Taoist Law

Chapter 276 Junbird

Zhao Ran couldn't hold the calculation, and he had spent nearly fifteen years in the number of plum blossoms. If it is more than the thirty years, it means that he can only live for twenty years.

In this twenty years, I have to be born, reach the refining teacher, can be extended for 20 years, and then continue to use the born in twenty years, reach the big refining troops, then it is entered. Step by step, you can't have a half point, which is delayed, and you will have to die.

Thirty-year birthday period, is the bomb room? Zhao Ran temporarily dismissed this thought.

He suddenly moved, point in Ji, this time, big ban, the information: Fold Su Shi!

This is to let yourself feel directly. Zhao Ran gave up and gave up, there is no choice, and there is no fierce.

Through this comparative test, he also clarified two points: 1. of Shao Yuanjie's Ji, it is certainly not a good thing to him; its second. Shao Yuanjie wants to be guilty, it is more difficult, it means Shao Yuanjie. Dilding is less.

So, I have a lot of peace of mind, and Shao Yuanjie wants to get a business, it looks like it is not so easy, temporarily observed, do not have to take 30 years of life.

Because until it is at this moment, he has not fully confirmed that Shao Yuanjie faces a fierce, and it will fierce, and the value is not worth thirty-year life.

Return to the country to examine two ods:

Walking thin ice;

Handsome bird is out.

Zhao Ran turned to think about it for a long time, did not get a clear guideline such as "chicken dog death", but he knows, and the second article is inevitably useless regardless of the first one. So I didn't want to think that he hoped to hang it under the gap, he needs to make a choice as soon as possible, "eat" or "do not eat".

This major decision, the fifth layer of the big ban, the best way to play, Zhao Ran point peas, finger parked on the "eat" option.

I have used so many times, I'm very confident in this tone now. He sits on a tester, silently looks at the Queen's body in front of him, and carefully calculates "Eating" after the heart. .

What should I do if the Shao Yuanjie is really looking for himself? I want to go, he can't think of proper solution, the only way, the time difference.

After swallowing the Queen's "Dou Yuanjun", use Shaoyuan Festival to find his own time, what can you do?

First, if it is really going to immediately, then go to Taimiao, with the teacher and teacher, together.

Second, if it is impossible to have a big probability, it is probably the case, is it immediately called a teacher and a teacher, hiding in Hongze Lake? The Lord of Hong Ze is equivalent to the family relationship with his own division, and the old squid is taking hands, and can you hold it with the law?

Of course, the most critical is, from yourself "Douyuan Jun So", Shaoyuan Festival will give yourself how much time is ready. Time has time long response method, and the time has a short period of time, which has to be planned in advance.

I have seen the sky that has begun outside the window. Zhao Ran put it down from the beam and put her in the inside of the bed, cover the quilt, and remove the paper pen, and started to start emergency plans ..... .

Xu Yun stood on the side of the east side of the Lonely Mountain, looking at the sun that was rising, gently went to Wusheng: "It's bright."

Wuyang took a nodded, and he looked back to the Zhuoyong and Oriental Gifts. In addition to their two backs, he didn't have the rest of the monks of the Hi-Qing Court, and another Tang Tao's real person is the same. Three Clear people can't show up with more than a total of, so this will be the main force of the Empress Pavilion.

After Li Yanyang and Zhao Songyang two East East Pavilion, he gathered nearly 100 monks, and they almost moved all the strengths of the East Pavilion. There is a big thing in the Central Plains's heart, and the tube is not a big Tianshi, both in their tube.

In addition to the Empress East, the two sits in the Raytaro also summoned a group of people. Du Yanghong has near Zhejiang, Zhejiang, who is in the province, who is accepting a monk, who is good at fighting at the fight.

The coverage of the Red Red Battle is too large, including the land of Nanzhi near the 10th house, the inner and context is unknown, and the three days will arrive. There are two hundred monks to enforce the law enforcement, or can maintain a mess. As for the problem, it is mainly the problem that enters the virtual decoration.

The Pavilion Yang Yunmeng real people also brought the masters of the refiner refining characters. They brought three big boxes, and the boxes used in the box were large-scale legal components used in the national war. They can be assembled for three Legong. , specifically used to attack the big array.

The Bao Tuo, the Dongfangming also took a few magic weapons of Taoist treasures, and it can play a good auxiliary effect when it is broken.

I am waiting for the time. According to the generation of the truth of the truth, I will start from the three edges. First, the three borders of the big array will cause the three borders, and the kiemas will choose the key. The node is applied, exacerbated the tremor of the large array, let it collapse.

Three people have been shot together, plus the Ten Dynasties of the True Mastro, and the process of breaking, it is expected to be between one day to three days.

But until now. Real Master Hall is still not negotiating how to pursue Shao Yuanjie's sinful programs, and finally can only agree, everything is decided to decide everything after it.

The big monk in the scene has gathered six, but the choice is broken. It is Zhang Yunyi, Wang Changyu, Feng Dynasty, and Duanmu Da Tian and Pan Yuanjun are responsible for stopping Jiao Yuanjun. Be sure to make it uninterrupted.

Jiao Yuan Jun is very anxious to stare at the direction of the big array, and will look back from time to time. The more you live on the mountain, the heart is silently praying, I hope that Shao Yuanji is safe, all smoothly.

Duanmu Da Tianshi is looking for a secluded corner, personally pointing to the doubts of Sun Chier's wooden summer practice. There are many problems with many problems in Duanmu Summer, and Rong Niang, who is next to it.

Duanmu Da Tianshi smiled and was very patient. It was still a lot of ruts: "Your buddy is slow, but it is solid, no low potential, what do you do in a hurry?"

Rong Niang said: "People in the first teacher of the first teacher, there are three ** divisions, the rest of the one is also golden Dan. It is also a big brother, only a brother, a ** teacher, the second brother does not work hard. When I am still in Jin Dan, the young brothers will not mention it, but I have to know that I will stay in this mountain for three years. "

Duanmu Da Tianshi laughed: "You also hurry."

Rong Niang said: "Sun Er has already god in five years, very fast, good! If it is not the division of the four seasons of Qianzhuang, I have closed the customs at the end of last year, definitely not be attached to the guy!"

The end of the dark eyes of the closed eyes opened his eyes: "How many states are not built?"

Rong Niang rushed him and blinked: "Celebrate cultivate, tap how much idle! You are practicing, otherwise how can we give our home to the legs? Still run to fight, if you are lucky, you must be locked this time This big array! "

Summer said: "Then I am more than Zhang Tengming."

Rong Niang hate iron is not steel: "You will this, compare with Zhang Tengming?"

Summer: "Can I still compare with Zhao Zhao?"

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