Taoist Law

Chapter 186 Target Value

Zhou Zhen people: "The Tianshi is polite, the Tianshi is a province for 20 years, and it is not familiar with the experience. If there is, it is not familiar with the real teacher. Since it has already entered the Bao Bao Pavilion, The same is the same, what needs to ask, I must not hide private. "

Dongfang Tianshi asked a few questions on the spot, Zhao Ran listened to these problems, and couldn't help but turn over the eyes. Oriental Tianshi controls a province for 20 years, how can these problems do not understand?

However, Zhou Zhen gradually be rpoved by the Oriental Tianshi, because most of these issues focused on credit values, is a topic that Zhouzhen is familiar and very interested.

Zhao Ran sat next to it, listened to a small half, and waited until the Oriental Tianshi slowly pulled the topic to Gu Keecheng.

Zhou real reacts, to the Oriental Tianshi: "Do you want to talk to me? This person is not talking about it, the evils are full, not killing him is already an extraordinary open, take my thoughts, The five people have to be correct. "

And Zhao Rong said: "If you can't move your elder, I am not for the Oriental Tianshi, who is useless, I don't agree."

Zhao Ran sighed and said: "Zhou Zhen people, when the True Master Hall age, those instruments have seen it? You also know about the secret location of all local show? What is the Sheng Dynasty? Such a detailed evidence, unplug the entire show, without the cooperation of Gu Kexis, how can it be? "

Zhou Zhen snorted: "That is what he should do!"

Zhao Rong said: "Even if he should do it, but do this, is it, um, serious manifestation?"

Zhou Zhen people: "Nothing to kill their teachers, it is already compensated for them."

Zhao Rao said: "I have seen the truth, tell the truth, there is a lifetime, for the monks, is not as good as death, talk about how compensation? I also know that their sinfulness is heavy, how to punish it. But I still want to explain a little, please seriously consider it. "

The Oriental Tianshi laughed, nodded on the side: "I have hesitated it, listening to the idea of ​​the although, I will see you, no matter how I decide, I will listen to it, after all, it is a partner. "

Zhou Zhen people don't want to listen, if only Zhao Ran is, she can immediately take Zhao Ran, but the Oriental Tianshi has given her face. At this moment, it is not easy to face, just snorted.

Zhao Ran said: "The Sanqing Pavilion and the East Pavilion have agreed to grasp the learning apprentice, giving him a self-new road, just because of this, it is exchanged for the full match of Gu Kechuan. Today El, this is a major blow to the reputation of the two pavillets. "

Zhou Zhen people did notady: "What is it? What is the commitment to the two pairs of people, is not what is wrong?"

Zhao Ruyu is a long way: "Zhou Zhen people, but in the eyes of the world, who represents the two pavilions? Representative is always the general view, or the Taoist. They will not say how the Sanqing Pavilion, how to do not pay trustworthy, they only It will say that the total will not talk about integrity. It will say that the door is not integrity. This is the biggest damage to the country, the biggest damage to the door! An unlike promise, a door, in the world, the people in the world, the people of the world What is the image? How will I have a credibility of the government? Once the door credibility is lost, how can we have the credit? "

Zhou Zhen people moved, but the mouth was still very hard: "In short, what is the cause, what is the fruit, just like a teacher, how to die, how many show, how to get so many show The woman and their family are in the spirit of Tianzhi? "

Zhao Ran is busy: "Of course, you can't let them go so!"

I Zhao Ziran first did not agree! I mean, is we have to give people an opportunity to change your self? "

Zhou Zhen stared at Zhao Ran for a long time, Zhao Ran's courage and she regarded it for a long time, and I didn't know how long it took. The Oriental Tianshi liedly coughfully and broke this silence.

Zhou Zhen suddenly opened: "Yes, take you what you mean, supervise and work, and send people to Teiyu Bridge. But I have a condition. Since you use credit to talk, I will talk to you. Force. I heard that you promise to Chen Shan Road, this year has reached 20 million this year, so it is good, if this year, there should be 2,500 credits this year, I agree with people, if you can't reach, Zhao Ziran, this teacher Four people, you can give me back to the lonely clock! This condition, can't you dare? "

Zhao Ran stayed, ask: "What is it today?"

Zhou Zhen people: "56 million."

Zhao Ran quickly calculated it in his heart. Now it is almost the end of May. If you want to complete the end of two thousand millions of goals, it means that the remaining seven months, should complete 20 million.

It is good to have three million people in the sky, and the huge population base gives Zhaoran completed the goal.

The pavement and drainage of the city will be completed, and the growth rate of more than one year is more than one month, which is 3 million per month than in April and May.

At the civilized city of Tianfu, the civilized city of Tianfu, and it is necessary to pay for a comparison in more than a month. It can also bring about 3 million.

The continuous caring of the Tripball Competition can also bring about 4 million in seven months.

If the bridge is started, even if it is not formed, it is estimated that this year should be able to get 5 million.

This is one thousand and five million, plus the current five hundred and six hundred thousand, the conditions of Zhou real people are nearly 5 million, what should I do? He took several plans on the spot.

In the summer, I can engage in a heatstroke and cool condolences. At the end of the year, I will have a good year of the year. The size is large, eight counties, this two assault increases a million may be achieved.

Little hard, Juananyong and eight counties are more than a month, which is estimated to add 500,000 to 800,000.

Before the official large-scale construction bridge, see if you can squeeze out, take the spirit of the field of Longanfu's field water channels? This should have been maintained very well. This project is very simple, but it is very beneficial in the hearts of ordinary people. It is estimated to Zhao Ran to the population, and he is estimated to win 50 Wan.

Then ... do you want to engage in a day commercial trade fair? This kind of lively and affordable meeting, it is a very good growth point. It is a good growth point. It was originally planned to promote the Wenchang Guan Feng and then took it again. Now, now put it out in advance. This item, Zhao Ran estimated to increase one million or even one hundred or five million should have no problem.

In this way, it is one or two million holes from 20 million caves.

After completion, Zhao Ruying should said: "The transaction! Amount ... The trail promises the real person, Jiajing twenty-nine years, should complete the Tianfu credit to complete 20 million!"

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