Taoist Law

Chapter 205 before the Temple

The bell of Taimiao spread throughout the capital, attracted all parties concerned, and the emperor retired from the cultivation. Asked Chen Hong: "Where to come?"

Chen Hong was confused and said: "It seems to be the direction of Temple."

Son: "I'm checked." After Chen Hong went out, I couldn't take the way again, got up and came to Xiyuan, and took a moment. I took a fly. ...

Not only the emperor, the rest of the cabinet has heard, but the summer is getting up in the hospital bed, and the garden is in the middle of the Taihu Lake Shi Mountain. Although I can't see it, I don't want to come ...

After the Xu step heard, Shen Yu, told the left and right: "The deposited the sedan, go to Yu Wangfu." The housekeeper has a little dizziness: "Master, now it is awkward ..." Xu stepped: "Wonderful, fast!" "

Yang Yizhan shouted in the government: "Speed ​​speed, Hao, etc., etc., to go to Taimiao!"

Zhao Ran and Li Wei, who were waiting in the Yuanfu Palace, and I heard this sound, and Li Daimi asked: "Teacher, what is going on?"

Chen Tianshi replied: "There is no big matter, you don't come over, keep good fortune, protect Zhao Ziran."

In a word, Lifu Da Yin and Zhao Ran have some sitting. Zhao Ran wanted to see the Temple of Tai Temple, stopped by Li Da hidden: "My teacher personally went, since he didn't let us go, don't go, keep Yuan Fu Gong, a good thing."

Zhao Ran is still unassured, thinking about thinking, said: "I still go back to Juananyou. These people are committed, are you seeing?"

Li Da Hirmaking: "This is a Yuanfu Palace, who dares to come here to learn? Again, I still have a bunch of teachers, disciples, teachers, nor mud, you should not go, my teacher said, let you Yuanfu Palace is waiting, if you have any accidents, how do I explain to the teacher? "

Zhao Rong said: "I am worried about the imiena ..."

Li Da Hiwang: "You still worry yourself, you are not in the Dichitan Palace, the Xuanzhan Palace, you have returned to the Dichitan Palace, the mysterious altar is dangerous. Again you can rest assured, my teacher shot, where is it? "

Zhao Ran listened to the reason, and Luo Zhiqing, Shen Kexisi left the Yuanfu Palace.

Li Da wonders Peng Yunyi to Tai Temple to listen to the news, and the rest are sitting here.

Among the Temple, it was already in the sword. After Zhong Ming, Chen Tiansheng appeared on the gods, and step forward, step forward step forward.

In front of Nanyou, Tai Temple prohibited military commanded to have a death order, strong and courageous, with a trembling tone: "Feng Qi Wang's order, please Tianshi ... stop!"

With the gesture of the command, more than 100 famous temples under the Nanyunmen of Namad have taken a knife and guns, and the hand is strong, and Qi Qi points to Chen Tianshi.

There was no news before the Temple of Taiwan, did not have any preparations, the blade in the hand is not a legal blade, the armor wears is not a rune armor, perform a handwriting mission, and there is no problem, but want to block Chen Tianshi. It is too much power.

Yu Chen Tianshi said that the Taimiao banned army under the Nanthen Door is like an endless, his eyelids do not carry, continue to internal. If it is not a level of refining, it has gradually been exposed to the heavens, starting to feel the cause, he has long helped these banned army.

These prohibition of the soldiers are all people in the midst of them, but there is no leg armor, in case you can shoot a few, then you can get a big cause.

Therefore, Chen Tianshi is just step forward, step by step into Nanyou.

Tai Temple Forbidden Army Command, eventually did not dare to order the arrow,

There is no one dare to cut the knife to cut the knife to a Taoist Tianshi, not to mention a Town, Yuanfu Palace, in the capital, in the capital.

On the way to Chen Tiansheng, Tai Temple is prohibited by the army, and the command to look at Chen Tiansheng, who is slow through the southern , and the sweat bead is a string of strings, and I don't dare to issue a word.

Chen Tianshi has passed the Nanyou Gate and came to the main hall.

Then, it is within the scope of the nine products, in the range of the tiger crane, in the edge of the big array, Chen Tiansheng can feel the terrorist murder contained therein.

On the stone steps of the main hall, Zhu Xian saw a person, the alone stood there, just looked at Chen Tianshi.

This array is located in Shaoyuan Festival. It is said that it can block the virtue and high revolution. Zhu Xiang people don't know if it can stop, so he does not dare to send people to this, in case the big array is easily broken by Chen Tianshi, or Chen Tianshi has The way is sneak into the array, then no one keeps the most critical sleeping hall.

Seeing Chen Tianshi stopped his footsteps in front of the big array, Zhu Xiang saw a little tone, indicating that there is some use of the big queen.

"What is Tianshi?"

"This is also asked? It's a way to be a rope such as Huiro.

"Tianshi, why do you biased Zhao Ziran? He just a small mystery of the palace, saying that it can add some credits, but if he is in trouble, what is it bigger?"

Chen Tianshi asked: "Zhu Xiang see, you make it very disappointed."

Zhu Xiang smiled and smiled: "Maybe. Chen Tianshi, maybe you will be very disappointed, but I am Zhu Jiazuzong, I am afraid that I will think so."

Chen Tianshi shook his head: "The poor road has been trying to support the emperor, why are you still dissatisfied? Your mind is poor, but you want to make a truth, the poor road is also telling you, and the Taoist Weight is actually Tianzi Wei. Germany, is not a person on the dragon chair, why can't you wait for a few years? "

Zhu Xiang saw Yangtian Long Xiao: "Chen Tianshi, you always want to be Wide, what is the Tianzi Wide, Chen Tianshi can really understand? Just rush Chen Tianshi, you, I will know, the so-called Tianzi Wide, in column This is nothing more than the eyes. You want to be a fake Wide, or the loneliness is true. You want Wide lotus, or maybe, but this day ordered it! "

Chen Tianshi is silent for a moment, said: "You have to prohibit the prohibition, it is not possible, now the three provinces have returned, why are you in a hurry?"

Zhu Xian said: "I am not anxious. I just want to be self-suiled. Zhao Liangran once again, and then three provokes on the three palace, provocative the court, I certainly want to kill him, but Chen Tianshi, you are not allowed ... You Don't do it? Don't kill? That's not, I still have to kill him! "

Chen Tianshi said: "Unfortunately, you have failed."

Zhu Xian saw: "So I came to Taimiao, I would like to discuss one level with Chen Tianshi. As long as Chen Tianshi will give Zhao Zhaoran to the lonely, in the future, the three palaces still only Chen Tiansheng is from the life, and no longer honest, how?"

Chen Tianshi shook his head: "Before the poor road made a mistake, let you be too arrogant. This error is not guilty again, you also want to think about it, and you will be able to have a life. Opportunity."

Zhu Xian saw sigh: "Somet, we are talking, then please ask the Tianshi to see if I am going to the three palace monks!"

Chen Tianshi nodded, said: "Are you relying on this nine-product, a tiger crane? This is a teacher who is refining,"

Zhu Xianwei said: "Please ask the Tianshi to shoot, after breaking, let's talk about it again."

Chen Tianshi shook his head: "The poor can't get it."

Zhu Xing saw a laugh: "What else is it to say? Speed ​​back."

Chen Tianshi said: "I can't break this array, but I can collect this array. Do you think that the ball is in the temple? In fact, in the poverty hand."

Said, from the arms, two pairs of palm, a copper tiger, a copper crane, and the tiger crane. Send a stunning ring.

PS: True Mastro, fiercely vote, at 14:12 tickets, and the chapter of the poor is addressed.

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