Taoist Law

Chapter 47 When the golden body is again encountered

PS: Thanks, EAGLE Zhou, Taxin Rensory, thanks to the monthly tickets of X6 encouragement.

Zhao Ran did not know anything about it. In the past two years in the unprotive hospital, the only touched Rong is the Youth Words of the "Welling" in the Family Ceremony.

For a question, there are three "five thunders" in this way. This is very powerful, and the stages of non-** teachers cannot refine. However, this is the powerful power, but the Master is full of hits. what is this concept? Yan Zhongze explained that if you accidentally bombard the widespread monk to them, Guang sincerely and still don't have to die.

The most important thing is that this kind can be manipulated from the extremely long, as long as it leaves his true printed on his own, it can be launched, and the army often uses this as a killer. However, in addition to the high requirements for the refining, the materials and cinnabar materials are very rare, the success rate of the paint is very precious, and it is extremely precious. I don't want to have three.

In addition to the five thunders, the rest is the gods, the most escapes the necessary artifact!

Yan Zhongze is about to gave Zhaoran, and he was handed over to him. Zhao Ran still has to be polite, but he was in the eyes: "Zhao Shi did not practice, or more foreign objects were good!"

Zhao Ran did not resign, anyway, he saw it. This Master's brother seems to have a big big business. Although the five thunders will be precious, but it is not uncomfortable.

There are many time for the secret room, and the Zhenze is already very anxious, and Zhao Ran is going to the farmhouse gate. Zhao Ran stopped again, and if you think about this abandoned house.

"Zhao Shi, can't delay again, let's go, this is not a good item in the house."

Zhao Ran shouted on the sky to see the gas machine in the world. Then smiled: "Mysterious brothers are airspeed, you and I have been chasing such a wolf, don't give them a point, I don't want to do it."


"Shan people self-worthy!"


The first drain of the Sanzhu Temple is looking for the drain, and the "Dragon Ridge" is rushed to the north, go straight to the dawn, too white. This also observed the terrain on the hills on the side.

The "Dragon Ridge" has been exhausted, and the north is Anima Qing Mountain, along the Anima Qing Shannan, is to go east, which is white Mountain. Danda is estimated to find the valley between the two hills - if there is an authentic export. It is there. But now is the most dark moment in the night,

With Yanga's interest, it is clear that it is clear, so there is a hill, and go straight to the two hills.

This is a low grain bottom. The two hiji, but the satellite is standing in the southeast, the northwest side of the northwest, and the Qingxi has flowed down from the north side of the hill. Danda is in this. It was found that this piece was opened to be opened, but it was only a few years, which was covered with weeds and shrubs.

Advanced from Yanga Shunxi. I saw a farmhouse leaning against the foot of the hill, the bamboo is collapsed, the earth wall is damaged, the roof is full of artemiscus, and I don't know how many years.

Yanga is happy, the estimate should be here! Of course, in order to confirm your guess. He must also look at your own eyes in the past, if it is able to find the exact location of the authentic exit. Just come to the bunny waiting for the rabbit, seize the murderer! Looking back, watching the big cat with behind him. Yanga walked, and started to ponder what to take the fierce at the fastest speed. If it was wrapped in this big cat, it was not fixed to the Shou Buddha Temple, the monk, Yongshan, will have a heart. .

I turned around the farmhouse. After reading it carefully, Yanhua has already determined that if there is an authentic export, it should be in the farmhouse. I don't have hesitibly, and the beads in the hands, flying into the farmhouse, and suddenly played.

Although I know that the two Taoists have nothing to do, but in cautious, Danda is still the angry Gao Gang, the body is to be prepared, then enter the farmhouse, walk around. I saw that the farmhouse was not big. I didn't have any occlusion, I didn't find any authentic mouth, but another wooden door was closed, when it was there. It is going to push the door, think about it, and throw your own , turn it into a gold shield is on the top of the top - the yin and yang bronze glass in the thief, Yanga does not dare, otherwise Turned the boat, called myself how to mix it in the Sanzhu Temple?

Just went to the wooden door, just listened to the wooden door, I came to a thunderous loudness, followed by the wooden door, and the fierce flame was swept from the wooden door, and the whole farmhouse was wrapped inside.

Yanga dodge, is being hit into the flame, and is rushing by the huge explosive force, flying out two feet. Fortunately, he runs in advance, and there is a gold shield guard, which has not been hit hard. Even so, Yanga is also very uncomfortable, the merits of the eyebrows are burned by the flames, and they are bare, when the true red strip is not worried.

In addition to the body, his law is gold, and the golden shield is also entangled in several electric flash. These renewal erosion power, in the body and gold shield, Zszz, did not stop destroying the fantasy, Golden Shield, forced Yanga to run the whole body force to resist, this will gradually eliminate the few lights.

Yanga gray face climbed up, couldn't help but fade, and he returned to the gherriene door - in fact, it was unclear, and it was a pile of disabled and broken towards.

This pile was suddenly shocked from inside, splashing towards four sides, showing the hole mouth, a figure is looking upward from the hole.

Under Yanga is angry, the tweezers are bounted in the hands, and they are directly fried above the figure. Subsequently, the double punches slammed the opponent's head.

The figure has been drilled out, the arms are oscillated, and force anti-Dandid. For a trip, such as Jin Zhong's hierarchy, the sound of four wilders. The two are separated, and they still have to fight again, but Yanga has seen the face, can't help but: "Is you?"

From the authentic mouth drilled, it was the birthday of Shoufang Temple. Yong Shan also saw the face of sneak attack, and the angered: "You are a baldness, the lessons you have eaten in the past few days are not enough, dare to do it to the Buddha, this Is it to die! "

On a few days of Yanjia, I just went wrong with Yongshan. At this moment, I was inexplicably for a few days. The new hatred hared and woven, and I couldn't calm down. "I took you a bald hair , Hate you can't eat your meat, smoke your tendon, see how the home is repaired! "

Yongshan disdain: "The hand is defeated, today and hit your heart!"

A , one does not move the king gold body, the two instantly fight in an instant, all the horizon, straight to the sky, the wind is discolored, next to it is only white Tiger tiger rums, the tiger is shocking the mountain river!

Gao Richang Temple, Zhuquan, also came out from the authentic mouth, seeing the second monk, each glare.

After the temper, Zen Master sighed: "On the same day, the wisdom of the brothers did not have to see, and I didn't have to see it. Today, I am afraid that this will be deep in the Temple of Kara, I have already. Into the top of the top, I am afraid that there is no one. "

The first Zhido said: "The new first built in this three column temple is also self-cultivation. If you do it, I will not have to persist, it is no wonder that Yan Xie wants to have to march into the temple." Turned to the homework: "Teacher, My Gao Richang Temple is also a three-column temple. If there is a suitable person, it is also absorbed to be correct, and there is no need to have a door to see the portal, so that the three temples are pretty. "

Hostel Source did not pay attention to two brothers, but they couldn't bear it in their hearts. I took a few steps forward. I was forced by the law in the field, and I returned a few steps. I won't stop my hands. "Yongshan brother, Yanhua teacher, What misunderstood will talk about it ... Yongshan brother, when the day is you, I apologize to Yanga, a few words, good? Yanga brother also hurts the heart, the strength is weak, the minor, the skill is not as good as People don't have to worry about it, my generation is the first world of Buddhism is ... "

This Sanzi four-in-four persuaded not to say it, saying that there is no fight in the field.

Xi Tang Zhi Shen was also lifted in several Shamen in the authentic, see Yongshan and Yanga's crowd in one place, and the heart is greatly dissolved, but it will look at it all: "Where is the two murdere? Where is the thief? I won't have? "

On the occasional, all the roads drilled out from the authentic, but the treasure bottle temple and Zhu Temple, including Shoufang Temple, Sanzhu Temple, Wen'an Temple, Apricot, the former Winter Temple, Shangyunju Temple and next cloud The temple and so on have arrived, and more than two hundred people were added.

Baotao Temple first Bao Yin drinked: "Yong Shan, Yanga, all of them to the poor! What is going on? How to fight in one? That two murderers? (Until the end of this article)

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