Taoist Law

Chapter 77 Joint Doud

The coordination of the alliance of the capital is held in the gammon, because it is important, it is Zhao Ran to send an invitation letter, and each family is coming. The Wei Chaozong, the Tang Yaizu, the Tang Tiangong of the Timen Palace, Lu Xixing of the Tiantian Palace, the Zhao Zhixing of the Division of Division, and the Lu Yuanyuan of the Fautang also received the invitation to participate.

The coordination conference is very successful. Everyone dares to provoke the vast voyage of Lingqi Islands, and the behavior of private blockade is extremely indignant, especially in the sea selling, directly challenging the bottom line of the door, so the meeting will soon reach it. Consisten to, decided to take the following measures immediately:

First, to Shandong, Nanzhi, Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, issued the official documents of the smuggling of the Lingyao Island, requiring the above-mentioned coastal regions, etc., may not be with Lingqi Islands sea bread, once found, Take your smuggling.

Second, the reward is announced to the provinces of the province, and the four generals of the Lingqi Islands, the first level will be rewarded, and the number of people at all levels will be rewarded for people who arrested people, or provide important clues, give the highest five thousand two silver rewards. This applaneation is also announced to overseas monks.

Third, we wrote to the military department, it is recommended to rectify the Denmai, Songjiang, Dinghai Sanwei, and strengthen port defense.

Its four, set up a maritime auditorial fleet dominated by chicken, and strikes against Lingqi Island Smuggling Group.

In the coordination meeting, the only thing that appears in the controversial is how to give Lingchal Islands. According to the recommendations of Lucy, Tang Yaozu, it is necessary to settle the Linger Island as a national thief, which also represents the view of the Raytar and Sanqing Court.

However, Zhao Ran and Wei Chaozong did not want to make things a lot, especially Zhao Ran, once it is qualitatively, the nature is not the same, and when the nature is not the same, it is the war behavior, and it is necessary to lead the truth. , The impact is too big, things are more troublesome.

Zhao Ran's suggestion is that this is a joint anti-smuggling action, which belongs to handling. In this way, the leading power is in the hands of the Beijing-China's institutions, and even don't even have to report the real teacher, do it efficient and fast.

He highlighted that Lingqi Island will be very good at the battles, don't think that the Daming watermaster will be unloraity, the watermaster will not fight for many years, how to fight, the ship condition, who is not in the heart. In case of the sabot, it is a military loss, compared with the mistake of the case.

In such a analysis, Lu Xixing and Tang Yaizu have nothing to say, unanimously agree to a joint anti-smuggling action.

After the coordination will end, the parties began to fully operate, "Junshan Notes" and "The Imperial City" first force, count the harm of Hair's smuggling to Daming, with a variety of detailed examples and numbers to harm Summarizing three: It is the sulf daughter of the plunder and the court to be privately enjoyed. It is the source of sins that have killed the people's wife and even the family.

It is a manner that all kinds of robbery and murder's murderer.

At the same time, the chicken gods began to build a sea auditor.

To build a sea auditor, Zhao Ran's first thought is to examine the current water clerk and ship type to establish a fleet as a template.

The selected first aquary, the military camp is the nearest Songjiang Town. This exam was led by Lu Xixing. He is a person of Leisu Pavilion, and in the investigation of the military counseling, Zhao Ran accompanied Lu Xi Xing together.

The process of investigation, let Lu Xixing and Zhao Ran feel very disappointed. The entire Songjiang Shui Shui master has been rated for more than 5,000 people. I have more than 4,000 people. This proportion of email is still within the scope of acceptance, but with the vocabulary of Longtan Wei cattle, there are eight One thousand people are unlike sergeants.

If the cattle command makes the words, Songjiang Town has only 60% of the strength. Ok, as a watermaster who is not available in the big rear, there are 60% of it.

Let Zhao Ran's most unsatisfactory place is that there is only three five hundred sea boats, and the remaining 2 bars are below the thirty-eight, and nearly 70% is below the hundred.

Guardian command made a cry, Songjiang Wei has not added a new ship for 20 years, which is not easy to maintain the scale of the eyes.

Then, the watermaster drilled, the command made a word long snake array, then ... no then, the drill is successful! It is the ultimate that Songjiang Wei can do.

Zhao Ran and the command made a lot, the other person told him that there is no water war in hundreds of years, the watermaster has always been like this, the so-called battles, more used for fishing rather than the car - the car is not used, top There are more existence. Their farthest patrol distance is twenty-four miles away from the coast.

At this point, Lu Xixing and Zhao Ran have ended the Songjiang Wei's inspection. At the same time, I decided not to go to Duanwei and Dinghaiwei. Sea Chengping hundreds of years, the watermaster has no use of martial arts, the situation of Duanwei and Dinghawei, I want more than half The same is true.

Lu Xixing said: "Well, there is no way to use the watermaster before we have, otherwise it is generous."

Zhao Rong said: "For a point of view, it is not a good thing. If it is not the case, who can think of me in the sea without a defense? In advance, we have exploded in front of us, and it is better to find more than the future."

Lu Xixing said: "Where will there be a war? For thousands of years, I have never heard of the wars."

Zhao Rong said: "Maybe it has been decades, hundreds of years, hey, scare you!"

For the investigation of Songjiang Wei, Zhao Ran has a preliminary idea to buy any ship type. In July, Zhao Ran came to Longjiang Shipyard to investigate the development and production status of shipping.

Longjiang Shipyard is Daming's largest shipyard. It is built in Taizu years. The people under the jurisdiction of civil shipyards and Xinjiangkou shipyards, including the civil shipyard, a shipyard, a shipyard, and the new Jiangkou shipyard. And warship.

Zhao Ran's inspection is the new river mouth shipyard. Two months ago, the new boat that made amber people in the amber will be created here. Today, there is just a keel on the ship, and the surrounding wood is generally stacked. Come and go, very busy.

Because this ship is a "Road Fa" boat, the amber of the monk naturally became the main designer of this project - other traits did not understand the law, only with his opinion.

The amber man introduced Zhao Ran: "Total wood four hundred and sixty materials, according to the classifier, belongs to zero 56, underwater, absorbing the way of the ship, canceling the shipping of the deck. Flat flat Each row can put four stone volumes of large wooden cabinets, regulate the twelve row, two layers, and can put six large wooden cabinets in the middle. If we load rice, you can carry the thousands of stone according to the two-story regulation, if it is more Heavy ore, you can only have a layer or one half. "

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