Taoist Law

Chapter 12 Registration 2nd

Li Da Yin is inserted by: "What is the silver?"

Zhuge's Jiaogao: "The little person is fortunate, I heard people mentioned that Zhao Fangbu has been calculated, cultivated a new disciple, and it takes nearly one hundred and two silver, so the small people will make up to return to Nanyang to change the property, and let this Thousands of two, only to follow the identity of the name of the disciples to learn the literary five years! "

Li Da Yin has some movement: "Is the sale of home? What should you do after five years?"

Zhuge's Jiaogao: "Things after five years, the little people have not considered it, this so-called broken kettle will be willing! If the small people go to the big monarch mountain, they have been fortunate that Wei Xian said to practice talent. He said that the small people have There is no qualification, and it is unique to repair. At that time, the little person was desperate, but he heard that the small people were like this. Zhao Fangbu has also been received. It is a hundred families, Song Xiongh, which is Song Fan, who is registered by Zhao Fang. Disciples, the little man also visited, he has been cultivated to Yu Shi! "

Zhao Ran asked: "Your surname Zhuge? And Nanyang Zhuge Home ..."

Zhuge Jiaxu is frustrated: "My family is not as good as the generation, I'm going to the veteran, the family has not boused, the small people don't tolerate me Nanyang Zhuge sinensis from the cultivation of the family, can only come to the abbot, even only practice to Taoist, small People don't let Nanyang Zhuge's unknown in the small man ... "

Li Da attached his tone and looked at Zhao Ran: "So as ambition, it is really hard, if you don't accept it, I will receive it."

Zhao Ran did not speak, first explore the qualifications, and sure, qualification is in Zhuge's family, does not exist. It is also very good on his wrist to see the root bone, the root bone is excellent, so it is the Nanyang Zhuge, the blood of the Nanyang, the blood, the root bone and the Song Xiong.

Sinking for a moment, said: "Accept you can, but first register, do things first, then say, you will be willing?"

First look at the character and consider the teaching, this is the rule of the practice of the practice, Zhuge Jia Guang is big, and immediately worships the ground, and the "teacher".

Li Da hiped his joy, and there was one of the cars, but it was a horse that was riding a horse.

Li Da hiked back the Zijin Mountain incense burner, Zhao Ran returned to the spring breeze, and the Zhuge family was thrown to Guo Zhan and Long Qing, and Zhao Ran did not worry. How is it, usually in contact with it, has a review.

At dusk, Zhao Ran came to the moon mountain villa, and met Xu Yunzhen.

He is the old man in the moon, and the hills are in the house, and the servants are very familiar with him, even if he introduces him to Xu Yunzhen's exemption.

Xu Yunzhen and Wuyang Both are there, they have just taken a practice, waiting for Zhaoran.

After meeting, Suichuan's drug retired, the people who met, the things were too high, and the things tense were too big, not her ability.

Wuyang Boud laughed: "Every time I can't think of a good play. I will be pondered. Today, I am pondering, Sima jumps out to grab the peach, so there will be no big movement. Sure enough , Beijing problem package solution! Wonderful, there will often be some shallow straightforward, but also a vivid image, very interesting. "

Xu Yun said: "You can't fully say that Sima is in order to jump out to pick up the peach, eager to express, and he is afraid that the Maoshan face is afraid of a big reason. Just talk about Sima ..."

Donned, said: "You just come back from Qixia?"

Zhao Ranzhen: "Yes. Come to Beijing for a year, no matter whether the concept is the same, Chen Tianshi is a lot of attention to me. Nowadays, the three martial arts are going out, or go to see, otherwise it is true."

Xu Yunxi asked: "How is he?"

Zhao Ran shook his head and replied: "Not very good." Said Chen Tianshi's situation.

Wuyang Zhong sizes: "No matter who, if you find your own goals for 30 years, it is just a joke, it should be difficult to accept it."

Xu Yun said: "At this point, Guo Hong is more than him, and a month's mentality is adjusted. Of course, it is also because it is not so deep, or the build is so shocking, the world is not his teacher, he Easy to come out. But no matter what to say,

Zhao Ranran, Wuyang Zhong also silently. Although Xu Yunxi and Wuyang Bell have been fighting with Chen Shan Dao for decades, but all the contradictions inside the Doumen are all in the past, the enemy's intentions are desirable, and they will not helpness.

I don't talk about this slightly heavy topic, Xu Yunqi asked: "Staying today in the Ziyu Hall in the Ziyu Temple, the initiative is indeed very idea, a center, three institutions, three tasks, three major groups, Three functions, this set, I almost wrapped up. "

Zhao Rong: "Hey, these two months have been thinking about the capital of Jingshi, I want to sum up someone from the forehead, see where we can avoid it, what kind of problem is to rectify. And in these needs to rectify In the middle, what are you can stand altered, what is needed to set a schedule, what are you doing temporary. It's so long, how can you think of some evil, let you two Laugh. "

Wuyang Zhong smiled: "Where do you say anything? You talk about this today, my straight intestines are listening to understanding, in short, I feel very reasonable."

Xu Yunxi Shen said: "I told Wu Tianshi for an afternoon, I feel that this set will take it very much, and the Duo Division of Jingshi, Yuanfu Palace, Shangshao, Trihards, and Speech Hall. The intensity is high, it is indeed extraordinary. Especially the positioning of the center of affairs is worth thinking. I am very thumbs up to you and Wu Tianshi. "

Zhao Ran owed to: "Little is a little, the teacher is recognized, and it is the blessing of the disciples."

Wuyang Boun smiled and asked: "Your kid suddenly throws such a plan, is it going to fight?"

Zhao Rong said: "Li Dawei is a talent. In fact, the disciples believe that the three martial arts arrived at Shao Da Tianshi, down to Chen Tianshi, Li Dawei, is all doing things."

Xu Yun, agreed to Zhaoran's point of view, but we also believe that the Triple Monk's talents can happen, others have hiding their family, but you can't take it, don't talk to me. Don't tell me In the snow, help people in the poor, help people are in danger, although you are still young, it is already in the place of people, there is some reputation ... How do you think about it? "

Zhao Stranon was a bit of stress, and the pressure was not a realm of repairing Xu Yunzhen and Wuyang Zhong, but the eyes of them carefully examined. There is a variety of means in this gaze, and Zhao Ran has some handsome hands.

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