big old, but it is not much in practice, it is already Yu Shi. He said that because the opportunity is coincidental, he has received Suichuan medicine as a disciple. This is his first disciple, please agree.

The third generation of the building is coming to Zhao Ran, so Jiang Teng Crane has no opinion on this, but in Zhao Ran mentioned that he is too busy, it can't concentrate on the discipline, worry that Suchuan medicine is around himself. Therefore, I plan to let Suichuan medicine to Dashan Mountain, first ask the master, Wei Zhi Zhen is awarded, and Jiang Teng crane has given a suggestion.

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