Taoist Law

Chapter 204

Tonight, the Prince didn't sleep in the East Palace. After the afternoon, he was in an excitement, imagined Zhao Zhaoran was murdered by Zhao Ziran, and suddenly, some remorse: "Should be a sentence, let They asked Zhao Ziran, when I checked the gambling song, I have thought about it today? "

At the time of the night, he became a little uneasy, and he began to consider the consequences of the assassination Zhao Ziran. Is it too exciting? In case, he will not leave the clue in the case of the wisdom, and if you have, what should I do?

The more I want this question, the prince is more uneasy, walking in the temple, thinking about various remedies.

Otherwise, after seeing a little girl, then he talks with the teacher, will this group of people? Anyway, there is a spread of the East China Sea, which is destroyed, and no one knows.

Does Zhu Longxi do not extinguish? I only believe that it is a uncle, I don't seem to be much like this. Suddenly, I suddenly remembered this sentence of "The big thing is not arrested", secretly sighed, and he will pay attention to the family of Xiao Zhu Long, so good to take care of them.

Just thinking about it, the prince has been urging in the account, and he is worth sleeping at all.

Suddenly there are eunuch into the temple: "Xingling Palace is despising paragraphs ..."

Didn't finish it, Duan Dynasty used a big step to enter the temple, the princes in the account, "ah", grabbed the brocade was wrapped, and shrunk into a group. The Duan Dynasty took a look at the punctuation, licked the lips, and said to the prince: "In the Taizi Temple, please take the teacher."

The Prince is smashing, premonning things seems to be a little unique, ask: "What is the teacher? If today's color is late, it seems that it is not advisable to go out ...?"

Duan Duan is urged: "To the place, it is almost!"

The Prince is still asking: "Teacher, things do it? Or lose?"

Duan Chao has laughed, did not answer, told Xiaolun to take the prince's tie. The little eunuch did not dare to break, so quickly after the temple took the golden prince, a few waken palace women played together, and they did not urge the Duan Dynasty, they will wear it, head, paragraph Pulling a prince, go out.

Where did the Taizi followed the pace of the front of the front, Duan Dynasty used his jade belt to his jade belt.

Not much, the prince was in the middle of the Duan Duan to mention the Taimiao, into the road to Taimiao, see the sergeant of the top helmet, and see the Shangli Trim monk, the heart is flustered, and there is a somewhat soft at the foot.

Zhu Xian saw the overall level of the temple, swept the prince, smiled and smiled: "Prince is about, everything has uncle and you."

The prince was trembled: "Bo Wang, the lone is just a temporary, it is not deliberate, it is blocked, there shouldn't move Zhao Ziran, I know that it is wrong ..."

Zhu Xian went to him: "What is wrong with the Prince? Jun wants to die, the minister has to die, kill a Zhao Ziran, where is it wrong?"

The Prince was so confused by this eye, and pleading: "Bo Wang, you are going to ... Revelling? I don't know anything, can you spare?"

Even if he repeatedly pleaded, Zhu Xiang saw it all ignored him, and he took him into the hall, and he told him that the monk rose the mouth of the temple and showed the Han Bai Yuxi.

The stone beast above the Chinese watch is still refining and refining, and the severity dropped in the underscore, down the stone pillar,

Incecable in the bottom of the lotus seat.

Compared with a few months ago, the color of the lotus is more red.

Prince is fearful: "Bo Wang, this is ..."

Zhu Xian saw: "Gong asked the prince to enter the lotus." Pulling his neckline, pick him up, send the lotus. "

The Prince still wants to move again, but he was seen after a ban on the brain, suddenly could not move.

Zhu Xian saw that the two monks were placed in front of the Prince, and the prince bowed her head, the neck was low. If you want to ask, your tongue is also turning. But he is not a fool, at this moment, I know that the big event is not good, the eyeballs turn to the Duan Duan, and I want to save my own teacher.

Duan Duan uses a traveler: "The Prince is a little more, since I waited in front, after the big event, everything can be restored as early."

Just ready, Tai Temple has a warmer clock long, continuous nine, sounds through the clouds, and passed into thousands of households in Beijing.

When I arrived late at night, Yan Xi also didn't fall asleep. A few scenes of the square of the government enthusiastically discussed the tactics of the next round of practice. Several scenes of the guests invited, they were unknown to fix the low-order scatter.

For Zhejiang Taizhou Hall, Huang Crown Mono, Yan Shi, is still very cautious, and it is very much in more than ten days ago, and I'm going out, I'm in listening, today is a day of refinement of each other.

"Is Blue Water ink to offer a pro?"

"If the ambiguous, the ancestors of blue water is the five uncle of the blue big. That is to say, in fact, the blue water ink should be a blue and big sunshine, but there is a bit far, so when the game does not have to consider the face problem, directly Defeat, blue big dedication will not be unfortunate. "

Yan Zhanzhen nodded slightly, and the tea was drinking and continued to listen.

"The repair of blue water is mainly taught by his brother ..."

I am talking about it, there is a servant to find this, "Little Master, the big master, please go to his book."

Yan Shizhen got up and told: "You will conquer, I will come."

When I came to Yan Yan, I saw my father with a full face, and wrinkled with a brow.

"When you are so early, what is your father sleep?"

See Yan Shiyi, Yan Yu is busy: "I am coming, killing is the father, where to sleep!"

After I took a letter from Yan Yan, Yan Jingyi saw two times and smiled: "The Prince has a harder."

Yan Yan asked: "How to say? Yang Yiqing is not awkward?"

Yan Shi Tao: "With Yang Yiqing's sex, it must be contrary to the stains, will definite to the prince, now see how the Prince is handled. However, it is estimated that the Prince will think of some traps, and I don't know if I can get it."

Yan Yan and asked: "How is it for the father? This is a lot, there must be a statement."

Yan Shi Tao: "The rumors originated by" Huangcheng inside and outside ", when Zhao Fang is hand, the rumor is that Yang Yiqing, the goal of Zhao Hui is in the cabinet. In the cabinet, what is in the cabinet? If you want to follow this, you just ask the Xia Hou old to do things. "

Yan Yu frowns: "No!"

Yan Jingyi thought about it, and there was a point: "Father can make a book, the cabinet will add a major university, or you can eliminate this matter."

Yan Yan continued to shake his head: "Still not proper."

Yan Shiyi helpless: "The son suggested father, telling it."

Yan Xi wants to think, nodny promise: "For the father, he will cultivate his illness today."

After the matter, Yan Yan cared for the "career" of his own son, asked: "The day after tomorrow is the tenth round, if it is a win, you can win the name, can I have a fortune?"

Yan Shi You said: "Father is relieved, and the best banquet is."

Between speaking, I am listening to the bell and drums, and the father and son are amazed, and they turn their heads, and look to the direction of the bell.

PS: temporarily accepting the resolution of the Times and continues to add more.

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