Taoist Law

Chapter 265 Welcomes

Taoist law, the second hundred and sixty-five chapters, welcome the sound novels online listening

It was stabbed by Pan Jin Niang, and the amber passerved breath: "I don't know what to do before, since I know what is the silver?"

Pan Jin Niang's cold: "To save Zhao Ziran? You want the silver to not be there, he is a master who wants money, advise you, add this idea early ..."

Qingpeng's big holy, the wings suddenly rose, the eagle is a cold light, staring at Pan Jin Niang: "You this little girl, speaking, speaking, if you don't know how to die!"

The flowchart and the amber two roads to Du Xingli: "We will go to Taimiao to force, this warning!"

Two people turned to the Juananyou Palace, Pan Jin Niang was scared by Qingpeng's Dacheng, and she was only slowed down. "" There are a few sides of guys, dare to give this girl so rude, to see my mother, Let her teach these three barbaries! "

Du Xing was derived from Zhang Tengming Road: "Do you want to save Zhao Huada and Liyuan?"

Zhang Tengming nodded: "Go with!"

Su Jun Shang also agreed, so he didn't pitted first. He looked at the left and right streets. When you waive him, when you come out, you will see the flow chart and Amber have turned over the street.

Pan Jin Niang's mouth is behind, and there is still a good complaint on the road: "I know how to save Zhao Ziran. He is going to have a matter of this, will it be caught by the three palaces? "

Several people have made the mysteries, and there are already three thousand battles on the streets. There is also a posture of Jiangning County, and there is a bun of Jiangning County. Do not nest it, private assistance, illegal kill; all households, neighborhoods, no chaos, hustle and bustle, ... "

When you travel to the six streets in Taiping, you can't move, you have been completely blocked by sergeants at the intersection.

Du Xingzhi still happened forward and was stopped by the team flag, and a few hands finished. Du Xingzhi is busy explaining, saying that he is a monk monk, not the thief of the three palace, the little flag: "Du Xian teacher, you are the main battle of the golden competition, this brethren know, I, etc. It is very admirable to your play technology, but the peak has made it, and the enemy of Taimen is not clear. You must not pass at this moment. You still have to go back. "

Du Xinglang: "I will wait for it, I am going to help the army will betray."

That small flag: "This is not me as a tube, several fairy people still find another way."

After eating, the big losses of the Tai Temple, Du Xing, their sons did not dare to repair the sergeant, although they did not hold the armor in front of these hands, but provoke these, still think Have you been?

Zhang Tengming asked: "I don't know, which is the truth of Taoism, which is the army."

That flag shakes his head: "Real Master Hall? This is not known, the small man is only known to Zhao Fangzhang leading the soldiers, hey, there is also the Guijian Institute of Wenchang."

"Which Zhao Square?"

"Which Zhao Fighting can there be? Journal of Miyama Zhao Shizhang ..."

I don't rush out and ask: "Zhao Fangzhang leads the soldiers? When do you say that Zhao Fang is caught in the Temple of Taiwan?"

That flag laughed: "How can Zhao's abbot? How can I fall into the hand of the thief?"

At this time, many people have spontaneously gathered to the guard line, including many monks who fight in front of the Taimiao before, and everyone sees.

"Du Premier, Du Premier, is me! It can be seen too well, we all think of predecessors ..."

"It's Xiao Zou, haha, you hide, ..."

"Du Shi brother, don't you come, are you?"

"Jia brother, I will be relieved to see you, otherwise I don't know how to explain Jia Shibo ... Yes, have you seen Cai Shi?"

"Cai Shi brother is governed by the people in the three palace ..."

"Dogan, Mo brother, how many days have?"

When a group of people are intimate,

Soon, I have a rumbling foot and horses and horses, and everyone is watching. The bright sergeants of the brigade brigade armor will appear from the corner. If the red cloud is rolling, the brigade is a big group, it is a large group of Malaysia, I don't know how many big flags. The most consistent is "Taoist Recruitment, Xuanzhan Palace Zhao Zhao", "Dao Shi Sissery, Tripball Competition, Total Council", "Wenchang Save Monology Hospital", etc. Wait.

The roadside incense is smoked, and the believers worshiped towards the owners of the Chinese army. At the same time, the cheers waved over a waves!

The army went to six streets. The front team opened on both sides, flashed the middle army, Zhao Ran ride it from the flag door, waving to believers, and suddenly cause a burst of lively. The old man has advanced, it is possible to spit people, the fur is also in the past, but the softness is soft, and the Yingying is more and more majestic. It is more and more difficult to Zhao Ran.

Zhao Ran shine, the monks on the roadside immediately broke out the thunderous cheers. Many monks were blocked by the brigade of the geese, and they simply leaped on the roof and struck Zhao Ran.

Mo is not flat, Zhao Lhan Yu, Huang Yu, etc. are shout on the roof of the roof: "Zhao Huada, is us! Always support Zhao Fang!"

Du Xingzhi and Zhang Tengming did not have them so exaggerated, but smile and drinking the taking the game contest and restarted, this is the idea of ​​them.

Pan Jin Niang is very awkward, to Anyao: "Zhao Ziran didn't matter, everyone will fight to save him, but it is just white busy live."

It's a laugh, but I haven't responded, but I am very happy.

Zhao Ran got the old donkey and invited Gu Tengjia, Gu Tengjia also watched the horse, and the two were free to welcome each other. They came to welcome the general army into the city of the city and the government representative, they are:

Martial Arts, Martial Arts, Semi, Shuishi, and Xu, University of Wenyuange;

The gift is Shangshu Mao Cheng, the household still book is the same, the criminal department is still the book, the capital of the capital, Zuo Du Yu Zhang Yongming ...

And Hanlin Institute of the Hanlin Institute of the hospital, Yuan Wei, Dali Temple Shaoqing, Zheng thisgong, Ying Tianfu Yin Wangzong Yi, Yu Wangfu, Feng Bao, the sergeant, Yang Shen, etc.

Zhao Ran and Gu Tengjia before, and a doctor of his delegates enthusiastically, then took over the wine glass of Xia Yanyu, and Gu Tengjia drunk.

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