Taoist Law

Chapter 76 Wind and rain 18 years

Wang Chengyu sighed: "Last night, the Liyuan made it a lot of dust. After the wine is full, I will say it. Because I have listened to people, I have said that the Qinhuai River, the tea garden, this time I plan to go see there. What is good tea - I am coming to tea ... "

Zhao Ruyi Head: "I know."

Wang Chengyu, royal: "I just passed the first pavil in the tea garden area, looked up and looked at it. The old woman didn't pull me in. I asked her to have a good tea. She said much, go in. I know. I went in, I found that it is not that thing, I want to pay, she doesn't let me go. "

I heard it, Zhao Ran can't hurt.

Wang Chengyu said: "I said that I will give you money, you put me let it, even I have some girls. But she is not willing, saying that I don't have the bed, I don't have the heart, Also asked if I want to go to the Tuen Mun report, and I said that the civilized city is created ... I am pulling between the palace. It is such a thing, I can ask the wife! "

The Wei Chaozong is listening, helplessly pulls Zhao Ran out, bitter smile: "It seems to be a mistake. If the mouth is, it can be paired, but it is rather not playing, and it is indeed a blame. I thought he was to pick up with Zhang Wei. It turned out to buy tea ... Go to the tea garden Lane to buy tea, say anyone who believes? "

Zhao Ran also shook his head: "Maybe there is a hidden illusion? Al or practice ... Yes, Wang Chengyu is a old man in the sea, it is better to give him a picture."

After putting Wang Chengyu from the cell, then put the portrayal to his face, Wang Chengyu turned to have a lot of times, looking up, he suddenly took a table: "I remembered, this person named Zhang Fei, is spiritual One of the four generals of the island, I have seen it thirteen! "

This, Zhao Ran also moved, and immediately let Wang Chengyu will set up a fleet to be robbed by the Monk Monk. At the same time, he also flying the medicine: "Chuan medicine, immediately go to the library to check The archive of the uterus Zhang Hao, I found it later to the Lingji Palace. "

This is said that the mineral fees of the Linglu Islands, the mineral fees, robbery the chicken, and the past, the top wind, continue to smuggling, Sugawa will also find Zhang Wei. I have sent it.

The Lingji Palace is very relaxed in the year. Basically, as long as there is willing, it can join, and the audit is as done, so the credibility of the file is relatively low.

The only thing that can be confirmed is that Zhang Hao is a Lingji Palace that is joined two years ago.

Zhao Ran also praised the Kids of the Humen Overseas Monk, and the expert called the Taoist Palace, but the expert expert didn't see Zhang Fei people. She didn't even impress the Langki Palace.

The only clue she provided is that I heard that the first year, the sword was a lot of the island. He has slammed a few games with the Wutong Taoist and the four generals. After that, it seems that I have not heard it. The news.

I mentioned the essence of the sword, Zhao Ran found an excuse to go out and sent Zhang Wei to Zhou Yuk ink. The transmission distance of the fly is also limited, and if you leave too far, you can't receive it, this is the reason why he did not contact Zhou Yuk in several years.

I didn't expect this time, but I received the response of the other party, and Zhao Ran was very surprised.

"Zhang Fei people? It was a few years ago, it will be more than a few years ago. How did you ask him?"

"This person has been in anonymous in the Langki Palace two years ago, and the case is committed to him.

You first see if this Zhang is Zhang Fei. "

In the fly, Zhao Ran also sent the image of Linyi past, soon he got Zhou Yumei's confirmation: "It is this guy, jumping a beam."

After confirming, Zhao Ran asked the situation in the Lingli Island, Zhou Yuko cared only to fight, think that there is no special highlight of the Lingqi Island itself, including the island owner, but also just promoted refining. Repair, that is, there are more people, in order to rank one.

Zhao Ran asked the power of the worship of the Lantao, Zhou Yuko couldn't say clearly, and the maritime fighting and single-chasing struggle were very different concepts. She didn't care about this problem, but said that Lingqi island. There are many ships, indeed in the East China Sea, becoming a tyrant, starting to have a quite horizontal.

Zhao Ran also asked Zhou Yumei and Wutong Tao people to fight, Zhou Yuko's answer is: "He is a successful mage in two years ago. At that time, it was not my opponent. Today, the refining teacher, I want to fight, I will be more interesting. Go again. "

"How is your last?

"I can't talk about strong, I really want to be sure, I can't go in, the Wutong Tao people talk about the sea, saying ... Hey, not a good words, I will go to the door to challenge, so there is no one. Kill the phoenix, because he invited two formation big demon. "

"Rain ink, where are you now?"

"Coastal in Fujian, ready to go back to Da Junshan."

"Do you break the big master?"

"I have been born three years ago, I have not been worried about the work, I found out that overseas is still very good, so I am ready to make my homework. I listen to Song Sister said, you last year I have entered the big mage? Very good, think about it, when I entered the jade, you haven't access me yet, now I am chasing me. "

"Differently, you are a big mage for three years, based on the year, than I have two years."

"That's not good, maybe I have been in the past few days, you will refine the teacher and student infant."

"How many days? How is it? You also refine the teacher and student baby?"

"Ha ha......"

"Oh, what does it mean? I really want to refine my teacher? I will come back this time, how long is you planning to stay in Junshan?"

"Take another day, at least participate in the double-cultivation of you and Duanmu's hoe."

"Ah?" Zhao Ran did not expect himself to have a topic of how to open, and was smashed in Zhou Yu ink, and it was extremely pole.

"Ah? Don't say it, give you a gift, see it!"

At the end of Zhou Yuko, Zhao Ran's thoughts were messy, and it was a sense of emotion, and it was a regret, but also gratified, it was , and all kinds of emotions were intertwined.

Counting, and Zhou Yuko acquirted that it has been in 18 years, both of them have grown from the small Taoist Taoist Tonglong, and grow up for the big mage. The big master, I used to be my own, and now? Who will be the existence of myself and Zhou Yuk?

I have sent a crazy at the door, and the Wei Dynasty praised the head from the house: "Is it?"

Zhao Ran took the head and quickly entered the house, said: "Determine, Zhang Wei is Zhang Fei, one of the four generals."

The silence is a moment, the guards of the DPRK: "What do you think?"

Zhao Rui's rationality: "This thing involves all aspects, involving my chicken, your family's Lingji Palace, there is a Xingling Palace, Chao Tiandong, Hey, Yuanfu Palace also lost ship and cargo, so, I suggest Hold a coordination, discuss the problem of Lingchamish Island. "

Wei Dynasty nodded: "I agree."


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