Taoist Law

Chapter 36, Housing, Yongshan

PS: Thanks, not dead birds are rewarded, continue to thank the Taoists' monthly tickets. . 23 [wx] said that tomorrow is three eight days, do you want to add? Treatment of Ing ...

Zhen Zhongze was ambiguous, although he was infinite torture, but he was a root bone. After a few days, he broke the bottleneck in the repair. The future practice will also be much smooth, and it is happy. However, he has a lot of money in a row, and there are still some physical deficiency, and the time recovery is required. Soon after talking to Zhao Ran, I feel tired of mentalness.

Zhao Ran quickly gave him the last grain, and took him with Wuzi Pill. This time, Qi Zhongze did not resignated. After taking, even asked Zhao Ran, there is no other pill, saying that in these two days, one of them, one of them has the effect of Jin Pei, to recover the mana There is a significant role.

Zhao Ran listened to him, he said that Yuan Guang was scattered, and he took it out and let him swallow. After the Yuan Ze was dissipated, it began to close his eyes. Zhao Ran helpless, he was secretly secret, I dropped a ancestor, the boss, you are best to hurry, here is not good!

However, the reason told Zhao Ran. The better the Zhongze recovered, the higher the hope of the two successfully escaped, so it is not good to urge it, but they have to be nervous. I took advantage of this neutrality, Zhao Ran will take it out of the two monk last night, carefully take off the belt - Well, this action is indeed indeed, and it is very easy to misunderstood, but at this moment Don't have much care.

Take the green rope in the belt, and make up the old monk. This time, Green So has a reaction, and it is also a little bit of white, and Zhao Ran quickly inspected green. I saw a mark on the end of the fear Buddha statue, and I was big in my heart. If the law is made, the other is removed. If the white light is not in the green rope, this time is an increase in a small branch, Zhao Ran looks. It feels like a chopstick. I didn't make trouble for a long time.

The most exciting Zhao Ren is not a greenery, but he feels that he finally figured out what is going on - his green So likes to eat, if you eat himself Density. His body will add a skill. If you eat someone else's degree. Then there will be more spells on his green ropes, and one of these spells will automatically inspire when he faces death, which is excited. Zhao Ran has no shortage.

Of course, there are still two doubts not figured out, one is his green rope, is it only to eat the deceased? When the owner is still alive, is there no appetite? This seems to be a bit heavy taste. Whenever you think of this, he is a little cold and chestnut. Also, is it just a place where a deceased is eaten? It is also said that the appetite of green loose is selective - such as death, must be related to Zhao Ran? Simply put, it is Zhao Ran killed people.

These two doubts also need Zhao Ran to continue to find ways to try, but he first needs to consider it to escape from this damn place.


Under the peak,

In Shoufang Temple, dozens of monks sat in Zhaotang, and everyone is a wooden bow. There is a middle-aged monk into Zhaotang, sitting in the place of the hall, the public is slightly down, to the big monk.

A white amount of gold and tiger followed the middle-aged big monk on the side, waiting for a big monk, kneeling next to the monk, it is a bigger wooden bow in front of it.

The palm of the ozza, the kitchen's deacon is high, and several small sand doing a wooden barrel, adding meals to the wooden bow in front of each person. The meal is very simple, it is also very simple, it is a bowl of clear soup, and there are a few oil flowers. There is also a sand on the sand to distribute the pickles, which is a useful use.

The meal distribution has been completed, and there is a prostitute of Victor, leading the people's monks, "Supporting the cleaning of the body, the Buddha, the Buddha, the Buddha, the Buddha, thousands of people Muni Buddha, bliss world Amitabha, when the birthplace of Mairi Zun Buddha, Ten Fang III, all the Buddhas, Da Zhiwen Mr. Bodhisattva, Daxie Puxian Bodhisattva, Great Pessometom Bodhisattva, great Wish Tibetan King Bodhisattva, Zi Zunxing, .

The golden head is under the feet of the big monk, and the huge head keeps sniffing into the big wooden bow in front of themselves, but the people will be curse, it is not good to eat.

The curse has been completed, and the public looks up to the first big monk in the upper hall. The big monk is Yongshan, the big waist, the bones, the bones, where is the life of Shoufang Temple, if it is a martial arts that walks the rivers and lakes, I am afraid that people will be more.

Yongshan Zen Master is sent to the mouth, and the wooden chopsticks pulls a little bit, and there is no two mouth to finish the face. He is open, and the public is only to eat, and only the sound of eating noodles in Zhaotang.

The golden head is a tongue, and there is no half of the face in the mortar. It is not satisfied. It is still looking forward to the Wongshan Zen Master's wooden macro. Seeing the clean, it is like a water washing, and she only has to make ahead. .

After eating, the public is a curse: "Sardo, Sancha, three bodhigma, the southern, , , , .. The so-called deputy, will have its interest If it is a way of music, it must be emitly. It is already awkward, and it is willing to be sentient. It is all of the Buddha. "One meal breakfast ended.

Yongshan Zen Master will go to his own Zen, and the white amount is followed. Close the door, Yongshan touched two fruits, separated to the golden tiger, one, and squat three or two.

The golden eye has finished the fruit, reach out of the tongue and adds the mouth, and the mouth is in the mouth, and Yongshan played the chestnuts in the golden tiger forehead. "Into my Buddha ten years, I haven't seen it! I have said to you with this animal. It is necessary to go to Xi Tianli. You are greedy, how can you go to me? "

The golden eye is a grievances, and the head is smashed in Yongshan's feet. Yong Shan sighed: "It is also, the practice is really bitter, it is difficult for you ..." From the arms. It is necessary to stuff into the golden tiger mouth, the hand is turned back, close your eyes deeply smoked on the meat and add it, and added it.

I swallowed up, my eyes were slightly closed, very pleasant, enjoying the room, there is a guest in the Zen room: "When the family, the treasure bottle temple is coming."

"I don't see it, I am in a matter of meditation, you are going to send it."

"Say there is something to do, it seems that the treasure bottle has a big case."

"His treasure tomb has been a big case is his family, looking for me to bless my Buddha Temple? Don't you want to doubt that my family does not work? Deceived is not to bully this point?"

"When you are, you still see it."

Yong Shan snorted, after a little hesitation, or barely agreed. Not much time, the public took the treasure temple monk. He thought that three words were sent to people, who I thought Baotou Temple had a big case.

"Ming. Hui is dead? Bao Guang is also dead?" Yong Jiasi is a glimpse.

Although Baotao Temple has been the head of the temple of the Kara Mountain in the Baoji Temple, but it is because the treasure bottle Zen teacher has a good idea, many of the temples are not convinced, including Shou Buddha Temple. It's just uncomfortable, and Yong Shan Zen is still very clear. Hui and Baoguang two monks practice, although it is not as good as you, but the Dharma means is not low, it is not easy to follow.

In his heart, he suddenly had a feeling of born, and immediately remembered that the treasure bottle of Zen is only a step-by-step repair. He can't help but sigh. Can be checked easily.

Since there is such a big thing in the Temple, you will never play the truth outside the body. Yongshan Zen Master angry: "The murderer is so embarrassing, my birthday must be full, and it is necessary to ask him to plead guilty!" In response, but if you don't have it, how much power is not good, you can kill Ming. Hui and Baoguang, no goodness, Yongshan won't give your own life for the treasure tonic .

Shami, the treasure tonic, seems to have seen the Yongshan Zen Master, directly: "My first is said, who can catch the murderer, the quota of the Janlong Bin Festival, the Tianlongyuan, held next year, give him one." (Unfinished Continued ..) (this article is started)

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