Taoist Law

Chapter 37 First Daohua

PS: Thank Eagle Week, no dead bird, hearing, Federer's anti-hands reward. ** I wish you a happy March 8th.

I heard that Baotao Temple will take out the quota of the Bayona Festival next year, and Yong Shan immediately moved.

When the Tianlong Hospital is in the branban festival, there must be ** will be held, and the school's high-spirited Daddy's opening is speech. If it is lucky, it is time to have a good thinking master, this master will be The listener chooses one person to push the top. This is a great opportunity, I want to go to the river of the river, since everyone is eager.

But the Tianlongyuan is not likely to let everyone participate in the Fa Conference, will only allocate the places in accordance with the merits of the temples. Twenty-one temples in Ba Zalan are only rounded each year, one for Baotao Temple, and the other is decided in the rest of the temple. Going to listen to the Heavenly Dragon House Made Morality has always been the wish of Yongshan, but it is unfortunate that his luck has never been caught. Since there is a chance this time, Yongshan is definitely reluctant to lose the arm, so Zheng Zhentang is ten: "Amitabha, please come back to the temple of the temple and the first master, Shou Buddha Temple is trying to do everything!"

Shami is a ten also ritual, and he will return it out. He also goes to several temples to convey the first master of Baotao Temple.

The Southeast, Shanxi, Sanzhuang, Sanzhuang, Sanzhu, Sand Mi riding, rushing to the evening, it is already in the evening, soon, after entering the temple, he will retreat, continue to go to the next temple.

Sanzhi Temple hosted the Zen Master in the Tianwang Temple, recruiting the four major classes, eight delegates and other monks, turning the treasure temple law, I heard that you can get a murderer. The qualifications of the Lankee Festival ** will. Immediately in the event. Yan Zhen Zen Master did not delay. When you assign a mission, all the four teams carry two deacons, divide the four teams to search, and let several cultivated disciples have been rushing, and they will be confused. He he himself echo in the temple.

When Zhan Yan went, Yan Zhen Zen Master said: "Once you find a suspicious person, you will not be able to do it. The fierce means is good, it is high, and the unique power can be seized. If there is an audio. Immediately report the first seat. By the first shot ...... Teacher, you must be done with the enemy, you are not impatient, as long as you are entanglement, you will be able to get rid of the drum. "

The first method of marga. Originally a cloudy tour of the temple. One month ago, I saw the Zen Master of the Three Columns, and the two were arguing in the Dharma, but also debated in the Dharma. At the same time, it is also trying to try to practice, and after it is more than the next, this cloud is slightly smoldering. Yan Zhen Zen teacher saw this cloud, and it was unsolved, and it couldn't help but attract it. Not only did he did it, but it was routing as the first seat in the temple, and the agent was charged.

Perhaps I feel that the Zen Master's grace is, maybe it is tired, but maybe I feel that I have arrived. In short, the cloud is left, and it is a brother of Yan Zen. Yanga complies with the life of the brothers, but it is slightly unpleasant, and the secrets of the secrets of the secrets have not too high to look at the enemy. Today, there is no change,

Otherwise, I am here, and the midfenses in the temple do not accept the first place in this, and they will do things in the future.

Yanga is responsible for a mountain mouth, but this hill mouth can be around, and it is difficult to look into the district. He also didn't put the hope of the two deacons, but the two sorrows on the two roads were on the two roads. They would climb the top of the mountains. From the height overlooking the patrol front hills, The murderer drilled the small road.

It is said that Zhao Ran and other Zhen Ze enrolled in a quiet, digestive medicine, this is waiting until the month.

Qi Zhongze suddenly opened his eyes, his body, the body is full, where is there a half-tired exhaustion model? He smiled and said to Zhao Ran to have a bamboo with his own home, and he knew it in a probe, then laughed, said: "Fortunately, okay."

Zhao Ran has long doubizes this bamboo, but also tries to "see", the bamboo is indeed a storage method, but it is empty in the sky. It is necessary to be treasured by treasure bills or Ming. Hui Houji, Seeing Yan Zhongze to visit the bamboo, it is comfortable: "Things are things outside, no, don't be too discouraged, keep your life is most important."

Yan Zhongze smiled, not hidden, said: "I have a dark in the bamboo, the outside of the silver money, the money is not worth the money, there is nothing, but the things are still there."

Zhao Ran has already worried, where there is a Work with him, and it is better! "That's better!" Now, I immediately took the way forward.

Qi Zhongze grabbed two steps, waving the bamboo waves, the weed shrubs in front of the front road, as if they met the invisible blade, they were generally broken, and they were no longer re-stop.

Zhao Ran followed behind, only the speed of the way suddenly accelerated, the envy in his heart, more and more want to hurry, and learn about these magical poles.

I don't know how long it takes away. Zhao Ran quickly couldn't keep up with Yan Zhongze. When I was getting faster, I was suddenly stopped, and Zhao Ran has never hit.

"Yan Jie, I said that you can remind you next time? Do you know that the brake will reappear?" Zhao Ran complained.

Yan Zhongze did not take care of Zhao Ran, just looked up and looked up on a cliff, and the brow was locked, and the face was full of lighter.

Zhao Ran is looking at the eyes of Yan Zhongze, only see the top of the cliff, a bald head and is standing under the bending month, it is looking at them.

Zhao Ran is broken, and the small sound asks: "Do you want to hide it in a direction?"

Yan Zhongze shook his head: "late ..."

That monk suddenly pulled from the top of the cliff, and the horizontal cliff is in the half-air, and the radio is straight to this.

Zhao Ran hurried time, and he didn't arrive yet. I quickly set up the five-line gods, and temporarily constructed a law, still with jade printing. But this monk is fierce, much is much worse than it is much better than yourself. If it is a good one, it is definitely not that this is a problem, so I asked: "Is this baldness? Do you have a grasp?"

Yan Zhongze shook his head: "I can't see it, but I'm watching my body, I am afraid I am not an enemy."

During the speech, the monk has been coming to the body, drinking: "Which disciple is you two? Don't go forward, here is sneaky, why?"

I didn't open it. Zhao Ran felt that there should be a machine that I turned, I quickly replied: "I don't know which monks are the monk of the temple?" Because this issue, this problem will be clear, he When the newspaper door must be carefully wear, you can't say that you are in the Daleguang Temple. If this is to come again, "Where is the big thunder Temple?" Or "Who" Who "Who" Still okay? "Zhao Ran did not answer.

History back: "The home is the first Danda, the three temples!"

I touched the foot of the summary, Zhao Ran, replied: "I have seen the first master, go back to the master, my brother is at home in the treasure bottle." He has three degrees, one is the Daleo Temple. There are two people are treasure tonic treasures and clear. Since this is not a treasure tonic, then the most secure is to take out the two parties of the treasure temple, at least Baotao Temple, where is the temple Who is the household, he is clear, when you answer, you will definitely be perfunctive, and the chance of being fraud is small.

I heard that it is the monk of Baotao Temple, Yanga's face is slightly, and it is confirmed, and the behavior of Zhao Ran and Yan Zhongze "late night will not take forward" behavior. He just arrived in Ba Zala Mountain for more than a month, but he has not recognized the monk of Baoji Temple, but also known that this temple is a whole mountain, so that you want to have a monk of Baoji Temple. The knot is good, and it will help you sit in the position of the three temples.

It seems that the monety is not like a practice in practice, only the monk, and it should be good, it should have passed the influence. It is only necessary to practice this monk seems to be a law, just like the Buddha's not pure, when it is off.

Yan Ga stared at Yan Ze, and how should I say that I should not give it a two, I'm ready to kill, and Zhao Ran next to it is unfortunate. I am busy: "The master is not believed, I have a certificate here. "Said that two parties have been handed over." (Understanding ..) (this article is started)

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