Taoist Law

Chapter 268, Tied (on)

The Taoist Law 268th chapter of the court (on) audio novels online listening

When the Prince was taken from Taimiao to Fengtian Temple, it still did not slow down. Before the order, he was so hard to be positive and sat in the tester, but it was stagnant, and the body was like a nervous. shake.

No matter whether he participated in Qi Wang, even if he did not, he didn't think he was responsible for the world.

Xia Yan shook his head and sighed a "this non-humanity." The Hundred Amenities agreed that this sentence determines the destiny of the Prince.

First, there is a swing of the Temple, saying that the emperor assignment, in the five days before the rush of Zhanshan, the Zhan Zhanzhi; there is a Jen's house, Zhang Jun is a certificate, and the prince will go to the East Palace, close to the Qi Wang; The female officially saw that the soldiers changed to the day, the Prince made the Temple for the Xingling Palace to make the Duan Duan Temple; then Prince's name

So, no need to say anything more, now everyone is looking at Zhao Ran, waiting for Zhao Ran to say that.

But Zhao Ran didn't want to say, "said" this military country, the non-poor, one person can decide, please consult the Junjun. "

The summer is the meaning of the abbot, it is a court? But after the court, it still needs to be repaid. "

There are two kinds of in Daming, one is the court of the court, one is a master. The master does not have to repeat it, nothing more than a matter involved, and the ministry of the delegation is collected. The court said here, for the Ting Ting, that is, the Cabinet Minister, Jiuqing, Sixth, Monitoring, Monitoring.

The court is the practice of Daming Chao, and many major affairs need the court, but the summer is correct. Even after the court, the results also need to report the emperor Zhu Bao, the emperor does not recognize, and the remit can be dismissed.

Zhao Rong "" Today's emperor is big, I thought that the results of the court can replace the order. "

This sentence makes the officials, and the summer is trying to ask "the meaning of the abbot, the results of the court is the final result?"


"If the results of the court are not in the sky, the expectations of the doors, what is it?"

"Then you have to think about it. For the results of He Ting, do you have to violate the expectations of Taoist?"

Yan Yan can't help but "abbot, if the summary is issued, what should I do?"

Zhao Rong said, "Of course, who is to call the court, who is responsible, out of the pool, the board is playing the people of the court."

The officials continue to think

Zhao Rong said "About the court, there are a few points of view of the poverty, for all the kings.

First, non-cabinet universities must not convene the court, the order of the convener, and start with the first auxiliary.

Second, the scope of the ministers to participate in the court needs to form a clear system, such as the University of Cabinet, Six Shangshu, Du Zhongzhu Double Master, Wu Temple Zhengqing, Tongzheng, Hanlin Institute, Bachelor, Guozi Province, At the Tianfu Yin, Wenchang Save Supervisor Institute, palm of the audience, the director of the printed, um, the above 26 positions, qualified to participate in the court.

Third, when the court convene, the major events shall be vote, do not generally empty theory, need results, as a real teacher.

Its four, who convened the court, who has direct responsibility for the summate results, out of the problem, the board hits the convener.

The rules of the fifth, the court are in the case.

Ok, you want to think about it. Today, Tsini is discouraged with the rumor of the poor. If consent, then discuss the prince's question, if you don't agree, then it is said. The more steps in the poor pass, take the unrelated person, so that there is no peers, and the courtesy came out, including the poor road. Staying in the Temple of the Temple, for the tutor of the poor, just asked the Tain Qing, just like this. "

Hundreds of officials face each other, some footsteps are fast, have already entered the temple in advance, just waiting for the temple to wait for Zhao Ran to say that they have to wait outside, who is very interesting to play in the skin.

Zhao Ran Xiang Teng Jia Road "Gu Cheung Institute,

Gu Teng Jia Road, "You don't participate, but I am pushing me."

Zhao Rong said "I am just the secret of the Division, is we not paying attention to the rules of the matter."

Gu Tengjia pointed to Zhao Ran smiled "you, line, you will go, here I look at it."

When I left the temple, Zhao Ren returned to Xia Yan and other people's way. "Suddenly remembered, the Division of the Secret Guards, the old, the old, the old, the old, the poor" proposal is temporarily official Chen Hong participated in the court, representing the intake. Can it be good? "

The three cabinet's universities have no problem, Chen Hong listened, blood flocked, the face is swollen, I only feel happiness to death, all the risks, all my grievances, I have got the return at this moment. .

Zhao Ran out of the Temple, let them be inside, roughly sweeping, and most people retreat from the temple, nor departing, just waiting outside. There are only seventeen people left in the temple, and there are nine locations. Either empty, no one, or even, or simply can't come, such as the military department Shangshu Zhang Cong.

Zhao Ran looked at the outside of the official, no matter where his sight was swept, people would nodded him, arched, just like everyone's gaze is in his way, general except for two people, Huo Wei and laurel.

Huo Wei and the laurel are slowly close to Zhang Wei, kneering from the fists of the two people, they are close to Zhang Wei to do.

Zhang Wei did not pay attention, from time to time, Zhaoran, from time to time, bowing silence.

Zhao Ran did not work for them, turned to Tai Temple, just told Zhang Dang to be a good palace door, optimistic about Feng Tian Temple.

Teachers and teachers are still in the Han Bai Yulian, thinking about the way to break the big array, and Zhao Ran also joined in discussion. I don't know how long it takes, the sky is late, it is already a dusk.

The consensus reached after the two-digit master studies is that as a lunar, the Chinese watch is not an ordinary eye, but the eye on the eye.

That is to say, the eye of the big array is the entire Huangcheng, the eye of the Huangcheng is Taimiao, and the eye of Tai Temple is a lotus seat. This is a burst in a stage, the three-stage large array ring ring, closely related.

Therefore, all of them face a problem, it is very likely that it will cause very strong consequences while being broken. What kind of consequences are, Zhao Ran can't expect it, but the scope of his estimation is the spread of the entire capital. The scope predicted by Zhao Li Niang is the spread of the entire Tianfu.

As for how to break, they also discuss a preliminary approach. This method is very simple, it is forced to destroy the eye-catching Hanbai Lotus. As for how much power can be destroyed, Jiang Teng Crane has also assessed three refining.

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