Taoist Law

Chapter 63 Colorful gifts and dowry

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Looking at the copy of the French, I haven't made a bunch of zero, and Rong Niri: "The news that Fu Yu is successfully developed, otherwise people know that we are still selling five money, but to come up. Desperately."

Zhao Ran shook his head: "I have already decided, and in May, the price of flying characters is reduced to a money!"

Rong Niang said: "Don't make money? Is this still Zhao Ziran?"

Zhao Randa said: "What is the silver calculated?"

"The first two days are the era of 10 million measures. Now, now in the era of controverting, next? What is the era?"

"What is the era of next, please wait and see!"

After talking about, Guo Zhiyu and Longqing said that Rong Niang also took out the clouds and took it in.

Zhao Ranran: "Where are you going?"

Rong Niang's white eyes: "Of course, it is a back to the seat."

"Just coming?"

"Don't stay here, I really live here? I'm doing it, what is it looks like? Go!"

To be said, Yunxiao is lifted, leaving only Zhao Ran, whispered to the sky: "There is no relationship, at least leaving the clouds ..."

Zhao Ran sat in Jingyang Tower, manipulating the matters of the party, busy. Zhongzhao Mountain, Jiang Tenghe and Zhao Li Niang have also received a very high-specific treatment. The new Jinshui is always with the whole process. Yang Zhen people also deliberately arrived from Lushan, Yang's Mount Yang, Zheng, Xu Shu and other people, Lao Qi gathered to the Pioneis, and Jiang Tenghe couple registered Zhao Ran and Rong Niang's pro.

Even the Tianshu Duanmu, who took the town Shanxi, also specially sent the fly than the giving of the Jiang Tenghe couple.

This time, Zhao Li Niang finally came up, personally and the Duanmu family finalized Zhaoran's double repair.

The most important thing is of course the gift, Zhao Li Niang takes the gift list is the ratio of Wei Wei, the magic weapon, and the exquisite finger set of Zhao Ran is headed by the exquisite, three high-end environments, eight mid-term mid-leg, sixteen Piece low-end device.

The money is not bad, the dog head is fine gold 36 pounds, and the lilies is 36,600, and the online silver is 100,000.

The treasure is different,

Seven-foot high coral three, black pearls six strings, Haizhu three, jade bracelet, jade bracelet, jade 36 pieces, sheep fat jade a pound, cat eye is sixty-four.

It is not that the building can't take better, but can't exceed Wei Zhizhen. Even if Wei Zhi really doesn't mind, but as a parent of the building, Jiang Tenghe couple must have a bowl of water.

In addition to the gift, it is a strategic cooperation agreement of Zhao Ran, in which Zhao Ran moves Junshan, and the shares of Junshan Technology sold to the side of the wood home, and bid a two silver.

In terms of the floor, this is the need for the big ship of the Junshan Group; from the perspective of the side of the wood home, in fact, this is a kind of change, worth 10,000!

The most important part of the Strategic Cooperation Agreement is the joint agreement to initiate a new agency. The floor is funded by 50,000, and Wudang Mountain has funded 50,000 yuan, and there are 300,000 yuan in the wood house. The total share capital is 300,000. It is established to establish a Daomen Construction Corporation.

Among them, the building accounts for 40%, and the Wudang Mountain and Duanmu family share hundreds of percent. In order to sign this contract, the Dagong of Wudang Qiongtui and the old manager Zhao Xingke rushed to the Pavilion Mountain. After sending the silver ticket, and the Jiang Tenghe, Duanmu is really signed on the agreement.

Doumen Construction Corporation will thrive in Zhaoran's care, early as the collaborative institution of the Bridge Engineering Command, to undertake some trivial small projects to build the cornerstone of the future.

Can come up with so many things, Zhao Ran privately communicated, I don't know how much it is, with such a rich hiring, it should not fall.

I want to be with the end of the wood home, there is no such thing in this world is the opponent, the building is no exception, and the Aber took out a landmark home to marry Rong Niang, and a one read. .

Two pieces of magic weapon: Too Qing Jiu Yuan Ding, Yunxiao Baixi.

Eight-order, sixteen, sixty-four, medium-sized environments, six hundred pieces of the mid-term enactment, sixteen, and the low-end legs.

The eight-order resort is three, respectively, the mountains and rivers, the true literacy, and the bird five characters;

The seven-order resort is 18, and the sixth order is 36, five-order, one hundred and eight, three hundred and sixty, three-order, 10,000 pieces of 10,000.

Gold eight thousand two, silver is 180,000, jade is playing sixty-eight pieces.

There is also three mines in Chuan, Lizhou Daping Tienshan and Liangzishan, Jiadingfu, Lizhou. According to the news provided by the side, the three mountains are rich in all kinds of spiritual mines, especially the fine iron, but only have a hundred years, but have not been exploited - they have no way to go. The gift list is added to the mining.

In addition, there is also a three-segment of the shares transfer instrument. This is an equity that can provide 10,000 benefits per year. Duanmu family has not taken it as a plan for dowry, but the building has taken so many equity, they always feel a relatively response, so the side is long After the flying compliance, after the side of the wood, the plate was passed by the side, and gave it to the building.

As for the phase of the double-cultivation, considering Zhao Ruyu, sitting on a wheelchair, the image is not very good, and the cave room is inconvenient, and it is determined to be temporarily scheduled to be temporarily scheduled for the beginning of September.

Rong Niang just closed the mountain for a few days, she had to return to the mountain to continue to homes. I can't go down on the mountain in this half year. She has to consolidate the repair, and strive to teach her a group of monsters, including that. Only "Stupid" to the extreme black crane.

Zhao Ran continued to be his abbot.

The construction monk training class quickly completed all courses, except for Du Yangchen's fighting solution, there is also a Friendly brother explaining the construction of the construction rule, and the tramatic mysters sent by all divisions of the Ministry of Works. Explain the basic knowledge of the creation.

These knowledge is very complicated, do not do ordinary people, no half a year is not touched. But these people are monks, and they are quite high in learning, in just a short time, they actually have moderate, open "load-bearing", closing "structure", said that the head is the way.

In the days to learn life in this day, people have met more friends, go to class, drink alcohol together, and analyze the game together, buy lottery tickets ... The days are very fulfilling.

Du Yangchen divided all students into a collaborative group, a goldenan with four yellow crown. Mo Zhao Zhan Yu and other people were dismantled by Du Yangchen, he was divided into the seventh collaborative group, and his group had amber, blue water ink, their team leader is Jin Dan monk Du Xingquan.

In addition, the same group also has a Kun Dao, who is surnamed Wang, is said to come from Shaanxi, but never will not be able to sign up, but it is called her Wang Dao Chang, the name registered on the repair certificate is also "Wang Dao Chang."

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