Taoist Law

Chapter 62

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Zhao Ran's stalls are a bit big, and it is Wenchang, and it is a chicken look. It is also the project headquarters, and it is a small amount of silver ticket reform. There is "Junshan Notes" and "Huangcheng Inside and outside", there is Junshan Mobile , Mountain Pharmaceuticals, Junshan Technology, Huimin Mei Hall, etc., now, it has been very touching.

At this moment, there is a seven-Babaishan Mining Bureau and more people 's lack.

"There are five hundred people in the hand!" Zhao Ran felt emotion.

"Do you have five hundred people in your hand?" Rong Niang is somewhat strange.

"Five hundred comrades, like-minded, comrades."

Rong Niang did not understand Zhao Ran's so-called "five hundred comrades", but did not hinder her to solve the problem of Zhao Ran, and immediately recommended a customs of the wood home, let him be responsible for the Qi Babao Mountain Mine Bureau.

For the end of the wood home, this set is very simple, and there is a large number of mines, so it is a ripening of light cars. Zhao Ran thinks, this is also good, the mulberry pool and the Pixabaya are divided into the same genre, the people of the wood house will go to Qi Baoshan, and the muanxuan is afraid to be more happy.

Two days in Taichuan Pavilion, returned to the Tianfu, Zhao Ran asked Rong Niang: "How? I am this Jingyang Building?"

"The scenery is not bad."

"Ok, you pick one yourself, here you live on weekdays, the room is much, it is very good."

Rong Niang strangely said: "I have to pick it myself? Isn't it living in your main building?"

Zhao Ran touched his nose and stunned: "This ... will it be not very good?"

Rong Niang did not take him, directly into the house, Zhao Ranqi , four times, I feel that the other party is so active, if you don't follow it, I am afraid it is lack of masculine.

It is necessary to put a few guards in front of the Jingyang Building, and the two-storey window of the cold landlift is throwing a parcel, which is your own cover. Rong Niang spoke from the window: "You live in the left side of the room. Hey, here is the horror, good!"

I am talking about, Guo Zhiyu and Longqing Lianlian are looking for the door, and I have been in the windows of Rong Niang, two people immediately stopped, look at the floor, see a look.

Guo Zhiyu has a cough, pulls Longqing turned: "The old man forgotting an object to take, go back ..."

Zhao Ran did not have a good air: "What is installed? There is no thing,

Heart is turned! Come back, what is said! "

Guo Zhiyu and Longqing have seen each other, turned back, Guo Zhijing looked at Rong Niang, hesitated: "That ... said?"


Dragon Qing has taken a piece of zero broken, hook, candlestick, tray, wooden-shaped, etc. On the shot, then take out ten papers into the array ...

Zhao Ruimen haha ​​smiled: "Haha, what is this playing? It is fun, look back, now you don't have time ..."

Guo Zhiyu and Long Qing have a little covered: "Abbot?"

Zhao Ran still wants to stop, the Rong Niangway at the first floor window sound: "Don't stop!"

Zhao Ran is very embarrassing: "Well, I will receive it ..."

Rong Niang has already watched upstairs, coming to gossip, carefully staring at the changes in the array.

Guo Zhiqi just wanted to reach out to pick up the spirit, and was taken by Ruru Niangjiao: "Take a look!"

Just in the gossip, ten papers were rounded into a circle, moved back to the eight legworks, and a tea, the ten-character paper successfully refined to ten flying characters.

Rong Niang watched Zhao Ran, and he took Guo Zhiyu and Longqing, slowly said: "How is this dialect of this refinerie?"

Zhao Ran, "Oh", asked: "Is it familiar? Perhaps, I heard that the world is from the world ... Hey, don't bounce, fall, say, how can I let you? satisfaction?"

Rong Niang's airway: "Let me come to you, you will go to you, you have fell, and you will be sneaked with my family's refining method. Are you doing this?"

Zhao Ran waved, Guo Zhiyu and Longqing were busy yo, he slowly slowly grinding the skin, sharpened, and Rong Niang was happy, Zhaoran is anger: "You will So not reason ... "

"Who does not tell?"

"In short, you will not be polite again, I am welcome!"

"How are you welcome? This girl really wants to see!"

Zhao Ran immediately flew Jiang Tenghe: "Teacher, have you not arrived at Huixi Mountain?"

After a moment, Jiang Tonghe replied: "Just arrived, don't worry."

Zhao Ran asked: "Who will be accustomed to Hills Mountain? Let them send a fly than Rong Niang."

Jiang Tenghe a reply: "Duanmu Long is really clever, he just went today and successfully entered the emperor."

Rong Niang looked at Zhao Ranfei to come and see, the airway: "I am going to be taught by you, do you have to learn my family, the stealing is not counted, and the emperor is in front of me. You are So what is me? I ... "

The voice did not fall, she also received a fly harder, after reading the fly, Rong Chun suddenly stayed, and she couldn't help the smile.

Zhao Ran asked: "Stealing your family rule?"

Rong Niang smiled: "What is confidant? A family, I want to take it."

Zhao Ran's heart: "I really mad! Hey, I am painful."

Zhao Ran retrans back Guo Zhiyu and Long Qing, and these two are amazed, continue to see Zhaoran, and look at Rong Niang.

Zhao Ran has an airway: "There is nothing can't be said, we will continue to study. Rong Niang, give Guo Seni and Xiaolong turn cup ... This set of rule is a new copy of the film?"

Guo Zhiyu: "Ah? Oh, Yes, new Fujun Rewriting, can be called the third generation, while refining ten flying characters, efficiency is ten times! In accordance with the requirements before the abbot, the tips are tryable to do Info, only the middle of this circle is a patriarper, and the rest can use ordinary bamboo paper, the cost can drop to the final goal of the abbot, six points, one silver, the foreign retail can be priced in a money silver ..... Thank you, how do you think about it, let Rong Niang personally teas, and criticize the old ... "

Longqing : "This set will ultimately use the secret rule to be located in the French wooden box. Once disassemble, it will destroy the array structure, which can make the maximum confidentiality, will not be confused by people. "

Zhao Ruyi Head: "In addition to the flying character, can it refine the rest?"

Longqing said: "Shen Shishan ... Amount ..."

Rong Niang smiled: "My family can be applied to the four-stage part of the four-order compass, so you should also rewrite the Form, which should also refine the rest, right?"

Long Qing is a bit: "This, um, yes, just talk about this plate ...", refers to the point of the disk: "Let this plate can be replaced. In fact, in the accord The rune engraved on paper is from this plate. I call it a calorie, and I can refine what. "

Zhao Ran is a little excited, standing in an instant, but it has a seven passage of eight vectors, but I have to sit down. He endured his pain, full of joy: "Guo precedent, Xiaolong, Rong Niang, I don't know, you have witnessed an era! The opening!"

Rong Ni came up: "Don't be excited, where is it? I will give you a blink."

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