Taoist Law

Chapter 183 Someone

On May 20, Jiang Tenghe, Zhao Li Niang, Qifeng and Qing Dynasty, Song Yuqiao and others, plus Zhao Ran and Suichuan medicine, sitting on the piercing Winged, leaving the Dayun Mountain Cave Day.

About a month is about a month, so, Jiang Teng crane finally left Wei Zhizhen to help Lin Shi Shu Town.

Yu Zhichuan is to go to Hongze Lake to join in the fun, but he is stopped by Jiang Tenghe. He is the baby's bump of the building, steady and moving the hope, Jiang Tenghe can't dare to take risks.

As for the two people in Qufeng and, the Dynasty, this is Zhao Ran, I want them to see the world. Qufeen and have already been Huang Crown, and Feng Tang is also about the Huang Crown, let them come out and walk, and it is also beneficial to the temper of the heart.

It is worth mentioning that the butcher and Shen wealth owner under the Zhao Li Niang do seem to have found the road to practice, and the two are close to Jin Dan in this spring. Zhao Ran is very gratified.

Before the proceed, the Zongsheng Pavilion officially granted the Biobi duty to Suichuan medicine. She can use the Ruyi and many Tao. Zhao Ran is not unfair to his university, and it is specially handed over to thousands of characters, half of which is the fly than that used, and the rest is fire characters, signs, etc., it is the ability to have the ability to fight.

On the heavens, Suichuan's medicine is not stopped to the people, and it is very eye-catching. Song Yuqiao dried to Zhao Ran, handed a piece of paper, Zhao Ran, looks above: "Your female apprentice is very beautiful, very understanding to wait for people, no wonder you have been refused to collect the apprentice, this time finally received. "

Trap, this is a trap! Zhao Ran immediately vigilantly, returned to the note: "She didn't pay under the door, she would die."

In a word, Song Yuqiao took the head and left, took the initiative to find Suichuan medicine, pointing to her experience.

See Zhao Ran stayed at the mountains and rivers below the distance, Qufeen and the latest two "Junshan Notes" came over: "Uncle Xiao, the recent difference you didn't look, give you two days before you. Don't turn over, you have nothing, look at it. "

During this day, Zhao Ran is not good. It is indeed not interested to watch "Junshan Notes", but Qifeng and have come over again to give him a daughter, he is not like this famous teacher, a faithful follower of disciples Good intention, reluctantly, laugh, laugh, read.

Qufeen and referring to him, it is the back of the training, it is some kind of cute little story, which is a kind of literary body that gradually popular in the journal. It is a paragraph, making it a few words. People or will be smiled, or they are not happy, very popular.

Zhao Ran looked at a few, haha ​​laughed, returned to the front, the opening is "Xiangling Palace shocked the show", "Sheng Dynasty Ming Multi-to-see", "" Xiuyi's case - Parastitution to make the prostitutes "," Where is Chen Yu's sinfulness - about "the thinking of the life is not violating" ......

Flying quickly, Zhao Ran pays attention to the author, from Yu Huangge, Longhu Mountain, He Linge and other places. He is the most consequence of the consequences of the first case. This article he has no heart, sweeping a look, what is the article written, what is the purpose of publishing, he is clear.

Look at the latest issue, it is to review Chen Tianshi's article, the title is "Xiu Yu's case smashed the skyline - sitting in Tang Zhen Chen Shan Road to resign! ".

After reading it, Zhao Ran sighed, I am afraid that ordinary monks and all the people will call the blood.

Zhao Ran threw two journals to Qifeng and, Q & Feng and closed, handed to Feng Tang: "You don't want to take care of cultivation, this understanding is to understand,

This is the responsibility of being a disciple of Zong Sheng. "

Feng Tang opened his eyes, helplessly took a page of journals and handed it.

Zhao Ran looked through the Journal of Qing Dang, I remembered the case of the three ugly cases, and the taste was in the heart, and it was difficult to speaking.

Feng Tang's eyes stayed in "Junshan Notes", but the eyes were drifting, even the phoenix and all saw it, and a journal in his hand was able to grab it: "You can't see it."

Feng Tang point head should be said: "Yes, brother." So closed his eyes to start hard.

Qing Yu Bao wings stopped to the Lushan Mountain, Zhao Ran arranged everyone to stay in the clouds in the clouds, waiting for the jade emperor who is about to arrive. At the time of the evening, Jade Emperor Pavilion took the flight instrument to the Lushan, under the coordination of Zhaoran and Dongfang, seemed to see the day of Jinji Peak.

Oriental Tianshi laughed to Jiang Tenghe said: "The brother is too polite, why bother to wait here, do you have two more gifts?"

Jiang Tenghe said: "For another two days, it is the big day of the world's imperial impermatics. I can't admit it to Tianshi. I can only wait for it."

Said, Zhao Ran will give a gift order.

Dongfang Tianshi took over the eyes and nodded: "The brother has the heart, if you can enter the real teacher, it is the blessing of the Sichuan Monk. You are in the eye. Remember to be in your heart. "

It turns again to Zhao Rong: "I heard that it is not easy to study for Gu Kechuan. I have blamed Donggang Gong. He has not done in this regard. I ignore the idea of ​​causing the idea. If you are rest assured, wait for me to promote the promotion , The scales are unfaished, open the heart. "

Zhao Ran squad: "Thank you for the east."

Simple talking about a moment, Jiang Teng crane said that he wants to go to Hongze, I am afraid I can't wait for the message in Lushan. Oriental is fully understood, and Jiang Teng crane will convey his congratulations.

Zhao Ran saw the Dongfang Jing, and the two smiled and nodded. No more words, both sides were separated.

Jiang Tenghe said: "If you stay here, you will go to Hongze Lake for the teacher. You will be in Hongze Lake."

Zhao Ran and Suichuan medicine sent the teacher away, returned to Jin Chickens, and came to Yunshuang Tang to stay. Just settled, Zhao Ran received a flyer of the Oriental respect: "Is it gone?"

Zhao Ran replied: "If the brother is vivid, you can meet in Yunshuang Tang." Tell the orientation of Yunshuang Tang.

Waiting for a long time, the Oriental dedicated to arrived, looked at a big unrequited house, Zhang Danedi, no mouth: "I can't believe it, there is such a large cloud, I am on the road I asked a few people, I didn't know, I was so happy here. I could know that I was waiting for the residence of the rude brother. It was more wrote! So the place where the point is squeezed, when it is really difficult! "

Zhao Ran smiled: "The brother moved over, and the tricks live."

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