Taoist Law

Chapter 185, the new owner of Bao Baoge

Listening to Zhao Ran asked, Dragon Mother's explanation: "I didn't want to come, but I have to make a penalty for the paradise who is not present ... and there is also, the girl of Tsing Yi is suffered from Yu Huangge. Please ask, the fly is given to your grandson, and your granddaughter makes my family's old age, and the martial arts came over to vote. "

Zhao Ran smiled: "It is a good thing to know that you can come out and meet the same way of understanding all the factions ..."

The red pine suddenly took the film and spoons, and I was so angry, and then I was annoyed: "Worse, Sun Migan's hand seems to forget ..."

When Dragon's mother-in-law screamed "confusion egg", he grabbed the red pine's storage instrument, and pulled it out to the table. Sure enough, there is no Sun Biyun vote.

The red pine is bitter, "" How can this be good. "

Zhao Ran reminded: "Or a flying compament Sun Zhen, please send it."

The red pine suddenly wake up, took the brain: "It's good to remind it."

Dragon's mother-in-law will send a flyer. After a lot, Sun Biyun's reply is here. Zhao Ran is aiming at a glance, and it has been writing "Yumang Qi Dongfang Tianshi".

After an episode, Dragon Mother's mother-in-law said to Zhao Rong: "I haven't returned to Wu Dang for two or three years. When is it going back? Everyone thinks about it."

Zhao Ran nodded: "I will go on the next few months, and I will give you the two kinds of snacks to you."

Zhao Ran is in the middle of the night to pay for a late night, and there is no more refining, and now there are more than 30 refining dense in Yunshuang Tang. He is too lazy to ask for a cold. Relax with Red Pine and Dragon Auntie together feel better.

The next day, it is a refining virtual practice public, and there are more than 60, and there are more than 60 refining and highways who have voted in Lushan. The remaining is either closed or not.

This kind of arrival ratio has also created the new high of the Doumen, and the reasons behind the number of people. It is Zhang Yuanji, which will express the punishment of the Zongmen who will not actively participate in the general agenda. .

Zhao Ran is not qualified to listen to the truth hall, and can only be in general disciples in other paradise, bending outside the pond, and the friends who don't know, saying that there is a heartless gossip, so this is in Yunshui Waiting for the news in the hall.

The refining virtual public pushes the meeting is very smooth. As the only candidate of the Taoist Church nominated by the Yunyi Tianshi, the Oriental Tianshi won the fifty-one votes, successfully entered the real master, sitting on the highest procedures of the Taoist The location of the agency.

After the public promotion sector, the refining virtues of the Yunshuang Tang in the Yunshuang Tang have risen on the mountain. Within two days, Yunshuang Tang is again cold and clear, the door can be Rocque, as before.

Suichuan medicine was reinited by one yard, returning to Zhao Ran, and the appearance.

Zhao Ran asked: "What happened?"

Suichuan thought about it, said: "There is always a little in the past two days."

"What is not true?"

"Bustic, as a cloud smoke ..."

Suichuan has just said two sentences, suddenly stopped, and struggling to think, and I don't know what I think.

Zhao Ran did not bother her, but it was a pity. When the medicine at this time, he was so familiar with him at this time, it is a characteristic of it. The reason why Suma is unfortunately, because the feelings of practice are dualizes, I will come, I'm going to go,

If Su Chuan's Yu Shi is successful, it can be closed at this moment.

White wasted a good opportunity!

Suichuan did not know, after a moment, woke up God, and took a bamboo basket: "Teacher, I will take the forgotten things, there are many good things, I will return it again. "

After Zhao Ran went, he also went out, went to the Baojian Pavilion, congratulations to the new Tang Tianshi Dongfangming.

In the past three decades, the owners of the Yushu Temple were Chen Shan, but now changed people.

It has been three days from the public, and the Oriental Tianshi also received the same way that needs reception. At this moment, it is in the hall to see the magic weapon in the overall thing.

I have received Zhao Ran's deacon before, and the Dear Trien, who has been in love, is an orientation of each magic weapon, and the effect is very useful.

I saw Zhao Ran, Dongfang Tianshi waved, and said that the director said, he would talk to Zhaoran.

"It's too busy these two days, too much trivial matter, there is no talk to you, don't see it."

Zhao Ran Yu: "The Oriental Shibao is willing to pay, my teacher gives me from Hong Zefei, congratulations to Tianshi successfully sit."

Oriental Tianshi laughed: "It is said that it is a family. Today, I have some ability to help Sichuan Province, I have encountered what trouble, although I said to me."

Zhao Rong said: "It is looking for the teacher."

"Please say it."

"I want to say, I'm going to learn. These two days after the teacher's brother, I will ask the teacher, when I can give Gu Academy's apprentices to give me, by me, but the ceremony said, Some of the difficulties. The Empress Pavilion Qiu Chang is not willing to let go of the actor and apprentice to supervise and work, but it is said that he is fixed, you must report to Zhao Zhen people. I went to see Zhao Zhe people yesterday. He said that he said The masters are Zhou Zhen people to ask for criminals. If you want to protect his abroad, you must have to agree with the people. After I went to ask another Tianshi, another place in the East Pavilion, he said this The case has always been hosted by Zhao Zhen, he is not joined. "

Oriental Tianshi nodded: "Gu Kechuan, I already know. This matter they originally promised, and then dispose of your opinion after returning to a human card. But Chen Shan Road put forward , Wu Tiansheng and Zhao Zhen people believe that it should immediately seize this opportunity, should not be able to make a variety of twists, so the requirements of Zhou real people have not been refused. If the Wusheng said, if it is true, the day is very unhappy. So in the final analysis, this The key to things is still there. "

Zhao Ran is a head: "I understand, then I will went to the Zhou Zhou?"

Oriental Tianshi smiled and said: "How do you go? Go, I am going with you!"

Zhao Ran is self-reliant.

I got on the Kyushu Court, Zhou Zhen people did not express the Eastern Tianshi, asked: "Oriental, how do you have a good night?"

Dongfang Tianshi said: "Remnant to new positions, such as thin ice, the sense of duties, the lack of poor experience, the qualifications are shallow, and they don't dare to arbitrarily, special people ask for people."

Such attitude, can be said to be very low, Zhou Zhen is originally not to catch his public, and quite straightforwardly voted on the spot, but did not think that the Oriental Tianshi can be low, so attitude "ask" Irself, the so-called reach out of smuggling, my heart is depressed, and my face is clearly improved.

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