Taoist Law

Chapter 14 reminds each other

After listening to Zhao Ziran, the vocabulary of the Division, Wu Tianshi couldn't help but laugh: "If you can't play a hand, you will be a new appointment, I am afraid that I can only Listen to you."

"The disciple is embarrassed, and the decision is definitely taken by the palm of the printed, if the disciple is in the printed, do those daily trivial matters according to the rules."

The Si Division, the highest firm, is the palm recorder, the specific responsible business, is precocilate and sub-printing, with Zhaoran's ability and today's reputation, plus more than half of the road to the Division, no matter who To serve as a man, I am afraid it can only be a furnish. - I can't get it.

Xu Yunyu shook his head: "Not this problem. Still, the program you raise is really good, the only difficulty is that this table is too rich."

After listening to this, Zhao Ran looked at the heart, understand Xu Yunxiao and Wuyang Zhong's meaning.

When I was talking about the moon in the moon, the nine girls were carefully reading a document in the Sanjiang House, and the title of the document is "Xuanzhan Palace Zhizhou Zhao Yu August 23 Recurrent Master Hall. record".

This is a live pen article in Yuan Fuji's speech, according to Zhang Yunfeng, in accordance with Zhang Yunfeng, together with the truth, and the truth.

The full text of more than two thousand words, the nine girls have repeatedly seen the six or seven times, every reading once, the future Division is what is more clear than the previous moment, it is in front of her eyes.

In the case of explaining the new court system, how to participate in the court in the court, and suddenly received the fidelity of Zhang Yunyi: "How?"

When the light is fire, I will fall into the pensive nine girls to wake up, reply: "Zhao Qiran is big, I can't."

Zhang Yunyi flying: "Don't be blinded by this frame. In fact, things are still those things. You can only say that Zhao Ziran is good, inductive, seeing a step in the point of view, with the eyes of the host."

The nine girls quickly turned back and watch it again. This pressure is not so big. Reply: "Father wakes up in the dream, the daughter is almost scared. This offer, the real teacher is ready to pass? Prepare Zhao Zhaoran Morse? "

Zhang Yunyi asked: "What about your opinion?"

The nine girls answered: "Daughter can't think of an opposition."

Zhang Yunyi: "I think that most of them will pass, only a suggestion, I am afraid it is very difficult."

The nine girls wondered the moment, suddenly: "That 'one is not?"

Zhang Yunyi praised: "Can you see it, you don't have Zhao Zhaoran!"

Nine girls flying: "It is unfortunately, such a proposal is really ... very beautiful. Do you really not plan to adopt?"

Zhang Yunyi: "If there are two covles of my family, or not the view of Yuan Ji, maybe I agree. According to his suggestion, the new Duo Division integrates the capital of the capital very good, but the power is too big, Not only do not only hit the hall, tube ten-party jungle, management overseas, and even have a law enforcement force for overseas scatter, such a huge thing, and then handed over to Yuanli jurisdiction, the dragon hill will become the public. "

"What you mean is ..."

"Tingling, repair certificate, Shangdan Palace and Yuanfu Palace are discrete and restrued, the strengthening of words, lottery supervision, these proposals I will support, but a business center is not good, this will break the existing balance of the real master. Even if the balance is tilted to our dragon and tiger mountains, you must keep awake this time. "

The nine girls feel very regrettable. She really thinks that this proposal has a sense of beauty, and it is a regrettable. But she also knows that her father's meaning, this proposal is given to her, which makes her try to study, not let her express comments.

According to the father's meaning, she must cultivate her into the real master hall, representing the dragon mountain, just like the Zhou real people in the real manner, Yang Zhen people. Of course, she also knows that she can't pick up my father, and the representative is in charge of the real teacher.

I read this, she remembered Lu Yuanyuan in Sichuan. Jiujiang Sangang, Ying Tianjuan Tang Palace, Song Fang Tianhe Palace, this is the Taoist Palace equivalent to provincial three-section level, there are two seats to be in charge of Kun Dao, saying is also a lady.

Since the beginning of the year, Lu Yuanyuan was suddenly appointed as the Tianhe Palace, the nine girls took the initiative to strengthen the links with Lu Yuanyuan, and said that Lu Yuanyuan has also been a teacher, this identity is very helpful to bring the relationship between the two. .

"Master Yuan Yuan, what are you doing?"

"In the Junshan cultivation, Ajiu is something?"

"Why don't you be in Tianhe Palace? You are abbot."

"It's time to do, there is one in the next month, I am going to practice this work, I have no such talent, practice for three days next to the day, envy death!"

"Master Yuan Yuan still does not interpret the business in the palace? I have said to you last time. In fact, it is very simple, you will do it as I said. We can do it, you can do it. To grasp, for Kun Dao! "

"Ajiu, you still spare me, I tried it, it is really not that piece, I can't take it, I will have a hurt of the headache, and I will return this. I will return this. he."

"Yuan Yuan teacher can't be born, I have heard of Jiangxi," Junshan Notes "boarded a few times of your deeds, the coups will be god, and the people who should be, the people of Song have said that you are the fairy in the sky. You are Several Articles issued by Junshan Note "have been fixed as an example, and the harmful people can not do it."

"Don't take my laughter," Junshan Notes "interview, you will not know what is going on?"

Talk to here, the nine girls suddenly sorry, carefully smiled: "Yuan Yuan teacher, what day, I will be congratulated."

Lu Yuanyuan immediately replied: "Oh, don't say this, die gimmick, what is going on?"

Nine girl said: "I heard a news, the speech hall is likely to be discrete from the Duographic Sip, you don't always say that the favorite is to be a female? I know, I will tell you, I want to go, I want to go. Don't blame me, I didn't remind you. "

Lu Yuanyuan immediately went to the heart: "Really? Where is the news?"

Nine girls said: "I will reveal to you in advance, I have already worked, don't ask, I don't want you to tell others, I know from me, otherwise I will break with you!"

"I know a good girl, thank you! Have the opportunity to repay you!"

Talk to Lu Yuanyuan, the nine girls discovered that it was not enough, and he said: "Don't say it, the fly is running out, wait for me to have a good talk to you."

Lu Yuanyuan replied: "Would you like me to send you some past? The yield of Junshan's flying compliance has been greatly improved. I used to sell one or two silver. I remember that I will give you a dragon Tiger Mountain is 10,000 more than 10,000 yuan. Now you have to cut prices, just need four money silver, starting with 10,000, I can help you in advance, do you want? Of course, if you are your personal, I will send you one hundred. "

The nine girls immediately fider the past silver ticket: "20,000 flying characters, hurry!"


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