Taoist Law

Chapter 182 Gong Duanguan

Zhao Ran is no longer nonsense. His sense to take Suichuan medicine trial practice, Suichuan medicine promised that happily, then there is nothing to say, according to his speculation, the biggest consequences after failure is to fall the realm, The talents of Suichuan medicine can recontinate more than two or three years.

At the moment, Zhao Ran stopped Suichuan to stop the practice of practice, and the south will recruit people: "Daoyou, let's go back to Da Junshan."

The south returned to the disguised town of the town of Zhao Ran and Suichuan.

After arriving in Damshan, Zhao Ran took Suichuan medicine to the world to see the teacher and teacher.

Suichuan had to tell his own trags again. The same experience has repeatedly speaking many times. Su Chuan's medicine is already a bit numb, it is like telling the story of others, so there is still more efforts to add some techniques. The scene of Zhao Li Niang is still in tears on the spot, and Jiang Tenghe will not stop.

Jiang Tenghe asked Zhao Ran: "I heard that you have been in the overall thing recently?"

Zhao Rao said: "Yes, last month of the Master Hall, the result made the disciples could not worry, this is not to say, the key is that the two pavilions will be returned, let the disciples have a bad person. Disciple is waiting for this month Duo, the decision of the proceedings came out, "said," said, he said that he said.

Zhao Li Niang said: "Such a person, you can't save it."

Zhao Ran sighed: "At that time, two pavilologies wandered to cooperate with the investigation, put the responsibility to the disciples, the disciples were soft, and they promised to put them from lightly. Gu Keecked the commitment of the disciple, with the whole, final fall The result is that this matter has become a heart knot, and it does not give it out, and the disciples are difficult. "

In practice, people are most afraid of the essence of heart knot, but in fact, it is the largest in the fact that the most important part of the concentration, does not eliminate the heart knot, don't say that the Avenue is not expected, and you can't do it.

Jiang Tenghe Shen Yu diamond, said: "If you are doing things that you should do things in Tianfu, you will return to Song."

Zhao Rong said: "Thank you for your concern, the disciples also want to pass, Wu Tianshi, Zhao Zhen people, in fact, it is a small soldier, as a small soldier, there is no saying, this is the same. But since I got it. , The disciples will not have to rush, the disciples are not believed, don't you really have a discovery? Killing kills and kills both sides can't stand, someone will ask the disciple to think about what. "

Zhao Li Niang praised: "If you have a good temper, I like it! It should be so, the temperature is swallowed, and it will always die there. I am stirring into it. But I have just listened to you. I feel that Chen Shan Dao is not right, I am so protecting the three palace. From their nature, their courage is even bigger, what is going to be more chaotic. If you do things, you will be able to pay attention. Beware of their dogs to jump. "

Jiang Teng He nod: "This way, Yuyang's good period is not going? Let's take a look at the day." Also to Zhao Li Niang said: "Just take you to hope that Hong Ze, see the water of Hongze Lake Ling Mountain. "

Yuyang and Ducks were seven, and the big marriage period of Fox Xiaojiu was originally fixed on May 9, but because two old friends in Hong Zai couldn't arrive, this old head apologized to Jiang Tenghe, hoping to extend marriage After that, it also sent a special trip to send a delayed claim.

Jiang Tenghe and Zhao Li Niang speak very well, and it is unable to postpone the marriage and postponed to June 12. It is also a good day.

There is Jiang Tonghe, Zhao Li Niang two big refining teachers, plus Wei Zhizhen,

Zhao Ran estimated that he should be safe in the day.

Next, I said that the purpose of Zhao Ran returns to the front half of the orthodox method, and the medicine to make a merits in the body!

Zhao Ran's merits in the sea is evolved by the fine, he can't go to Suichuan medicine to find a fine search, so he thinks about half a month in Jinji Peak, and speaking a testive road to explore. .

This road is divided into two steps. First, it is the ideographic map of the operation mode after the fineness of the sea, this step is that this step has been completed, and the composition thinking is also explained in detail. The rest is waiting for Jiang Tenghe Shi Shi Zhao Ran, did not go to refining, and construct it.

The second step also requires refining teachers to complete, which is to refer to the idea of ​​orthodox, will force the conceptual map to enter the Suchuan pharmaceutical body, forming a trial of the in-laws.

After the Jiang Tenghe heard, with Zhao Li Niang, I discussed a moment, agreed to Zhaoran's ideas, and then built a day by the scheme of Zhaoran.

After completing, Jiang Tenghe will instill the ideographs to Zhao Ran, Zhao Ran trial, and the structure and exercises of this picture are similar to the gas sea in his body. Some small errors, he also mentioned , Please Jiang Teng crane modified.

After the completion of the modification, Jiang Teng Crane has entered this view of the orthodox model into Suichuan medicine. Suchuan medicine has been given to the foreman, and I feel that everything is hunting. The previous work is completed.

Can you succeed, it's not now, it is necessary to find a good idea to make a virtue sea map in Suchuan medicine. How long does this process take, no one know, because everything doesn't have a precedent.

Perhaps half a year, perhaps one year, maybe three years, may always do never. But let Zhao Ran comforted, so far, Suichuan drug did not have a danger, and she was in the spirit of the sea.

This is the innate advantage of the building, the waterstone biochemistry coexist, mutual disturbance, only to practice the firestorms of the waterstone Dan, can do this, change the monks to the monks to come to Sichuan medicine I want to map, the spiritual power of Suichuan's medicine may have been broken.

In the discussion of the truth, there are still a few days, Zhao Ran officially organized the teacher's ceremony of Suichuan medicine in the Temple. Zhao Ran received the apprentice, this is the most loving event in Junshan, the building and asking the whole person attending the ceremony, even more than 20 of more than 20 scales and Zongmen who have already moved into Songshan. , Sending a gift to Suichuan, Zhao Ran is also not polite, let Suichuan medicine will be all.

In the face of the hundred monk, Suichuan is a good congratulatory message to Zhao Ren, and the temple. There is a ritual and no ritual, and Suichuan's medicine feels a grand, serious atmosphere in the main hall, and he is also a tide. When you get it, you will be red, and you can't say it.

Zhao Ranzi Su Chuan medicine saw it, Wei Mastener, Yu Er Shibao, "Lin Shi's uncle" and Zheng, Song and other "teacher", met the three generations of Qifeng and Feng Tang, recognized A big pile of "brothers, teachers".

These two days, Suichuan's whole person is glow, as if I have changed personal, Zhao Ran, I still heard her ourselves, and the face blooms on a brilliant smile.

Qufeen and the medicine for Suichuan is very envious. Snoving to Zhao Ran and complained to Zhao Ran, and it is nothing more than that of the young teacher. You are cold, refuse to be a thousand miles, and now see Su Shi Girl Into your old man's house, how is the teacher, how is it?

I looked at Zhao Ran, and I looked up in Qifeng and myft: "Roll!"

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