Taoist Law

Chapter 3 takes the silver pile up

Rong Niang took the clouds and returned to Zhao Shan. It was in a complaption to meet his own brother, and then rushed to the nine locks of the closed closure. He asked: "What is going to be preparation?"

Duanmu Chunming followed her: "I am ready, give you the fifth lock. Sister, etc.!"

Rong Niang Station will ask: "What happened?"

Duanmu Chunming said: "I just came back, I heard that you sent the only longevity Dan in the home to Zhao Zhaoran?"

Rong Niang said: "There is no way, he has been folded for forty years of life, the dead plum blossom is easy!"

Duanmu Chunming took a breath: "This ..... forty years ....... If you think about it again?"

Rong Niang said: "What?"

Duanmu Chunming Road: "I don't want to dismount you, it is not my heart, I mean, he is so down, I am afraid it is still good for 20 years? Let's have two contracts, wait for you to close it out Engagement, do you want to stay in the mountains for two years? "

Rong Niang turned a white eye: "Why? Waiting for him to consolidate, you can't live for forty years? If you go to the big refining teacher, it is sixty years! Wait until the refining, there are eighty years, I have entered the way, the forty years of folding is still something? "

Duanmu Chunming smiled: "You don't have fun, where is there so good? Is it going all the way?"

Rong Niang said: "That is you don't know him."

Duanmu Chunming advised: "Are you a bit too blind? What do you not?"

Rong Niang said: "If you can't do it, I will take care of him for 20 years, no, he served longevity Dan, you can accompany him for a few years! He is going, I will guard him!" Take him, and go straight to the nine lock stone door.

Duanmu Chunming thought about it, sent Zhang Fei to his grandfather, told his concerns, I would like to ask my grandfather to persuade to persuade Rong Niang.

Duanmu Chongqing took the northern Xinjiang, located in Shanxi Tianqi Pavilion, just sent the real Sun Yunxun to the temple, and suddenly smoke in the incense case of the thunder, a daughter child appeared in front of him, is the four major Nago fairy children in the boy, Duan Wumei Chongqing please ask him to help save people, and there is no shadow of the property.

Seeing Nazhen fairy tansy vain, no clear words, worshiping the table, the side of the wood, Chongqing is very strange, he is in the heart, but he does not dare to give this face, so he will be happy.

After the ceremony, he listened to the fairy child: "Waiting for the seven or forty-nine days, why don't you see the supply?"

Duanmu Chongqing: "Supply?"

Xian Tong Road: "Do you have a payment for help? Is there still wish?"


"Is this cake lower?"


"Is it alive?"

"This one......"

"What has been finished, why not offer a supply?"

Duan Mu Chongqing screamed unlucky, only have to take the silver ticket, and burn incense. Silver tickets were taken away by Nazhen fairy, which means that the Sailing Silver Silver in Huixi Mountain has less than 100,000 silver ingots.

Nazhen fairy taking the silver, slightly dissatisfied: "More than last time, there are many, too, I don't have to be easy, I don't want to see you. I have to repair it, but I'm going to have a truth, I have a day, I have a day in the future My house, or you can take you. "

"Thank you fairy!"

Turning this Nanzan boy away, and Duanmu Chongqing received the flying character of Changshun, Tu Chunming, and immediately replied: "With Zhao Ziran's air transport, with my home, he can put him into refining, as for No one does not guarantee, this matter does not have to be considered. "

Duanmu Chunming touched his head, sighed, no longer speaking.

In the spring breeze, after sending Rong Niang, Duanmu Summer is about to leave, but Zhao Ranzhen: "The second brother is waiting."

Duanmu summer question: "What is it?"

Zhao Rong said: "This is the case, I want to ask the second brother to refine a group of characters, the materials are made by me, just ask the buddy."

Duanmu Summer just wanted to refuse, Zhao Ran added: "Of course, this is also an important way to enhance the second brother.

Zhao Ran is the teacher, Duanmu Xiaoxing is only Jin Dan Master. The strength gap between the two people will make him short, not to mention the family, please Zhao Ran, "pointing", Tuman Summer, so Duanmu Summer has to promise .

Zhao Ran sizes Suichuan medicine, Suichuan handed to Duanmu Summer single:

Higher-order fire characters, thousands of ice flesh; 1,000 golden troops; seven hundred sideware; one thousand people in ordinary five lines; characters 1 thousand ...

Duanmu Summer eyes suddenly closed, he was rough, add up to 10,000 characters, how much time this is taken?

I immediately shaken: "No, too much ... so I didn't have time to participate in the practice ball competition, you know, in order to hurry, the autumn season is a week, very tight, this is still a chance You set it ... "

Zhao Ran smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, I will have time to give two brothers, with the means of buddha refining, spend three times a day, can be completed on September."

Duanmu Summer did not move his head: "I have to spend time and players to exchange and learn, grow techniques, and I also have a batch of juggles, I have to go to the Banquet, I will gather, I will come to the evening, where is there? In this way, I have been prepared for this event. Du Xingquan has always looked down on me, saying that I can't get the qualifications of him, I can't get it, I still can't get it. And Zhang Tengming, four In the warfare, he actually than I have two rankings. When I've got a dog! You see how he wins, says to laugh and get rid of the big teeth ... "

Zhao Ran interrupted him, directly asked: "Second brother wants to go back to Sapan?"

Duanmu Summer suddenly took a breath, didn't speak for a long time, and finally spur it out, and left Zhao Ran from the head, I used the back to Zhao Ran: "Go back to send my material to my room!"

Suichuan medicine sneaked, was bounced in a burst of chestnuts by Zhao Ran: "Laugh, laugh, go to you to send you the material of Mu Shibo!"

Suichuan vitably spitted the tongue, and quickly rushed to prepare, Zhao Ran immediately first attached to the Queo Zhiyu and Longqing of Spring Breene in the first two days: "Summer is ready to start the refining."

Guo Zhiyu replied: "understand!"


Since the capital of the capital, the Temple of the Temple, the real teachers who have been staying in the capital, accounting for the Yuanfu Palace, dealing with the matter of the side. It has been two months until now, the real teachers also convened eight The submitted proceedings were issued 13 major issues.

For example, through the programs of Xuan Da, the propaganda to hold a border army, adopted the programs of the size of Jinchuan active to create friction and putting the offensive posture, and decided to increase half-cultivation of the resource to pay the total plan, rebuild this year. The plan of Taimiao, suspended from Nanzhi, Zhejiang, Henan government to transfer the court's resolution, and so on.

The agenda is so intensive, it is the second time since the Johnsishan part, the first time, the beginning of the real master system.

Zhao Rongzheng and Guo Zhiyu, Long Qing made a study of Duanmine summer refining characters, a white light farther, but the news sent by the San Qingge Long Lao Zhuo Yunfeng: "What is the body?"

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