Taoist Law

Chapter 187 Flag

From Kyushu, the Oriental Tianshi is a little worried: "If you know, according to what I know, I should not be nine million in Tianfu's credit last year?"

"Yes, accurate, it is 8.300,000."

"This figure is indeed too low, Chen Shan Dao, Sima Yunqing they get it very difficult. But even if they grow, you have to turn to two thousandth million, will it be too difficult?"

Zhao Ran smiled: "It should be three million people in the Tianfu, almost one-third of Sichuan Province. If it is better than Li Sichuan Province, the total should be more than 30 million. This figure I think it is ok, but It takes time, let me just do it on this year to rush to two million, it is really difficult. But I thought about some tricks, see if I can go up, but these recruitments are not long-lasting, all The hammer is traded, it is okay. I really want to grow up, I have to look at it next year. "

Oriental Tianshi nodded: "It is already unreasonable to cope this year. I will happen to be good."

Oriental Tianshi accompanied Zhao Ran to the Sanqing Pavilion, oriental gift came out: "The teacher came?"

Dongfang Tianshi said: "I just got a trip to Kyushu, I got the stri of Zhou Zhen people, Wu Tianshi?"

"Wu Tianshi is not there."

Oriental Tianshi said: "This way, you will go to the East Pavilion, let them let go. I returned to Bao, there is something to come to me again."

The Oriental Gifts rushed to the East Pavilion, and asked on the road: "What is the truth of Zhou Zhen? Wu Tianshi went to Kyushu Court a few days ago, and he said that this is to advice to Gu Ke. The conditions for them to anti-water, but they are not used. She is back by Zhou Zhen. She also said that she will always stare at Gu Kexue's hears, who dares to let go, she is anxious. My teacher heard that after listening, No more, how can I go today? "

Zhao Rong said: "What can I? Dongfang Shibao is in the town of life, I will plead, nothing more about. There is also a promise Zhou real person, and the Tianshi has reached 2,500 this year."

East ceremony was a surprise, said: "Do you dare to promise?"

Zhao Ran smiled: "I promised to say anything, do my best, listen to my life."

When I arrived in the entrance of the East Pavilion, the Oriental Dynasty thought, let Zhao Ruoyed, said: "I am going to find Qiu Chang, I will not go."

Zhao Ran also knows that because of the things of Gu Kechu, Dong Xi Qiu Chang is a little opinion, or said that Qiu Chang is the opinion of his own opinion, in fact, from his attitude towards you.

But he consciously doesn't have to face the relationship between the two. At this position now, it can't be seen in the past, and the left and right is, it is very straightforward, and the pole that is very caught will never hang the flag.

I can't sleep the bird, I will always be a pole, no one will look at you.

So waiting outside, from the Oriental Gifts. You don't say that because Zhou real people oppose, can you learn to be promoted to supervise? Now, Zhou real people agreed to come out, I don't believe you dare to have a moth.

When Zhou Zhen wants to kill you, you stop, saying that it is to be width, Zhou Zhen people now decide to set up from wide, do you still stop? That is, it is a lot of people. If you don't have to find you, you have a real person to find you.

Sure enough, how long, Dongfang Li got the instrument of the East Pavilion: In view of the major dynamic performance of Gu Kechuan and a case in the show, it is now a commutation.

Transferring labor camp by the summary of life, the deadline is twenty years, temporarily issuing the heavenly mysterious martyrdom.

Zhao Ran took over and also to the Oriental Rate: "Sophths, I am still Mushan Gui?"

The Oriental Rate was awkward, and he smiled: "If you have returned to the three customs Pavilion."

San Qingge waited for a moment, oriental gift came out, handed it to Zhao Ran, Zhao Ran looked at this different instrument, and felt a trace of aura that was circulated, asked: "What is this? Signature loyalty? is that useful?"

Oriental Gift Nice: "San Qingge's special talents, a small half is this. This is the vowed book, special personnel who have been given to the Pavilion, saying is the instrument, in fact, the legal, six-order law! Refining the soul, use the credit, a piece of instrument is about 80,000. "

This is equivalent to a credit value of a Huang Crown monk, making Zhao Ran very surprised, not from the careful end. The paper use of the paper, ink all kinds of spiritual materials, all kinds of runes in the paper are extremely complicated, and after the development, they have a strong life and death.

So listening to the usage of Oriental Gifts, solemnly harvested, the mind is slightly, which is used to use this high-end law, at least show that Orientalism seems to be doing some kind of compensation.

And the Oriental Gifts came to the lonely closet, and the value monk who guarded the clips was inspected, helping Zhao Ran's procedures, said: "Two is waiting." Then enter the junction, open the iron fence: "Gu Kechuan, come out ! "

Gu Kexi was confused with after the value of the monk, walked out of the road, came to Shishi, and saw Zhaoran at glasses!

Looking at Gu Kechuan, Zhao Ran asked: "How is this day? Is it still suitable?"

Gu Key studies: "Is it uncomfortable? How can it be? This life is no longer hopeful, can only be so much."

Zhao Ran handed the three-Qingge's instrument in the past: "Take a closer look."

When I learned, I've learned, I'm stupid, I couldn't help but be self-satisfied: "This ... this is ..."

Zhao Rong said: "Receive your teacher's Mashan Gui, this is a chance to fight for the poor, are you willing?"

Gu Ke Xue is excited to have a shake: "Zhao Fangzhang, this is true?"

Zhao Ran, "Nature is true, this is the swearing book." Fire to him: "If you join Junshan Wei, you can change the name of Nagk Xue, you will have no attention to school in the world. This is blank, you signed, After the Sanqing Palace filing, you are the three people. But the poor road must first explain it, enter the three clear hills, the top of your head is the head of the Taoist, must do things for the door. Never abuse of private rights, not yang Yin violates, can not be disabled, no goodness. "

Gu Ke learned a white beard slightly shaking slightly, accepted the instrument of Zhao Ran, hesitated: "Wei Qi, I use the guru's name or Gu Ke learning?" Since it is called Wei, I asked this again. Question, indicating that he is really convinced.

Zhao Ran smiled: "Name, don't look at this, soul, the true name, the true name is not a case, only to see the heart and sincerity, the mind is not honest, the temples are impossible, deceived, can be cheated Old days? Sign up is valid, showing it on the spot. "

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