Taoist Law

Chapter 275?

The problem that the most Zhao Ran's entanglement is that he has set three times, there is still one in front of him, but he has a lot of efficiency in the practice of merits, there is no other place, or even nine days of Xuanlong big ban I haven't seen a change, there is no signs of realmation, don't you really want to get together in the same way? Or or five sets can you rise to the ground?

I thought of landing landing, he couldn't help but breathe. But soon calm down, if so simple, why is Shao Yuanji not shooting himself?

What do Shao Yuanjie think? The last is really a lotus seat of Han Xiaoyuhua? If it is the words of Huayu Lotus, I have a few times a few times and also to the idea of ​​"eat".

If not, where is the last sake? Or is it in Shao Yuanyuan?

When I think about this problem, Zhao Ruen is not cold, and I can't help but hurt my heart: Is this in the nuts?

The more the situation is, the situation is getting clearer and clear, although I don't know what Shaoyuanjie wants to do, but he will undoubtedly become the enemy of Zhao Ran.

He suddenly gave birth to a huge fear, and his brain was a bit numb.

Looking at the Queen of the Rouvera, Zhao Ran has fallen into a huge entanglement. It is both afraid that Shao Yuanjie is really thinking. It is in a raising, and it is painful to get another one in the close.

I have eaten this roof, will you just right now? Is it possible to match the Shaoyuan Festival, even from him to another fine search, so as the real ground is flying? This thought is so strong, swallowing his will, and disintegrates his refusal.

Zhao Ran wants to have a good time, so I will get it.

The object of the gossip is Shao Yuanjie, and all of them will bring all the parameters known to the bottom. When it goes to the most critical, re-visiting the top of the Tiandun Building, looking at the gas machine running in the world in the direction of Qixia Mountain in the middle of the night, then this A core parameter is added.

Before you will be out, Gong Deqing cloud came to the reminder: the life of life is eight months!

This number is somewhat unexpected, not too much, but too little. It is related to the big monk, the zone one year is eight months, it seems that it does not match its identity.

Of course, it also shows that this can be opened. But at this moment, even if it is not right, Zhao Ran also wanted to see a look, even if he spent another eight months, he also recognized.

: Strings, walking thin ice.

Such as people cross the river, the rhinarthrough, the river has no bridge, so be careful to walk on the thin ice, one step is wrong, it is falling into the glacial.

The icon shows that Shao Yuanjie is also in the crisis, and there is "falling water" at any time.

Another eighth months of life, in exchange for such a result, Zhao Ran didn't think there was a pity and regret. Since learning the plum blossoms, he will consciously and unconsciously get used to take the birth, from the earliest three and five hours, until the three five days, to a month, finally calculated in the year.

The results of this icon did not use it. It couldn't make a reference to Zhao Ran's next step, but it would be useless. At this moment, I made Zhao Ran easily, fear and pressure have alleviated a lot of even Shao Da Tianshi. The days are also not good!

Then, under the role of the fifth layer of large ban, plum is easy to continue in the Yuanfu Palace a few days ago, calculate the choice of the dresses.

Zhao Ran did not choose, because he felt that the parameter of this time was not too headed.

After the fear and stress were reduced, Zhao Ran retakes calm and keeps reminders yourself. After a few times, I decided to start a lesson.

It is also Shao Yuanjie, which is also the previous conditions, after all, ready to enter the most important core parameters.

This time, he went to the Heitianmen, directly overlooking the Taimiao Temple. Due to the very close, the direction of the heave gas circulation flow in the Taimiao is very clear,

When the parameter came out, he knew that as long as the direction is right, this time will be extremely accurate. The only expectation is that it is like a hook as much as possible, and it is not too harmful to it.

Zhao Ran quickly calculated, because this group of data from Tai Temple was very clear, very large, so it was very long until the operation of the three worships, before coming.

Before you come out, Gong Deqing clouds give a prognosis: Fight for nine months!

This time consuming, his direction is right. Zhao Ran is ready to prepare, of course, must do a good job in the body, return to the housing of his temporary people from Cheng Tianmen Building, take a lot of spirit medicine, put it on hand, then take a sigh of breath Select to open the icon.

Handsome birds out!

When I came out, Zhao Ran didn't stop coughing, and my hands had a cough for a long time, and it was full of blood. Cough is slightly stopped, immediately sending the people of Zhu Hui, Yang Xin Dan, Wuzi Pills, etc.

After the clothes, I will carry out three Sundays, and Zhao Ran opened his eyes.

This injury is better than that in Song Chan, when the birthday is three years, it is more than six years. But at the moment, when he was rest, he strongly supported the injury, and Zhao Ran began to analyze the icon.

What is the bird? What is the cage? What is the relationship between Handsome birds and Shao Yuanjie?

Using plum blossoms, Zhao Ran is already very experienced, although the number of plum blossoms often appear and the goals are not the same, but will eventually be directly or indirect to wind back the original intention, not really unrelated, especially In the case where it is necessary to have a lot of time, this is also in line with how much the heaven is given, how much is obtained.

In the figure, he did not see what the relationship between the two, but he knew that it will definitely be relevant. Even the result of this is because he will appear, or the emergence of this result is because there is an active intervention.

After coming out, I also give it to the priest pre-judgment of Shaoyuan Festival, or the good and bad intervention.

Zhao Ran thought about it, he felt that there was not so good thing, but he might try it, so I chose "fierce".

Gong Deqing Yun came to a great understanding: the battle for 30 years!

Zhao Ran's heart suddenly wary, wow, I want Shao Yuanjie to face the "fierce" situation, I actually have to pay for 30 years, the key is to still know how this "fierce" will "fierce", even only one body Possible "fierce"!

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