Taoist Law

Chapter 5 Insix

Can be "Shi Zong" as a temple number, perhaps with intention of intention of intensive changes?

Zhao Ran did not study, it didn't care, what is the emperor, what is the temple number, and it doesn't matter if he is waiting for the identity of Yu Wang.

Because the previous situation is special, under his guidance, the Trial's Tong Tong's decision made the decision of Yu Wang as the "power of the confidence" today, today's truth hall is required to confirm.

Zhao Ran looked at the Xia Yan, Yan Yan and Xu stepped, and the Wenchang Save Supervision Institute Gu Teng Jia, these are extremely slightly nodded, he is relieved - it is more The problem is not big.

Zhang Yunyi said in the hall: "The first emperor is Zhu Xiang, the scrap prince is inverse, these things, just three universities and Gu Tengjia have already said very clearly, now the supreme, is it, is it Emperor. Today, call, but also want to listen to your consideration. "

Zhao Ran replied: "The day's situation is critical, the scrap prince is rebellious from the back, the disciples will be betrayed with the inselfational regulatory hospital. The So-State can not be a day without a day, the Xia Hou is old, the patriarchal Temple, the court Prince, disciples are agreeable. "

Then, Zhao Ranli has a character of a passage of Jingjing, said: "This is the proposal of the disciple, please also ask the seniors to be the master."

Just listen to Zhang Yunyi: "What is your doubt?" Seeing the real teacher shook his head and didn't, so he told: "Speakers!"

Zhuo Yunfeng passed the white paper, and the pen filled with the ink was transferred back and forth in the 14 realist. All of them turned into the prince of the prince, and the decision on the basis after seven days.

Zhao Ran said that is it simple? What is the meaning of I will recruit Yuanfu?

It is grinding, Zhang Yunyi said: "Jingshi is a big change, on the top three palace, Zhu Xiang see a thief, bringing a lot of losses to the door. Fortunately, I have responded quickly, especially Guantong. Jia He Zhao Ziran, turning the tide, the crisis is turning, so that the people of the world can see the ancestrality of the ancestors, not in the majesty of our way. "

Speaking here, Zhang Yun intends to Zhao Rao: "I want to go to the happiness, I should have a thousand six million. Go back, you can listen to Song Tianshi."

Zhao Ran turned his head and looked at Song Yang, Song Yangshi smiled and nodded him.

Zhang Yunyi continued: "But it also said that in Beijing, the Taoist's supervision of the court is a big problem. Sima Tiansheng has a proposal, he believes that it should be discussed on the Queen's issue ... "

Wang Changyu waved to three cabinet universities: "You go out first, the chance of Chao Tang is agreed, and you will go back to prepare, let the prince will go to the grass."

I looked at Zu Tengjia and said: "Teng Jia also returned, standing here for a long time, there is no drink, go back, go back."

Three colleges and Gu Tengjia gave a mistake, leaving the Ziyu Hall, out of the Yuanfu Gongmen, Xia Yan face, is a lot of trouble: "This is afraid that it is very troublesome, if Sima Tiansheng walks Yuan Fuqong, will we listen to? "

Yan Yu: "See how Zhao Fangzhang said, I hope that Zhao Fangbu can have any countermeasures."

Xu step smiled and didn't talk, Gu Tengjia shook his head: "Difficult."

Yuanfu Palace is not big and Gu Tengjia relationship, he got on the carriage to return to Qixia Mountain Wenchang, and the left university will take care of the film, and the summer is not here. "

Yan Yan and Xu are all agreed, so come to the palace door, find a house.

On the Ziyu Hall, it has been taken from Sima Yunqing, telling the realm of the proposal, he said: "As I said before, in the past few decades, Yuanfu Palace has been toward the Jingshi, and the three palace is me. The important force of the Dow Door Monitor. I think that such an important place should be strengthened, and should not be jurisded by the Pavilion of a local library of the district. Therefore, I suggest that the Yuan Fuji will return to total management. "

Oriental Tianshi asked: "How is it? Is there a charter?"

Sima Yunqing said: "The first is home, I recommend Yuanfu Palace belong to the total management,

Secondly, we will take the Sangong Wei Duo, Yuanfu Guofeng Hospital makes these two important functions, as is appointed by the general view, of course, given the reason that Chen Tianshi is not suitable for the Swan Dow, Li Dawei is naturally not suitable. Being a Yuanfu Palace, these two duty should be selected by the day.

Third, re-determining the duty of the Yuan Fukong, with the prior to Fukong's duty, only the three palace ', such a description is too blurred, can you really play a practical effect, but also to see the Wei Dao Quanshi and Palace Academy The ability to make. Therefore, our Eastern Pavilion suggests that the duty of the Yuan Fukong is specific, what can be done, what can't do, try it out ... "

Looking at Sima Yunqing is boring in the Ziyu Temple, Zhao Ran is a smirk. Sima Yunqing is eager to express, the capital of Jingshi is so big, Mao Mountain is the name of Nanzhi, which is unbacked in it.

Of course, they were enabled by Shao Da Tianshi in the mountains, and they could have reluctant to say that they did not say it.

I am afraid that I am afraid of comparison. If there is no building, maybe Sima Yunqing can take this reason to make this reason to block the mouth of others, but since there is a building, the Mao Mountain is a bit can't get on the table.

A few people in the building, two big refining teachers, two big masters, plus a goldenan and two yellow crown, bringing a pile of inexplicable spiritual demon, a wild mad, just do three The palace is flat, and the Jingshi is replenished.

In turn, look at Mao Mountain, three palace five views, a senior refining virtual impact of closed off, two refining, a bunch of big refining teachers, big magers and golden Dan Master, more can be convened The various hysteresses, such a huge power, is the responsibility of this time, but was sealed by Shao Yuanjie, and did the shortening turtle, Mao Mountain's face where she was put?

It is no wonder that Sima Yunqing is anxious to jump out, this is also the situation, not jumping out to save the face, play a role, showing attitude, Mao Mountain's days are really difficult.

Therefore, Sima Yunqing talks, but in Zhaoran, he saw his urgency and corruption. It can be rushed to death. It is still very dangerous to defeat, a real teacher's seat of the teacher, the threat is still very big.

First, his proposal threatened Zhaoran.

Zhao Ran must be careful, so I quickly turned around to see Xu Yun, Xu Yun frowned, gently shake his head, and indicated that he did not know.

He went to see Wuyang Zhong, and Wuyang Zhong is fully listening, and I don't know if he is informed.

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