Taoist Law

Chapter 45 Loss 1

PS: Thanks to the hearing, not dead bird, EAGLE Zhou Ten, thank the Black Big Holy Moon Tickets to encourage.

The horror of the Buddha statue is constantly changing, and the Van San is roaring in the deep part of the Zen Master. It is necessary to step by his family. It is sinking in the world. It is unfortunate that the fear Buddha statue is from the Baoguang's life law, and the cultivation of the treasure is between the intersection, there is no advantage of being killed, and the last spirit of the smart consciousness, and finally he is still in the world. I pulled it out.

Although it is said that the trouble of life is exempted, the horror Buddha statue is a murder of Buddha, as long as it is sinking, the higher the harm, the more harm it is in the consciousness. Although the intelligence is awake, it is pale, it is very painful in the heart, and the next consciousness will take out the beads in front to cover yourself.

It's just a sense of consciousness, blurred in front of it, and the beads who have not been aligned. Directly in the Buddha, only a loud loud noise, the Buddha suddenly fooled into mudstone, collapse, above The mud plastic Buddha statue is also four minutes. It is good to defend himself and Yu Zhongze in Zhao Ran, or two people do not have to hit it again.

Take this opportunity, the intersection is rapid to the temple. Two deacons rushed to the top, and he would help the intersection, and he saw that his head is the sweat of Bean, his face is terrible.

Issue in Zhenyuan, Zhixin, ITV, etc., at the same time, at the same time, the intelligence is a bitterness, trying to resist the pain caused by the consciousness, to Zhu Qi said: "The murderer left behind ... Oh. , Pain, I am also! "

What is Zhixin's pursuit, and it is already a little more than a sense of consciousness, and I have said a bunch of three. Among them, there is a breath and a curse.

The housing is not the highest monk in the temple, but it is the most widened, and it is very beautiful. It is horrified: "It is the fear of the Buddha statue and the blur! How can the Taoist Taoist Taoist Doctors? Nor, The king method is unique. How can he be two phases? This never heard ... The fascinating fragrance is still awkward, the horror of the Buddha statue is great, I have seen the predecessors of Baotao Temple to make the enemy, absolutely Not easy to be with. No, the inside is not a Taoist, is the Buddha's disciple! "

After the Kiechi is slightly thoughts. Can't help but say: "If it is the temple is my Buddha, how can it be colluded with the people in the door?"

The first Zhixin suddenly: "Is it changed in the treasure temple?"

When the public suddenly didn't speak, their respective silent. After the KHICE MIC is not concerned about the customs, only the intelligence is to beside it. With its own legal, it helped its healing, repair the impairment of intelligence.

Zhiyuan is given to Zhixin: "What is it?"

Zhi Xin said: "The brothers of the Zhijing teacher are high, and the monk can hurt him as such.

When it is a bikhikon into the nose industry, it may not be able to win the world, it is no wonder that Baoguang and ** are died in his hand. In my opinion, I can't help but sing, my brother, I. There is also a Zhifu master should take a while, so it is safe. "

Zhiyuan hesitated: "It is only narrow in the temple, and it is not open ..."

Zhixin is in a great way: "Demolition this temple!"

Wisheng 10: "Amitabha. Sin, sin!"

Zhixin advised: "The matter has come here, you have to dismantle, from the right. I want to be the Buddha must not be mortious! After the hard work, I made a forty-nine day of fasting, and raised the temple, and then rebuilt the temple. The Buddha is like a golden body. It is also a good value. "

Zhiyuan hesitatedly, igniting the beads and not sigh.

Return to the temple. Waiting for the dust, the blur of fragrance and the fear of the Buddha have disappeared. Zhao Ran rushed the earth and gravel, and put the Zhenze, and the respective faces were a mud, and the two smiled.

Yan Zhongze sighed: "It's still alive, I really don't dare to confuse, thanks to Zhao Shi's Daxie Gener."

Zhao Ran shook his head: "One-time, I haven't used it. You can only wait for death." Take out Wu Guan Pill, Yuan Guangzhisheng, Jin Du, Li Zhongze.

"There are a lot of these pills, even if you die, you can't inevitably. Come, come, eat more."

Zhongze smiled: "It's not a sugar bean, how can I eat more?" Although I said, I will pick one free entrance.

Two people looked at the temple, see the saving people of the Gao Chang Temple to save people, negotiate the negotiation, and did not seem to kill again. Zhao Ranha: "The baldness is frightened? Hey, you and I have two temples to bald, after the future, do you have to be tight?"

Yan Zhongze didn't talk to him. "You look at it first, I will restore some mana and then I will then I have trained," I took care of the drug. " For his optimism and enthusiasm, Zhao Ran said that he did not give up all opportunities, he did not take the road to practice, and he couldn't learn, and he could only monitor the temple of Temple.

After monitoring, Zhao Ran felt that this is purely white feet, people will come back to a monk, they can't pay attention to it, I can't pay attention to it, I am not so tight, I started to look up all around - immediately Due to death, I don't know if I die, I can take a look at it again. Let's take a look at your funeral.

Looking at the stars of flashing night sky, if you can't cross it again, this is your last night ...

Look at the , Expected ...

Aiming at this runtime in front of the eyes, the walls of the four weeks were bare, the Buddha collapsed, and their own funeral is this like this, it is really unwilling ...

Zhao Ran looked at the Buddha, and it seems that there is something wrong. When you first press the ground and mud block, you will see a square positive iron board in the base of the Buddha!

The iron plate has been rusted, embedded in the surrounding stone bricks, and how Zhao Ran also pulled it. Zhao Ran quickly awakened Zezhi, pulled him to the Buddha, said: "The brother, open this iron board!"

Yan Zhongze was surprised under the surprise, and the bamboo swords were burst into cut down, and then the whole iron plate was thrown up. The iron plate exposes a number of stone steps, which is actually an authentic!


In addition to the temple, the housing in Hosoli has not yet tested the idea, the first Zhixin kept persuade. Issue only: "I think about it again."

Xi Tang Zhizhi has been aware of the awareness of the law to repair their own damage, but the pain gradually eliminates, but it has been sour and weak. He said to the back of the way, and he turned his head to hear that Zhiyuan hesitated, dissatisfied: "Sites of the brother, please decide, a broken temple for people, where is it necessary to look forward to the predecessor? The brother said that it is a temple afterwards. "

At this time, I only listened to a tiger, and the crowd came from the mountain.

Zhi Xin said: "It's Yongshan, Shoufu Temple! Surviving the brother, can not hesitate, do it, otherwise we have worked hard a day!"

This tiger screaming became the last straw against the balance, and the Housing Housing Source finally determined.

Zhixin's manifests of the sea, transporting the Buddha's scholastic lion, the mana is running out, and goes toward the temple.

This temple is broken, and the lion in Zhixin will soon start shaking, and the shaking is getting bigger and bigger, and finally collapsed.

Zhiyuan, Zhixin, Zhifa Sansang went up from three directions, after the dust is dissipated, I saw the brick stone block, but there were two murderers.

Gao Tianchang Temple Director and Shami have been busy to clean up the bricks before, and they have not seen the corpse of the two murderers. It is still a piece of eye to the eye. Seeing a piece of iron is covered with the ground, the shape is different.

Pull the iron plate and reveal a downward authentic.

Just afraid of Zhao Ran's fear Buddha statue, the public did not dare to make a hand, shouted by the deacon, unreasonably, the best of Zhao Ran and Yan Zhongze, and his own guarantee will not harm his two people. Yunyun.

The authentic is always unnequestied.

Dangdang, I saw a big waist and riding a white amount of a hollow, and the people did not arrive, the tiger had a whistler, and the tiger sounded, the monk said: "Shoufang Temple is Yongshan, what is the fierce?"

Then, another body is electronically shot, and after the arrival of the game: "Are you the Gao Ri Chang Temple? The first Danda, the first Danda, the first Danda, and I have seen the brothers."

Zhixin sighed slightly, secretly worse. (Untrafter continued) (this article is started)

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