Taoist Law

Chapter 267 is abolished

Taoist law, the second hundred and sixty-seventh chapter of the discharge, still not abolished, the novel is online listening

Zhao Ran proposed that Yu Wang included in the name of the general office, everyone knows what it means, Gu Tengtun nod: "This is the authentication."

Xia Yanyu praised: "Equious thinks about week."

Yan Yan, Xu step expressed its agreement, they have already been expected.

But someone does not think so, I will listen to someone shout below: "Don't!"

Everyone was shocked, and the visiting, but it was Hojie. Then, one person stood around him, shouting: "I oppose!" Is the same as the .

Zhao Ran did not expect that under the situation of his army ring, some people will still jump out against themselves, this is what kind of death! Or say this is the wind bone in the big scholar?

This is the person who can see in history and words, and Zhao Ran saw it in his own eyes and personally realized the taste of the opposition to them. Doesn't you leave a concentrated color in the history book today?

Thinking of this, Zhao Ran is in the middle of the official, and I plan to see if there is anyone. Don't say, this is true that the two Hanlinyuan's renovation is writing in the hands of the hand. Zhao Ran really wants to see what they have written, but I know that this is not equal, so it is forcibly.

He didn't speak, and the summer is the first to be aid. It must be asked: "Huo Wei, Ziqi, why are you still staying in Beijing? Today, Tongli Mustice, Return, speed departure!"

In the first month of the households, the two, the two jumped, and the result was proved to jump a big pit. Afterwards, it was also disposed of the cabinet, and the Yunnan is official. Just these two are not only stranded in Beijing, but also ran in today. It is necessary to change it. The two derivatives are fundamentally can't enter the palace. It is in Xia Yan to repel him.

These two people are also out of time, today is not difficult, the second half has to go to Yunnan to spend the rest, who will be willing?

Huo Wei said: "The Taizi is still, why listen to others to lead the emperor?"

The laurel also vibrate the arms shouted: "Is the bone of the emperor to be unworthy, Wait, Waiting for the abandonment?"

These two sentences have been exported, and they suddenly appeared that the Baigu wanted to drop one, and the pawsh was silent.

Zhao Ran's first thought is that it is considering that these two are really wanting to be alone, still thinking, or deceived the hinges to make a look again in the future?

Perhaps everyone was shocked by Huo Wei and the bold bold of Huo Wei, and maybe I can't think about it for a while, and I didn't have anyone in this moment.

Xia Yanyue, Yang Shen, Yang Shen, reacted, and the previous road: "Su Wen Qi king and the prince have more mega, and I will smell Wang Hao, please ask the Prince to enter the Temple, and there is more unclear Things, what is exactly, still need to verify it, then it is repeated. You don't want to be amazing in this, and chaotic the court's law. "

This is only to say the point of mind: the Prince is the gang of Qi Wang or the coercion of Qi Wang, now there is no conclusion, how can he be included in the general office of the sacrifice?

Some people hit the end of the official: "Yang Xue Jing is not in this way!"

Everyone is a surprise, what happened today, there will be so many people coming out? Sure enough, is my big bone?

Look at one person from the end of the team, it is the national border. The same truth, like this is like this eight small officials, this is impossible to participate in the Dao Temple, which is really special, and he also mixed back together.

Yang Shen Shen faces: "Where is it?"

Zhang Wei said: "The Prince is a Book of Mint, the foundation of the community, how can such an important person to reject the sacrifice of the Emperor of the Emperor? No matter what the reason is not, so the official thinks that Yang Xue is in this case."

Huo Wei and the boutique praise: "It is this statement! Zhang Jian's high theory!"

Zhang Yun has a laugh: "It is not high in theory, but often."

The officials looked at these three people in the temple, they all looked at each other.

Many people are looking to Yan Yan, Yan Yan does not want to be high-profile today, but can't be avoided at the moment, and to avoid suspicion, it must be repeatedly said.

"Today, the big line, Zhao Fighteba and the Gu Cheung Monitor have disorderly, this is the foundation of the community! The two highways and Champions of the Heavy Congratulations junior to the sky, and there is an excellent thing, the country, the country, the state, the three products, No seven products, two of your two derogatory people, one eight products, where to the eligibility roaring championship? Amay, etc., it is necessary to punish! "

Said, Yan Yan, Zhao Ran: "Abbot, supervision hall, this official thought that when these three mad people were severely punished, push, thirty!"

Xia Yan, Xu step and others nodded, Yang Shen and others said: "The next official!"

There are many people who call and drink themselves: "Advance!"

For a time, Huo Wei, lean, Zhang Wei, three people, everyone shouted.

Huo Yan Yang smile: "The public, fainting, and there is no one, there is no one dare to speak, when it is really a laugh! It is also, the national assistant is six hundred and fifty years, the death, Today! "

As soon as I came out, Zhao Ruen hit the spirit! Hey? This is very familiar.

Yang Shen was shaking in the temple, which simply said that his heart is gone, but unfortunately it is not what he said, but from the mouth of the head, it is really regrettable.

I suddenly listened to Zhang Wei: "The next official has a saying, I hope to hear it! The so-called change is changed, I can't add it, why can't my public can't be naten? The emperor is not or lascal, and Yang Xue is It is said that the prince is in the case of Qi Wang, which is the case. This is the current one of the best. How can I comply? When the official thinks, when the official is immediately, give the Taoist, give the world a businessman! If it is a prince Clear, when I immediately hurt the sacrifice, if there is a suspicion, when I immediately abolish, choose the sage! "

At this point, the temple is also surprised, not only the hundred officials are surprised, Huo Wei and the laurel are more shocked. In Huo, if you want to catch fire, stare at Zhang Wei, and you can't hate the fierce meat. The laurel is directly called: "Zhang Ju Duo, the proposition yesterday is not what you mention? How can I become so good?"

One of the officials, Zhang Wei's face is slightly red, and the rotation is calm: "When I was discussing yesterday, the next official said that when I was a good one, but I have never misunderstood it. Big misunderstanding. The original intention is not to block the sacrifice, but the prince is not marble. "

Zhao Ruyu seeing all this, I can't help but I want to laugh, look at Huo Wei and the anger of Huo Wei, watching Zhang Wei, but a very firm look, he sighed, said: "Gu Cheicure Institute , Xia Hou old, Yange Old, Xu Qi old, Zhujun, then cond advice, the Prince is not abolished! "

Taoist law

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