Taoist Law

Chapter 46 Authentic

PS: Thanks to \ Hearing the reward.

Yong Shan rides, the speed is extremely fast, the Yanga is very powerful, not weaker, two monk receives the news, and the old life is coming to this side, although there is no peers, but rushing a front and rear feet, Almost at the same time, far away from the other after the treasure tonic. ⌒, w £ om

Yong Shan snorted, and he honestly saw the authentic entrance, asking: "Is the murderer in the authentic?"

Yong Shan's realm is high, it is superb, and it is extremely quite horizontal when fighting. It is the first "" in Zhaoshan Temple in Ba Zala, and no one can resist it. The intelligence is even more in his hand. The bitterness is that no one has courage and his right, of course, no one is willing to take care of him.

Yong Shan did not consider the authentic entrance, and once again asked again. Only if they lived in Wisheng, it was a self-employed person, helplessly responded: "It is."

Yong Shan, who is going to drill into the authenticity, but he sees the Dama: "Why don't you take the murderer?"

Yongshan suddenly retracted the footsteps, yes, the murderer is inside, why do you don't want to go in a few days ago?

Just listening to Zhiyuan's old man replied: "The fierce means, the authentic narrow, and it is not appropriate after entering."

In this case, Yanga and Yongshan almost didn't laugh, and the monk of your Gao Changchang Temple is really a group of waste. If you can't take the murderer, you will think about it. What is the means of these two Taoists, we are not there! The two immediately grabbed it. Just a drill to the authentic mouth.

Yong Qi has been with a little bit, when the Dika's entrance, the Yanga, who is rushing, and the Yanhua have eaten Yongshan, and the relationship is not his enemy. It is Yongshan, and the heart is a tremble. Return back.

Yong Shan hooks his head, and the law followed the body, and it was not a Ming Wang Jin. The cat is drilled in the junior jail. He went down. Gao Changchang Temple, Zhu Quan, did not move in the following, and the sacred sacred Buddha statues did not appear, so they also followed.

Yanga hesitated, did not enter authentic. Renewed in this moment. Is it rooted behind Yongshan? He turned to think. If this is a hidden room, it is not good, and it is a trip; if it is escaped to authentic. There are both entrances, then naturally there should be exports, sprinkle home and go to find out, maybe you can get a chair!

Yanga is a cloud of clouds. There are many places where you have arrived. Master, you have more, and your skills are very expensive. He first looked up, and found a seven-star bang hand, and then went to the fighter - a hill rushing, and there were several ups and came to the top.

It stands on the top of the hunque, the two sides of the ridges are divided into the ridges, the same dragon must, Zhengbei is a Yanzi Tang, the two mountains, the rig, dozens of hilly, the ridge, the foot The temple is dragon. This is the image of Shenlong drinking water!

The temple is the dragon tooth, then the rough direction of the dragon tail is very good. If there is an exit, most of them are there!

Yanga determined that the approximate orientation was step down, and went to the distance. I've been running for dozens of feet, I feel that it seems to be different. Looking back, it is the big cat of Yongshou.

Yanga Angry: "Your beast, don't follow your home, but come back with your home! Go back, otherwise you will be better!"

The big cat retreats later, but the bow has a bow, there is a low snoring in the scorpion, and it seems to be prepared to fight the fight.

In the heart of Yanga, the secret road sprinkled home is here to slaughter your beast ... Think about it and sigh, if you really slaughter this cat, can you guarantee that Yong Shan know? Saying a lot of spirits and the owner, I don't want to be so easy to hide the past.

Under the helplessness, Yanhua has to give up this intend to go to the road. The big cat did not leave, always followed by him, gave the Daohua did not have a temper, and the dark road followed, your owner's brain is not a spirit, your animal is not very good, you will not be mistaken. Sprinkle home.


Zhao Ran and Yan Zhongze entered the authentic road, and immediately came to a mildew smell, which is caused by the accessory of the authentic.

Qi Zhongze pulled out a bead from the bamboo war, really injected, the bead suddenly became bright, and there was as white in the three hundred and five. He embedded the beads on the top of the bamboo, and held it as a fire, when opened.

Zhao Ran turned and retracted the iron plate, followed by the Mid Ze.

The beads can not only glow, but also exude a burst of fragrance, and there is a lot of light in the authentic mildew. Zhao Ran said with a highway: "Yan Jie, your baby is a lot."

Yan Zhongze smiled: "The daily objects in the family are not worth a smile. Instead, Zhao Shi, your baby can be used."

Zhao Ran sighed, and it couldn't explain in detail. It is only a general way: "It's all one, I haven't used it."

While two people chatted, when they accelerated speed, they feel that they were gradually gradually, and I didn't know how to go deep into it.

This authentic is not known, why people are, although narrow, but long! Two people have rushed to run half a time, and the authenticity began to go up, and the moment, the front suddenly spacious, but it came to a mid-four fertilizer, the top high.

Opposite the secret room is a door. After opening the door, it has been placed in an abandoned farmhouse. After going out, it is gradually gentle.

I didn't want to stay in the moment, and I was going to continue to escape, but I was pulled back to the secret room. After passing the room without excavation of treasures, this is not a Zhao Ran's style, and Yan Zhongze helpless, but he has to come back, but he has not stopped.

Among the secret rooms, bookshelves, table, wooden bed, stoves and other objects, but the decay is bad, but Zhao Ran and Yan Zhongze have no work to see, he is staring at the wood bed.

A bone is lying on the bed, and another bone is squatting on the bed. Two kinds of bones are all in each other's neck, and the whole body has not changed their posture.

For a long time, Yan Zhongze sighs: "How much hatred before the two people!"

Zhao Ran nodded and heavily spitting the turbidity in the chest.

It is not easy to remove the two bones, and Zhao Ran is worth the room. The daily utensils have long been destroyed, and there is only a wooden disabled film. Zhao Ran tried to open the wooden box, and the wooden clams were broken into a pair of yellow-black orburbs, rolling out of the other object from the inside, seems to be metal, the shape of the shape is a manner, but the rust spirits . Yan Zhongze came over to move the real exploration and shook his head and threw it. He said: "Isn't a good item, when it is a ruler that is used by ordinary people, it is already broken, these two people do not practice middle people."

Zhao Ran went to a few boxes of the wall, which is a part wearing clothing, there is a robe, there is a robe, and there is still a coarse cloth wear, and the color is dark, and the taste is exuded.

He disappointed, and he went to the book on the shelf. Most of them were some of the Buddhist scriptures, and there were a lot of jams that had little to mild. Zhao Ran is swept away, nothing is interested, no matter whether it is.

Yan Zhongze suddenly took out a small box from the bed, opened a look, and it was a gold and silver scorpion. Yan Zhongze is not interested in this thing, Zhao Ran is just laughing, and it has also spent a small fortune.

Zhao Ran did not die, and checked it over the bed. This time, it is empty, he got up and re-examined the wooden bed, and suddenly saw the bone under the bed against a kraft. Zhao Ran took out, no title, no introduction, only one row name, each name is followed by the word "a few months", which seems to be a book.

Zhao Ranzheng is going to throw away, but I saw a mountainous sketch behind the book, I watched a few eyes, I wanted to think, still threw it into my own spanning.

Yan Zhongze used a bamboo to hit it around the wall, and suddenly encountered a hollow, with the swordsmanship, revealing a dark. Zhao Stranon was embarrassed, and the experience of his heart is really insufficient. The good things were discovered by the Master, it seems that there will be a chance to explore the treasure in the future, and must pull the brothers.

A few yellow papers were stuffed in the dark, and the two came, but it was a road. Zhao Ran still hasn't feeling, but Zhenza is big, but said: "There is such a singer, when it is not a virtual!" (Untrained ..) You are reading, if you have! (This article is started)

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