Taoist Law

Chapter 13 Location

Zhao Ran's brain flew, quickly thought, how to answer the two satisfaction, think of a lot of reasons, such as drawing the three martial arts, such as borrowing it, such as anti-Sima Tiansheng, more than Li Da Yinhe Chen Tiansheng should not have ...

These reasons, Zhao Ran can come to Zhangkou, one or two three four five, saying that the head is the way, but at this moment, he doesn't want to lie to himself, just like Xu Yunyi just said, he is not a small person, it is the abstinence of the sky, it is The deputy print of the Duographic, a big man in the three palace insurgents, passed the Qing Dynasty, and scrapped in the prince, and he even paid a heavy cost in order to save the South Zhidi.

- Well, the last one has a little causing thing.

I don't know, he has already had the qualifications of "inquiry" in the real master, especially for the Jingshi business, his speech with a lot of components, even the real teachers need to treat seriously.

Perhaps this is what Xu Yun said.

Mixed this point, no longer the small people in Yueyang County, sometimes, talk about your true thoughts, but there is nothing!

"Xu Shibo, Wu Tianshi, you have two huge eyes, know that the disciples have ideas, of course, do not look at you, two is the close elders of the disciples, no need to conceal. The disciples are all thickered, Really reported.

When the disciples have just arrived in Beijing, with Chen Tianshi, Li Da Yin's generation is contradictory, but Chen Tiansheng is not thinking about it, and the Xuanzhan Palace of the abdomen is given to the disciples. The disciples are the secretary of the Division, and the disciples do anything Things, he has supported it, never had a one-stop obstruction.

The disciples were sacrificed by Zhu Xian, who immediately presided over the fair, to punish Zhu Xian, and then changed, and then, he rushed to Qixia Mountain overnight, and finally was banned by Shao Da Tianshi.

Ask, so, how can disciples not protect them? If the disciple is watching the Yuanfu Palace, he did not send a word by Sima Yunqing, and the disciples gave Chen Tianshi? Is it worthy of your own conscience?

If the disciples have a little bit of merit, there is a little thin reputation, you will be high, forgotten, indifferent, and the disciple will see yourself. The disciple thought that no matter what location, no matter how much achievements, people, always have some bottom line. What's more, the three people under the top three are not ten evil! "

This is a truthfulness, saying that the words are agreed, let the clouds and Wuyang Zhong micro-moving capacity, two people look at it, each nod.

Observing this detail, Zhao Ran is relieved, but it is necessary to hold these two sentences, but listen to the cloud: "I and Wu Tianshi will depend on your child, so some words will talk to you."

"Yes, the disciples listen to the teachings."

"You are very smart, solve the problem, often take another way, unique, but very cut in the relationship, the pattern is very big. It is rare that you are not empty, you can sink your heart, it is quite ?? I have been optimistic about you and Wu Tianshi, Wu Tianshi just said, I want to cultivate you to hold the three clear cabinets, but I want you to make you pursuite. "

"The disciple is embarrassed, you can have two such as this, the disciples must try their best!"

"We believe that you will do our best, of course, this is a few decades, the premise is that you can enter ... Yes, you are worth 40 years, repair, you need to hurry, every step is not to go wrong "

Zhao Rong said: "The only disciple can guarantee that it can be recognized in the two years." Donned, added: "As long as you can make your disciples have been doing things for Tao."

Xu Yunxiao and Wuyang Zhong smiled, Wuyang Zhongdao: "Thousands of Avenue, you have heard of it,"

Xu Yunyi sinks, said: "Just now Wu Tianshi also said, a package of solutions today ... a package of solutions ... This statement is very interesting, it is true, it is refreshing. But you think about it, you are What is the location inside? "

Zhao Ran understood the meaning of Xu Yun, immediately said: "Therefore, this disciple suggested that the Division is placed under the summary.

Since the topic is clear, the two real men have said that when he is cultivated when the future, it is not polite at this time. If you don't hurry the surface "Music", continue in Yunshan huffs, causing communication, it is easy to have a situation in April Real Master Hall, you can't get what you want.

Xu Yun said: "The idea is good, the steps are also right, once the status of the Division is set, with your credit and qualifications, he will rise to the semi-grid, and the palm of the company will be sympathetic. Under your treatment, it is easy to keep Li Da Wei. What I said is right? "

Zhao Ran laughed: "Bible is not Xu Xu Shibo."

Xu Yunxi asked: "Can you think?"

Zhao Rong said: "The disciples also think is not easy, the most worry is that the Division will be placed under the Sixge, and the disciples will be difficult to intervene."

If the True Mastang decided to put the Division in a pavilion under the sixgest, at least when it is important, the monk from the realm of the big refining persons is like the Zhuo Yunfeng of the Sanqing Court, or The Qiu Yunqing of the Eastern Pavilion is a close-time.

In addition to personal abilities, in addition to personal abilities, it is more important to repair, all the official monks of Xuanmen, there is not enough cultivation, how can someone know you? A big mage in Zhaoran District, how to instruct the refiningor, or even a big refining teacher?

If the Division is set to the view, he will no longer be a simple overseas score, but the problem of dealing with the elders of the Door Taoist Pavilion.

Everything is beneficial to see if he wants to integrate the Division in his hand and face this level. Therefore, his two days of mission is to convince most of the real masters, do not put the Division to the upper sequence.

Xu Yun said: "You can think of this layer is not easy, but this is just one. I and Wu Tianshi talk about this afternoon, we think that your own package is likely to be unable."

Zhao Ran immediately retreated his plan over the mind, did not think there was any vulnerability, so I asked: "Is Zhang Yuanji? Yuanji Tianshi will not agree to be prisoned by the disciples? Can Yiji? Tianshi talked about it, the disciples can also take the position of the company, the disciples can be printed, supporting the new prize recorders. "


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