Taoist Law

Chapter 4 is to the Ziyu Hall

Received Zhuoyunfeng's flyer, Zhao Ran quickly replied: "The injury on the body has not recovered, but the mental condition is better."

For more than a month, because of the large number of plenty of pills including Changshou Dan, Zhao Ran is in the past six internal organs, and the volatile roads are almost, but the phenomenon of merits It has not changed. Thousands of people's merits are too big, and he is destined to spend a long time in the wheelchair.

Zhuoyunfeng continues to ask: "Can I travel?"

Zhao Rong said: "Is it going to Yuanfu?"

Zhuo Yunfeng replied: "I was holding a real teacher's age, please come over to consult."

"I understand, I will immediately."

Zhao Ran couldn't help but feel a laugh. I used to talk to him. Now I will consume three flying characters, I really don't know my heart. At the beginning of the year, the Oriental Gifts Ordered to purchase 10,000 flying characters, and said that this year's flying characters are more than, now, it is afraid that it will receive orders from the second three-clear cabinet.

Today, I call the thirteenth agenda, mainly in the emoticon related affairs. The so-called country is not a day without a day. Although this sentence is in the current Daming, there is an emperor sitting on the dragon chair. This is a steady and important representation of the country. It is also to be able to be strong in the world, to take the world people. Important measures for the center of mind.

Drake it for two months, it is actually very late.

The kind of Jun Jun fought the old line in the volatile mountain, took the reins, dragged the car, and the hoof arrived at the Zikinshan of the city, along the mountain road to Yuanfu Palace, Li Da Yin Already waiting here.

Suichuan took the car first, opened the door, put down the slide from the inside, slipped Zhao Ran with the bamboo wheelchair, and Li Da Yin was busy forward to support the car, and Zhao Ran waved: "Lao Li should not be cold, where is it There is the truth that let you wait for it. "

Li Da smiled and gave the wheelchair to Suichuan, Suichuan pine it, and entered the Palace.

Seeing Li Da, I have been laughing in the face, Zhao Rong said: "Things have been in the past two months, Lao Li still can't put down?"

Li Da Hualong: "It's not that I can't let it go. It is my teacher can't let it go. He was hit by the teacher for thirty years. Who can put it down? Xin Xi is dressed for the people's belief, until the final finding, everything is a fake ... I don't care, a few days, I want to understand, but my teacher doesn't understand ... "

Zhao Ran sighed and said: "Go back to Qixia to see Chen Tianshi."

Li Dawei nodd: "That dare, you can listen to it ... your injury ..."

Zhao Rong said: "Nothing, I am not a paper pin. During this time, have you been to help the real master?"

Li Da Houpeng: "After all, after all, in Lushan, many people didn't come over, I am catching up, temporarily serving. Fortunately, Peng Shi has been practicing, can put the practice ball and lottery tickets, general things I don't have to ask, otherwise I really don't know how to deal with it. "

Zhao Ran asked: "When is the real teacher going back?"

Li Da Hiwang: "Fast, the real teachers are also in time, today I have a lot of things. Now I am negotiable to give any temple numbers on the emperor. The three cabinet's universities are struck. There is also Wenchang Guan Tengjia. Let's wait here. "

After a moment, Zhuo Yunfeng came out of the temple, and struck Zhao Ran: "Stay in the temple."

Su Chuan pushed Zhao Ran into the Ziyu Hall. Zhao Ran wants to come down from the wheelchair, and suddenly drive the drain in the seven through the eight veins and the sea. If the knife is generally cut, it is cold sweat.

Xu Yunzhen was in the temple: "If you are hurt, you should not be arrested."

Zhao Ranzheng is holding a punch to Zhou: "Thank you Masbo. Disciples have seen the predecessors of the real man." Take the summer, Yan Yan and Xu step, the next issue is still the emperor, and also Is it a recognition of the identity of Yu Wang's "Pede".

In the Ziyu Hall, in addition to the Zhou Zhenren of Kyushu Pavilion and as if I went to leave the holiday, the rest of the real teacher arrived, including the Maosom Sima Yunqing of the mountains.

Zhang Yunyi sat in the middle of the futon, I smiled from Zhao Ran: "Can you still have some? Your teacher and the brother have returned to the big monarch mountain. Please take care of you before, but I have too many things here. Don't open you, have a responsibility of your teacher and the teacher. "

Zhao Ran is busy: "What is the big man? You have too many things to do this, why use the arrival of the late generation, and then there is no big danger, but it will be raised. My teacher said, big day Teachers, big real people and their own care and mind, I am in the top of the top. "

In this case, the building has made great efforts, and the tremendous risk of the road will be resolved, and the building is not good. In accordance with several of the coordinate big monks, such as Duanmeng Chongqing, Fengling, Pan Yuanjun's words, the building is in the most critical moment, regardless of the follow-up outcomes, it is called Nanzhi million people. One of the savings, avoiding the largest crisis in Daming Kingdom for six hundred years.

What's more, there is the endorsement of Longyang Zu Shi: He is in charge of the prior to flying, and he is handed over to the building to the building. This is the best interpretation of the role of the building in this incident.

Therefore, in the third True Master Tall, it has made a reward for the building.

For example, I confirmed the issue of the Longyang Zushi, which officially handed over the sky the sky to the building, which is actually the biggest reward for the building. From then on, the possibility of withdrawing from the big monarch mountain in theory will be eliminated. This hole, this land, truly becoming the practice of building.

For example, I confirmed that the Dragonyang Zums Hall in the Day of Dayunshan Cave, as a view of his people in the world.

This is just a confirmation, but it is very important. This completely dispenses the ,,,,, The inheritance and items related to Yangzu.

The third is to transfer the inquiry, the spiritual material, increase the quota of the orthodox house, and the rewards of the refund of the 10-year credit will latenate the biggest step of the building. It can be said that this reward is still very rich and is the most needed in the building.

Zhang Yunnhen nodded and started to say and the topic: "Just said, give the emperor's temple number 'Shi Zong', Xi Qintian Ceremony Yingyi sacred Xi Wen Guangwu Hongren Daxiao Emperor. Next, I will deliberate Yu Wang. So please come over. "

In this chaos, many Shao Yuanjie doing things must be seen by Zhu Xiang, which has become the rules of the real martial arts, not to mention the death of the emperor is "the public", but also See "Pushing" first, so Jiajing's number is still very good.

As for the upper position of Yu Wang, there is a moth? Zhao Ran is somewhat strange.

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