Taoist Law

Chapter 264 into the city

I heard the death of Zhu Xiang, the blue road lost his head and didn't speak, and the eyes were red, and Lin Zhi Bin was laughing and said: "The words are not right, it is to die!"

Zhao Ran strangely stared at him: "Lin Bin, do you understand this?"

Lin Zhi Bin said: "The abbot said, so the big array, I heard that Shao Da Tianshi is set, Lin Zhong knows?"

Zhao Ranzheng color: "I didn't joke, do you understand?"

Lin Zebin had a cough: "This ... Lin really doesn't understand."

"Is that happened? What are you still doing around my teacher?"

"This ... Lin has just finished great merit ..."

Zhao Ran asked Jiang Tenghe, Zhao Li Niang: "Teacher, Teacher, this surname Lin's hand is inferior, disciples want to dispose, I don't know if the two old people will allow?"

Jiang Tenghe continued to surround the lotus turnt circle, Zhao Li Niang put his hand: "Staying at will ..... Teng Head to see, it seems to be the joint of the Temple of Temple ..."

Lin Zhenbin was very shocked: "Zhao Squaz, I just guarded the lotus seat, this is a big work, I have a good job!" Also to Jiang Tenghe, Zhao Li Nao: "Two predecessors, you can't cross the river, the old generation is just Help you ... "

The voice did not fall, and the arm was on the front, and he fell to him. Zhao Ran flew out a rope, and the blink of an eye was tied, and he went to the captured top three palace monks.

Lin Zebin shouted his neck: "There is no to protect the lotus seat. I have long been destroyed here. How do you explain to the Taoist? Zhao Ziran, you are unfamiliar! Jiang's door, you forgot who did you fight for the Taizi No, if there is no me, the Prince is dead, this lotus is destroyed! "

Zhao Ran did not take care of him, and he said to the army: "Zhen Tianlei."

Tong army gods passed the earth-like thunder, and Zhao Ran asked: "Teacher, I will try it here?"

Zhao Li nodded: "Yes."

Zhao Ran opened his eyes, he also found the joint office of Zhao Li Niang, and he also saw that the connection between Heaven and Earth gas machine is very close, stable, and a shock of the zone in the district is not broken. Out of nine sidewaists, I plan to send this shocking thunder in the Jiugong Meihua, and the power will enhance a lot.

Xiaoyao people Lin Zhi Bin is awkward: "Don't mess, you will die!"

But no one cares about him, Jiang Tonghe let everyone retire forever, each station, to Zhao Ran: "Playing."

Zhao Ranjaving handed the sky with a nine palace, and the rain was sent. A shocked roaring, only, this hall seems to be shake, but then the smoke is over, but there is no disability, even Digests did not collapse.

Several people will go up and have their own sigh. This Han Bai Yuhua Table Lotus is a non-mandate, when it is difficult to crack.

However, although there is no use, I just bounced a moment, but I touched the big array, gave some clues, especially Zhao Ran's eyes, another hidden swirl of the heaven and earth gas machine was found, but it is Impathetic Temple in the Palace.

At the time of the discussion, Yan Xiaoxi flew in, standing on Zhao Ran's shoulder: "Zhao Fangzhang, Wenchang Guan's old road said that the army is already a better, and immediately enter the city, just waiting for you. Song Daohang also Say to let you go, she said that the power is majestic, military array, let you come, everyone can't wait. "

Zhao Li Niang said: "If you go to you first, this big array can't break, let's take a look."

Zhao Ran thought about it: "It is also, the disciple has passed, and the outside thing is handled again and the teacher, the teacher is speaking."

Lin Zhibin still drinking there: "Zhao Ziran, you can't dispose of me ..."

Zhao Ran did not care, riding a kind of king and returned to Yifengmen, and this is really cleaner.

Under the entire team of the cattle, Longtan Wei entered the instrumental phoenix, except Zhang Dang, the three thousand people brought away by Zhong Wang,

The first, anyway, the Lion Mountain and Hydrange Balls, Liu Wenlong, Li Sanhu two commands to Zhao Ran, asked to follow the city, Zhao Ran smiled and let their battles followed by Wuchang Wei.

The gongs and drums, the army opened, and the first is the Longtan Wei's thousand gunners. Available, Liu Wenlong, Li Sanhu, Zhang Junzheng, etc., will surrounded them, Luohuqing, Song Yuqiao, Liu Chunjiu, Peng Yunyi, etc. also followed.

Behind is the knife shield of thousands of Longtanwei, more than three hundred bowers, and then the Wuchangwei three thousand big army, then it is an anti-Beijing camp ...

The brigade is going along the Zhonglou Street, the Gulou Street is advanced, the armor is clear, the flag is like Lin, and it is huge.

There are three thousand battles, three steps, one person, five steps, the weather is strict on the street.

In the Juananyman, Zhang Tengming and others felt the changes in the outer space. He looked out on the wall. He first saw a group of collapse without the head, and ran in front of the Juananyu, followed by the back brigade brigade. The chasing troops, all like a wolf.

After the chasing the soldiers, the streets were turned off to the extreme. Several people don't dare to act, continue to guess in the Xuanzhan Palace, waiting. After another half an hour, Qingpeng's gods fell from the sky, standing on the shoulders of the stream. "The three martial arts defeated, completely defeated, and the brightened army has entered the city."

Pan Jin Niang asked: "Which real teacher is coming? Who is the leader of the rebellion? Who is the army? Have you seen my Mao Mountain?"

Qingpeng Dasheng uses birds, and said: "Where is this Dasheng know? I can't see it in the height, even if I see it, I don't know. In short, I have lost the three martial arts, Jin Yiwei and Jingying Escape, drop, lost. "

Pan Jin Niang complained: "Can you fill some?"

Qingpeng Dasheng is not happy: "It is light, just the big sacred to the drumstone, there is still no stability, there are more than ten arrows, it is very high-power, if it is not a big sacred machine Fast, my body is flexible, I will hurt at this moment! "

Du Xinglu said: "Thank you, Qingpeng Adventure, I mean, don't manage who is coming, in short, I don't want to hide again, I will go out to help the power. I dare to fight. Revenge, go to the three palace to help the rabbit scorpion, such as Chen Yu, Zhuo Yi, the flow of people, never can escape. "

Zhang Tengming, is not flat, Su Jun Shang and others have agreed that even the flow chart and amber people responded. Pan Jin Niang stab these two scriptures: "This is so active, don't you pay for the silver?"

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