Taoist Law

Chapter 35 Xinjin Huang Crown

PS: Thank Femundler's backhand, fast to 123, hear the reward of hearing, thanks to the monthly tickets of the Taoist friends.

A little said that there is a lot of cautiousness and scruples between the two between the two people. There are also a little more cautious and scruples between words.

Zhao Ran smiled: "It's so embarrassed, it seems that I don't know the brother of the brother."

"The poor treasure is Zhenze, did not ask the priest method?"

"It turned out to be a long time, long-lasting long!"

Taoist Zhenzhi smiled and smiled. Zhao Ran said: "Mo Mo Mo, said it is used to ... I am the Taoist Taoist of Longanfu Yanyu County, named Zhao Ziran."

Yan Zhongze is slightly amazed: "Oh? It turned out to be the same as the unprotive court ... The poor road also thought that the Taoist Temple of the Temple ..."

Zhao Ran smiled: "How can I not have a root bone? Is it not charged according to the example?"

Zhongze is , : "The original Taoist friend is unknown in the details of the ten-way jungle and the children and grandchildren, thinking that the library is the practice."

Zhao Rui said: "Isn't it?"

Yan Zhongze explained: "The children of the temple, as the name suggests, is the Taoist of the teachers and others. Not only the temple, including the practice of practice, the practice of the temple is said by the generals of the abbot, do not Need to report the door, therefore, if you accept it, what kind of apprentices are noted, and you can do it yourself. For example, if you have a couple, if you have a born, if you don't have a qualification, you will also catch Going to the ten party jungle? Or the teacher's elders will pick up the orphans due to the fate. If it is loved, he can not practice, still incorporate the door wall. Just when it is, most cases, most cases will choose to have a qualified root bone, Therefore, this world believes that the housevar is exhausted. "

Zhao Ran thought about it, doubts: "In this case, then why is the child's temple to listen to the unified scheduling? And it seems to be corresponding to the Taoist palace, is also a pavilion, one house, one house?"

said: "It is not the case, hundreds of years ago ..." also shakes the head: "For those who are extraordinary. In short, it is a Taoist, and the three clearing the ancestors. Nothing, let alone in accordance with today's school, all the sons of the temples are all right. Less disputes are disposable. Not only to practice, but also consequent power, consistent. "

Zhao Ran understood that this is the result of compromising each other after a few hundred years ago. The world of this world is really different from the world of wearing itself. Suddenly remembered, and asked: "Dedicated to the brother,

In your name, the 'Chinese' word ... What should I call a brother? "

Yan Zhongze laughed: "You I have the intervals. Daomen sent a long time, and the original family has various children. Since the total view of the Lushan Mountain, they have set the same generation, such as you, use it. Among them 'to' words. But this sorting method has no compulsory requirements, some of the monochetics that are evolved from the 'Jia Temple' still follow the original rankings. For example, my family celebrates the cloud hall, my generation That's' Chinese. "

"It turned out that the brother is from the Qingxuanfu, Qingyun Hall ... Hey, I don't know how to go to the door of Qingyun Hall. I know the door of Huayun Hall, Zhuo Tengyi, Double Masters." Zhao Ran The occupational instances brought before passing are immediately played, and after a few words, it will start to pull the relationship.

"You also know Dao Zhuo, Xiao Zhuo brother? Don't see blame, you and me, you call their teacher is your business, I am commensurate to my brother."

"Yes, I used to help Daguo, Xiao Zhuo's uncle taught the demon. The two secrets were very generous. My five lines of gods were given to Huayun Hall for love. I don't pass. One of the laws, it is also the door to the two teachers. "The present, Zhao Ran will help Zhuo Teng Yun, and the Zhuo Teng wings will kill the racher.

Yan Zhongze listened to a smile: "I intersected with him. I didn't expect to have some fate above this. But I am not the Walk of Qingyun Hall, the two Zhuo brothers are exquisite, Nai Huayuan three-generation disciples The leader, I am far less than. If I go out to walk in the world, I am afraid that my life can't keep it. I didn't believe in evil, this is not, if I don't because you, I will change my true bones. "Say, smile and shake your head.

Zhao Ran thought about it, asked Zi Zhongze: "Dai brother, since this, why is it to come to Sichuan? Is it a call?"

Yan Zhongze Road: "How is it possible, Qingyun Pavilion has indeed received the order of Xuanyuan, but there is another person who sent it, how can I get the door?"

"The teacher is self-warranty."

Yan Zhongze shook his head: "It is not self-modest, the truth is true. The reason why it is Sichuan, mainly wants to find a chair. Some of the brothers, the brother, I will have a semi-routine that is empty and free. However, it just took the bone Dan, this is the root bone, I entered the practice door. Unfortunately, the bone Dan varies from person to person. I am here, the root bone is also very poor, otherwise the bald bottle will not I want to try his evil goal on me. "

Zhao Ran looked at Zhenze, I don't know how to comfort, I have to be a listener, wait for the following.

"I don't want to be Zhao Shi, I secretly ran from Qingyun Museum. I heard that Xia Guo's black Shengshan has a Calan Temple, and the seniors in the temple have created a good practice of washed the marrow. Quietly came here, I want to find an opportunity to sneak into the summer, go to the black San Mountain to see if there is a chance. "

Seeing the sigh of Zhen Ze, Zhao Ran quickly plays the role of holding: "What is it?"

"What? Oh, I have entered the summer, I was caught by a monk, that is, the clothes you killed in the past few days. Hui. I didn't have a tea in front of him. He was born. Later I thought, if he didn't leave me this live mouth, I am afraid that I can't be paid. Later, I went to the Temple of Temple, I saw the bald bottle, from his mouth, I only know The Blue Temple is said to have the best way to wash the tutaneous practice. It is simply into the evil outside! The baldness said that I have to use my gas sea. Of course I have not promised, then it is more than a month torture. I Dead bite is close to ... "

Zhao Ran is so angry. He has been suffering from this kind of mating awareness. When the treasure bill is flexible, all through the body is, all the knives are generally cut, it seems that the opening is broken. He was only gave up, and he was in the monster!

Yan Zhongze,: "Later, he got a few unconscious, the power into my gas sea ... Haha, but I didn't get cheap, say that I was not pure in the sea, although the roots were extremely poor, but no matter how to eliminate Can't, I finally didn't show his evil door of Self-Blue Temple. Haha, I was thinking at the time, I know so, how can I go in? "

Zhao Ran's head: "Indeed, harming people, this baldness is inaccessible, and it is true" to die "!"

The two said a moment, Zhao Ran suddenly remembered, busy: "Yan Jie, I remember that you said that you are in the abdomen, what is going on? How do you need to cancel this condition? Oh, I am sorry to think about the brother. , And first say, your sickness is heavy, first closing the spirit of raising, I have to go back, we have been waiting here for a long time, if you are blocked by bald, it is bad. "

Yan Zhongze smiled: "You may wish, these two days are not good, because the body root bones have changed, and I want to be causing the cause of the baldness. Now, except for some weakness, it is already great."

Zhao Ranxi said: "When it is true? Oops, it is so good! Right, your bone changed?"

Yan Zhongze Road: "It is not bad, and it will finally practice normally."

"That is congratulations, it will become a yellow crown soon, you can go to the world, oh, don't forget to come to find a brother, I am very interested in the demon."

Yan Zhongze Road: "Then, from today!"


Zhen Zhongze Long smiled: "My brother, I have made the refining and refining the refining, and I have a bitterness of ten years. I have been Huang Crown!" (Untrained ...


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