Taoist Law

Chapter 184 Temporary passenger string

Dongfang is the bottom of April. This time he finally god born baby, entered the refining god of the four major phases, and granted the refining teacher, it can be said that the door is high. Nowadays, in the Jade Emperor, he and the Oriental ceremony are driving hard, becoming a new generation, which has also laid the status of the Oriental in the next generation of Jade Emperor.

In fact, Dongfang respects the leader in the young generation of Sichuan Province, and the news that blessed off, there have been reports in the "Longhu Mountain" in the middle of the month, but Zhao Ranzi's case, the journal of these periods Nothing, so, until today, he knows.

He quickly went to the storage to find a gift, but he was stopped by the East: "You and I have the emotion, not in this top, go back into the Dafa Master, you have already sent it, you have not sent it to the master. ...... "

Zhao Ran corrected: "When I entered the yellow crown, I sent a brother to send."

The East smiled and laughed: "In short, it is not interesting."

Ok, Zhao Ran admits that after the relationship is too familiar, it is true that it is indeed, so, say: "When I discussed my gods, I mentioned the brother, respecting this border, and the famous five-way monk in the practice. It's really unfun. "

The East smiled and laughed: "This time, after my father's public promotion, I plan to go out, and I will have a common thing, otherwise, my brother can join us."

Zhao Ran asked: "" Saigang is not happy at home? "

The East smiled and laughed. I didn't say it, but I didn't walk around: "I haven't seen it in a few years. I have a wide range of horizons, don't look at it. I always feel sorry for this big river mountain."

Zhao Ran is very envious of the way to respect such a lifestyle. When he said, he will not be able to do itself. Asked the cloud direction and planning asking Dongfang Jing, the orientation of the East, he answered Zhaoran, there is a direction and planning, is it a cloud? That is not interesting.

When I left the virtual public, I only had one day left, a large number of live people, the Tianshi is endless to Lushan. Zhenmen Lingguan and other famous spirits have not dared to block at the door, and the retraction of the tread, stealing this batch of high-revolution.

Instead, Zhao Ran is responsible for the Town Men Lingguan, greeted the guest in the mountain gate. In fact, he didn't think about this at the beginning. The earliest is that the Oriental Tianshi passed him, saying that there is a famous Tiansheng in Guangxi, and the disciple of the Shan Tianshi lives to the sky outside the sky. Yunshuang Tang, linked to it, think of Zhao Ran once said, so I asked him if the clouds in the sky can live.

Zhao Ran heard that Guangxi's Fang Tianshi took six disciples, nodded: "Yunshuang Tang is very very, completely no problem." So Zhao Ran received this task of Orient Tianshi, go to The Yunshuang Hall of the view invited the six disciples of Fang Tianshi to the cave.

Everyone started, not always, I swept out a clean courtyard, and Fang Tianshi's disciples lived in the high happy. When there is not much, Fang Tianshi came over to visit the disciples. I feel that I have been more comfortable with the Oriental Tianshi, simply move.

When Fang Tianshi just turned, he found Zhao Ran. I hope that Zhao Ran rectified a courtyard, and another Ding Tianship in Guangxi is coming. Zhao Ran is very speechless, see this pace, Fang Tianshi is like Zhao Dafu as a guest of Yunshuang Tang.

Zhao Ran decided to endure, the knowledge of the guests, so I will bring the Towmen Ling official and other guys, so I gathered some power, re-cleaning up the hospital, playing a few words, cleaning out two yards.

Then, Fang Tianshi let Zhao Ran go to the mountain gate to invite Ding Tians who have just arrived to Yunshuang Hall.

The door brought by Ding Tianshi is more than the Tianshi, and the two yards that Zhao Ran sorted out will be done.

Zhao Ran wondered whitening and did not matter, so the Town Menli officials charge the disciple of Fang Tiansheng and Ding Tianshi, and opened a reasonable price: each yard's daily stay of 202- Eat self-care.

Ding Tianshi's disciple is very refreshing, then finding Zhao Ran, please arrange it, saying that Guangdong's dragon is coming, please ask Zhao Ran to prepare a yard. At the same time, he also gave the money to the fans of the dragon.

The dragon really hit the ball to the Dajunshan Cave Day, and participated in the acquaintance of the teacher and the teacher. Zhao Ran simply gave the law to Suichuan medicine, let her cleanse, come to the mountain gate to welcome it.

This pick, Zhao Ran can't stop. In that year, in the flying ceremony ceremony of Wudang Mountain, he was mixed with a lot of confidance in many ways. Today, at one stop in the mountain, many refining virtual highways thought that he had a difference between the reception. The polite follows him to the Yunshuang Tang, moved into the yard that Suichuan's medicine just organized.

The human hand is not enough, and the Oriental respect will join together, and the East is firm enough. It simply puts more than a dozen people come together to help.

At the afternoon, the Oriental Tianshi personally rushed over, and praised Zhao Ranneng, starting to take a group to visit. This night, Yunshuang Tang was really a happy and lively scene. The Oriental Tianshi was also full of red, his warm reception and humor talking, a time to make many unfired with his unfamiliar.

Zhao Ran took a breath, I want to rest one's own feet, and the Jade Emperor's Pavilion ran over: "Zhao General Management, I will come to a refining, and the teacher is your acquaintance, let you come forward."

The title of "Zhao General Management" didn't remember which to refine the defining today, but it became the fixed name of Zhaoran in the moment of Yunshuang Tang. Zhao Ran was still in the beginning, and did not dare to call it. Later, it was not used, and the endorsement was went by him.

Following this Jin Dan went to a newly scanned yard, I met the people inside. Zhao Ran's heart suddenly wished, even before I met: "Qiao Pine, the senior, Dragon Mother, you have arrived."

Red pine smiled: "Stay, I heard that you are the general manager of the general watching Hall, so let them call you."

Zhao Ran said: "What is the total management, the younger generation is just a help."

Dragon's mother-in-law looked at Zhaoran, took out a basket of green Ying Ying's fruit: "Good boy, see what this is?"

Zhao Ran's surprise: "Santa nuts!" This is the spirit of Wudang Mountain specialty. After the Dragon Mother-in-law personally modulated, it is not only spiritual, but it tastes extremely good, and it is Zhao Ran. The favorite zero mouth.

Zhao Ran smiled, slammed the basket from the dragon mother-in-law, put it in the mouth, and closed his eyes, you have to fall, you can fall, but the aftertaste is sweet, but Let people call it.

"It's enjoyable! Have fun! Mother-in-law!"

Dragon's mother-in-law opened, pointed to the Santa Jingmei in the basket: "Slowly eat, don't worry, you are yours."

Natongzi blinds to Longgu mother-in-law: "I want to follow you on the road, you still say it, how is it?"

Dragon's mother-in-law did notad: "Of course, this is nothing."

The red pine is not awkward, reaching it to Zhao Ruai, I want to catch two, and Zhao Ran quickly put into the storage and slamming, to the red lady: "It is mine!"

Dragon Mother is laughing: "If you have it, you don't give this dead ghost!"

Jack, Zhao Ran asked: "What is the senior and mother-in-law come? This kind of public promotion meeting, is our Wudang not rarely participate?"

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